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Everything posted by Mal

  1. What are you listening to?

    Weird synchronicity. Just though I'd drop in for a look before going cd shopping and I've been listening to Sigur Ros and Manu Chao this week I love Mr Bobby IFire Manu Chao song I ever heard. Hey Bobby Marley Sing something good to me, yeh This world go crazy It's an emergency, Wooh And Bongo Bongo (very similar) and Merry Blues and .... well they are all great!
  2. The verdict is in . . .

    I like to think of myself as "insane idiot" I do stuff the majority of people (thats PC for "normal) think is insane And when I don't feel like an idiot its because I'm confused p.s. How did the chat with the grandfather go, been thinking of you.
  3. Saludos to all

    Hi Zumbao, Welcome to the 'bums. I hope I end up doing Tai Chi for at least 25 years. Must feel nice. I started as a kid but I only really "count" from my current teacher. And thanks for putting extreme centrist in your intro, it was weird enough that I goggled it Rofl Cool You will definitely have fun here
  4. Kunlun, Max, Beliefs

    Rofl. I love all you guys and girls for serving, thank you. But I'm saddened by the fact that our leaders are fools making wrong choices. When I was a kid I wanted to join and kill "bad guys" too but I just don't know who the "bad guys" are anymore. I feel sorry for those in the armed forces. But it was promising to hear that the US wants to move away from its "Lone Ranger" approach and acknowledging the fact that even their allies don't like it's bullying tactics. Anyhow returning you to Jerry Springer.... let the insanity continue
  5. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    I find that sometimes the next verse will help you to understand the previous one, they all sort of interrelate. and with that in mind 33. It is ridiculous to say either 'I have not realized the Self' or 'I have realized the Self'; are there two selves, for one to be the object of the other's realization? It is a truth within the experience of everyone that there is only one Self.
  6. What happens if you die?

    It good to be insistent because this topic comes up a bit and it never really gets answered, at least not in a way that I really understand and not with many Taoist references. We tend to have to fall back on Buddhism. Unlike Christianity Taoism just does not seem to say anything about what happen after you die. Thanks for the good explanation Unconditioned. It helped me. About the only real "Taoist quote" I remember about death is to do with grieving [looking for chang tzu] actually it's in a post on the 2nd page here that thread is related to this topic From what I've gathered your self (i.e. for me Mal) finishes with the death of the physical body. [full stop] haha Whatever you actually are continues on as it always has. Again from what I've gathered "Taoist immortality" offers a way for the "self" (i.e. Mal) to live longer either physically or spiritually. Which must be a misunderstanding on my part as you come to realise that that self is just an illusion..... A confusing but good topic.
  7. Thanks Adam, I could fly in sat morning @8. I think the air train & taxi will get me to the cost about 9, could be a touch late. And fly out 7pm sunday. So thats $278 flights, seminar $200, accommodation ~$100 spending money/transport/food ~$200. I can be a bit shy after a day of meeting new people so I would probably like a room to collapse in by myself Not too expensive, I'll just have to run it past the boss Have a tax bill we need to pay
  8. Sean... seriously...

    Sig took the number of posts vs how long you have been here. Because Lozen said the stats weren't fair because some people have been here for longer wasn't fair. Although I think if you combine Spirit Ape & Wun Yuen Gong you would have the true winner. Although G does not post as much as SA as he did as WYG. Nice to see Cam is still up there too after a year of posting hardly anything What does it mean....well what does anything mean especially statistics
  9. hey guys

    Hi Edify Existence Welcome to the 'bums aka the mind expansion zone Hope your time here continues to improver your cultivation practices. Have fun
  10. Sean... seriously...

    If it helps I find you much more helpful than MTS ever was
  11. Hi there ^^

    Hi bakeneko, Welcome to the questioning 'bums Ask away
  12. good "energy" toys ~$50

    Sorry, I may have mis read. I acknowledge the HHG I link is not made of true orgonite (or am I getting confused with ormus ) But I felt that a HHG would have a positive effect, even with cheep materials, due to the layout of crystals. like this video here aka I brought it because I'm not crafty enough to make one
  13. good "energy" toys ~$50

    That's o.k I can't buy the stuff that you do in my price bracket And I'm not spending those sort of $$ on something that "out there" This might be the cheapest pyramid around But I think I'll get the effect I'm after with my cheap one.
  14. Sean... seriously...

    Bring it on & how do you think I make so many posts. If I didn't have net access I'd probably have to look for another job A Tie! (better make another post) Mal 9-January 07 1,751 11 6.01% DarinHamel 25-October 06 1,318 11 6.01%
  15. Thanks for the info. Any idea what time the seminars usually start and finish? I'm working out if I can arrive on the Saturday morning and fly out Sunday night. (The gold cost contact is on a meditation retreat till the 5/2 )
  16. good "energy" toys ~$50

    They always are (apparently) Got my HHG on the way from Even if it doesn't "go off" it looks pretty Been talking to Don Croft via email about a zapper. Seems like a cool guy. But I've spent my "toy" budget for this pay..... trying to wait........ trying........ must not buy more stuff ...... edit: and my fish finally ate something! He still is not intrested in the fish food. But I captured an insect, guess he prefers live food
  17. taichi and brazilian jiujitsu

    Just say you read it in The Fence or The Art of Fighting Without Fighting by Geoff Thompson
  18. We Could All Use A Good Laugh

    I hate it when people record me (btw I think he said Mat) Your junk mail is delivered with lots of love in Croyden...apparently!
  19. Sean... seriously...

    Fair? They just need to post more or try the daily board
  20. Any suggestions? Note Aus is one of the few places in the universes where Salvia is illegal. Anyone living in Australia or its territories who is considering being involved with this plant is urged to first obtain professional legal advice. A person who receives Salvia divinorum, or products made from it, face very severe criminal penalties in Aus. It is a schedule 9 drug here
  21. Hello

    Hi StationaryMonkey Welcome to the 'bums. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay before you continue you journey westward
  22. good martial arts sites

    I'm guessing you have been to It's one of the most popular
  23. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Sweet, I look forward to hearing how it goes. May the Force Fu be with us