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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Warning points thing

    best viewed in widescreen
  2. What if it was simple

    Break it downWhy are you working? It is. Faith
  3. Can't sign out of my account

    It's a known bug with this version. a previous TTB thread best current work around seems to still be deleting cookies
  4. Who REALLY owns the forums

    I agree ... arr crap should have said nothing .... err edit and
  5. What is the point

    Life is constant change Loving kindness 1. Start with by directing love and kindness towards yourself 2. Next direct love and kindness towards towards someone you feel thankful for or someone who has helped you. 3. Now direct love and kindness towards someone you feel neutral about. 4. Direct love and kindness towards people you don't like or who you are having a hard time with. 5. Finally direct love and kindness towards towards everyone universally. When I feel issues are more "K related" I find the 4 chi sets from KAP highly effective in earthing/rooting excessive energetics ... but loving kindness is "free" and EXTREMELY beneficial (as the link said "better than sex and appropriate for kids")
  6. Who REALLY owns the forums

    I remember when it was Cameron who had "lots of post", with Yoda way out in front with 6k posts Most of mine were removed when I deleted my personal practice threads, and many more are from moderation (hence not public) So the figure is unfairly inflated ... plus I'd recommend ignoring any actual posts as I rarely know what I'm talking about
  7. What is the point

    While I don't think the "point" = the "goal" none the less Having that sort of experience tends to change peoples perspective, often quite drastically. vs Trying to understand that sort of experience, without having had the experience. exercise: try loving kindness meditation for 21 days (or perhaps even just 7) and IME you will/should "discover" the point
  8. Well I'll be back in my box (cubicle) soon and wondered if anyone has good energy toys to ward of "negative vibes" and create a "peaceful prosperous environment" Thinking orgon, HHH that sort of thing. I'm looking for something that fits my 3 criteria of "Cool Looking" - I want people to be able to pick it up, touch it, wonder what it is? "Cheap" - around $50US but would pay more (or use it at home) if it's "Noticeably Effective" Thanks in advance
  9. Deep blue... :)

    Every "thing" (is already) connected. but do what you both feel is right
  10. Suspension

    ^ Well I'd take that as a complement YMMV
  11. Suspension

    Seriously, while I don't know what it looked like to you. It took a LOT of effort for me to remain on speaking terms with yourself and Stig ..... Meanwhile Sean an I have barely exchanged an email since (although given what I said I can understand that)
  12. Suspension

    Scotty... If you argued your points like this when I was moderating, I'd regret the efforts I took to remain friends with you
  13. New Game

    If I = "center of all of reality" then distribute I throughout all reality goto start (not really happy with the program, but actually had fun thinking about the game)
  14. Suspension

    reminded me more of the tardis Enjoy your adventure ;-)
  15. Got Any Fiction Recommendations? I'm going to have a go at last legends of earth. I've had these books for a while but they only seem like "the right book to read" at "certain times" (I took several tries to get through the 1st chapter of Arc)
  16. @ Flolfolil Nice . sig rofl
  17. Got Any Fiction Recommendations?

    Access February 2013's newsletter (with the free ebook code) from Phoenix Pick by clicking below: It's Arc of the Dream, VERY enjoyable How did Attanasio get so wise about "this stuff" ?
  18. vintage ads: Drugs

    I enjoyed that :-) But I thought those goggles were only for use "in hindsight"
  19. Not sure how true this is as it's from a Facebook post
  20. It's actually "bigger" than that. "No personal attacks" is just the bit everyone remembers Rules and punishments don’t change behaviour, having love for others does.
  21. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 5

    :-) I only got into the I Ching because of this book, and as I prefer Walkers translation in this case I'm going back to looking at the stars (very pretty with no moon currently visible)
  22. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    and this is on topic in the "Trolling and Off-topic disruptions" thread ? edit to add :: TTB tradition seems to be beat that dead horse until the original topic is forgotten and to cross post anything you are passionate about into whatever active thread you can find.
  23. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Oh I had forgotten the tradition
  24. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    I think you are looking for Godwin's law , but it's not about wining or losing a discussion its about what happens in long discussion threads "Godwin's Law of Nazi Analogies is an argument made by Mike Godwin in 1990 that has become an Internet adage. It states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"