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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mak Tin Si Forum

    Is MTS back posting (I hope so)........ or is he sulking edit: online posting somewhere, welcome back MTS
  2. good "energy" toys ~$50

    Thanks for the info, must be a bit less "bulky" than it appears. Cheers
  3. Please pray for my dog candy.

    I'm not too sure what the thoughts are. But I wish Candy all the best in the next journy. And my best wishes for you during this difficult time.
  4. Would ?? a bit strong I'd got with "might " Although we are not going to have one just to test the theory
  5. tooth regeneration

    Was going to get some tooth soap but that AWARD voucher is no longer valid Not noticing any difference from that Ayurvedic Toothpaste so stopped using it. Still got some fluoride Listerine mouthwash that I use occasionally. Was a bit worried by the chalk in Uncle Harry's too will probably eventually get some Dr. Bronner's Currently brushing with soap (errr this one It's the only bar soap I have, it's the only one that helps with chafing and sweat rash over summer.
  6. Chinese New Year

    Wow, thats a LOT of rules Here most of the Chinese restaurants "celebrate" for a few days. On the CNY and also whatever days "inbetween" that gets them to their big trading days of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And they have fireworks
  7. Looking for directions

    Hi Mr. White. Welcome to the 'bums. I'm sure you will have fun here. There are a few tao bums studying in China. Not everyone looks in the lobby so it could be worthwhile putting a post in Taoist Discussion stating where you are, and if anyone knows any teachers nearby. Have fun.
  8. sup dudes & dudettes

    Yo Billy K Welcome to da 'bums. Kick back and chill.
  9. Tai Shi ~ Internal Breathing

    And that's the beginning what about 1,000. Even assuming a rapid 60 BPM that's over 16 minutes
  10. That's what would have to change. We just like being selfish. Plus we have been living just like we did during Uni for years now For a "Taoist" I don't like change much
  11. You are great!

    When I saw it was 16 min long I decided to wait a while But finally the time was right. What a great movie, I cried Everyone here is so cool. What a great site. Love
  12. Glad you posted that. I was going to say, what happens if you decide to have a child, your world turns upside down and you don't like it anymore. It's not like you can return said child for a refund Good parents really do seem to give everything to there kids. Bad parents seem to ignore or even actively resent their kids. I'd rather not try then find out I'm in option 2 Actually speaking of "trying" I'm not sure if it was my upbringing with "safe sex" being drummed into us all the time. But the idea of having sex TO make her pregnant is ...... well it's a creepy, unpleasant, dare I say even abhorrent, feeling for me. That said. Perhaps if I had a partner desperately wanting kids, wanting to raise them herself with my only involvement being in the "good stuff" (playing, teaching) then ..... perhaps I could..... perhaps. Still seems "weird" to me
  13. relationships and practice

    It's probably misleading to say it's a "balance" My partner works shift work and we are pretty independent, spending 2 years as well as 18 mts in separate towns in our 19 year history. Basically I'm selfish she knows I'll be practicing "weird hippy stuff" for up 2 two hours everyday. Similarly I know she will be needing her "own time" going for a swim, reading a book, or studying. The only way we could do this with kids would be to have a nanny, or if someone is willing to give up their lifestyle for ~18 years
  14. L1 so you're telling us you're married with children I can see how having to sacrifice yourself to look after your children would be "good cultivation". As you pointed out there is a huge amount of dedication and real-life involvement needed as well as putting your child's needs before your own. But I know people who have children because it's the "thing to do" and basically continue to live their old lives and ignore their kids, it's very sad. I also know couples where one person continues to live their life and burdens the other with "raising the kids" i.e. the old husband - breadwinner wife-houskeeper/nanny model of marriage. And I know many people get into this without thought, or by accident, and just have to live it out! Personally it took us 2 years (no joke) to decide if we were responsible enough to look after kittens! Perhaps I'll regret not having kids. I do sometimes wish I'd picked a "mother" rather than a "friend" But the only way we could look after kids is if I decided to drop everything and become a house husband. The resentment at my "loss" would not make me a good Dad. Others are doing enough to keep the population growing, it's not for me......
  15. help me please!

    Hi boricua_tao, Good to see this thread in Taoist Discussion, my post from tech support copied below. Good to hear you are getting something from the Hua Hu Ching. I really enjoy that book. Mal
  16. Mak_Tin_Si

    then our discussions (in personal practice) would change places all the time. How would we ever find our seats (I have a nice spot near a window ) Still I find it weird that people use "view new posts"........ each to their own
  17. You heard it here first

    Seriously I have always had a pet theory that if you want to escape "the wheel of life and death".... then not perpetuating your genes might be the first step. (now I'm definitely less popular than Max )