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Everything posted by Mal

  1. help me please

    Hi boricua_tao, Breath deeply, relax. That is one of the common thing you hear about in Taoism, the importance of deep relaxed breathing. Taoism is very different to Christianity. Taoism does not talk much about life after death heaven or hell and things like that. Taoism focuses on NOW. Taoism cares about how you feel, not what a God or a Priest tells you to feel. I am sorry to hear that your sister is having problems. Her questions about sin and hell are difficult questions to answer. I can not answer them either, so do not feel stupid for not answering her. And nobody knows "what it Tao" Tell your sister that no matter what you will always love her, always be there for her and always ready to help her. I want to help more, but I do not know how. Perhaps these verses from the Hua Hu Ching will help you both. One I teach the Integral Way of uniting with the great and mysterious Tao. My teachings are simple; if you try to make a religion or science of them, they will elude you. Profound yet plain, they contain the entire truth of the universe. Those who wish to know the whole truth take joy in doing the work and service that comes to them. Having completed it, they take joy in cleansing and feeding themselves. Having cared for others and for themselves, they then turn to the master for instruction. This simple path leads to peace, virtue, and abundance. Two Men and women who wish to be aware of the whole truth should adopt the practices of the Integral Way. These time-honored disciplines calm the mind and bring one into harmony with all things. The first practice is the practice of undiscriminating virtue: take care of those who are deserving; also, and equally, take care of those who are not. When you extend your virtue in all directions without discriminating, your feet are firmly planted on the path that returns to the Tao. Three Those who wish to embody the Tao should embrace all things. To embrace all things means first that one holds no anger or resistance toward any idea or thing, living or dead, formed or formless. Acceptance is the very essence of the Tao. To embrace all things means also that one rids oneself of any concept of separation; male and female, self and other, life and death. Division is contrary to the nature of the Tao. Foregoing antagonism and separation, one enters in the harmonious oneness of all things. Four Every departure from the Tao contaminates one's spirit. Anger is a departure, resistance a departure, self- absorption a departure. Over many lifetimes the burden of contaminations can become great. There is only one way to cleanse oneself of these contaminations, and that is to practice virtue. What is meant by this? To practice virtue is to selflessly offer assistance to others, giving without limitation one's time, abilities, and possessions in service, whenever and wherever needed, without prejudice concerning the identity of those in need. If your willingness to give blessings is limited, so also is your ability to receive them. This is the subtle operation of the Tao. You can read more here Peace.
  2. You heard it here first

    LOL, I'm sure it will be fine, change is the only constant. All the best to you my brother.
  3. "Easy is right. Begin right and you are easy. Continue easy and you are right. The right way to go easy is to forget the right way And forget that the going is easy." Chuang Tzu
  4. You heard it here first

    No (personally I don't like children Gasp!) but since there isn't much Jonathan can do now........ pointing out the above perhaps isn't helpful Especially as there seems to be a bit of (understandable) panic between the lines. But I'm sure he will be happy p.s. Always pretend to like children & talking about children, otherwise parents (the majority) will NOT be amused
  5. Magnetic Qi Kung

    $187.00 !!! I'll let someone else test that one I think this is the system Peter Ragnar sells in blitz magazine telling people they can edge grip stacks of 45lb weight plates? IIRC nobody has posted "results" on the net. So if people are trying this they are not telling anyone! I think it has been discussed here before. I remember people saying that you can get the magnets by themselves rather cheaply. edit: here Not so much this system but I find magnets rather interesting. I have a bio-magnetic back brace that seems to make my back feel better than just a support without magnets.
  6. Haiku Chain

    Oh? Nope. Can't say that Sit-up, push-up, squat and stretch. smooth bum now sexy
  7. Haiku Chain

    School? I never went. Life as a cactus, I have spent. Prickly without shave.
  8. hello

    Hi .k. Welcome to the 'bums. The pressure is on for us to produce worthwhile discussions Hope you have fun here regardless
  9. good "energy" toys ~$50

    Thanks for the feedback, I was quite attracted to the purple plate (weird) but clearing surroundings is something I'm looking for. Perhaps we got a bit distracted with the "come and look at my cool stuff" angle. I usually have a few Hanamay puzzles on my desk for that Excellent quality. Very cheap (I'm slowly collecting them). Hours of fun. Especially for me since I'm not good at puzzles. Good fun for my friends too because they solve them much faster than I do Back to cleansing. I have a little sandalwood fan that I like, good to use at work. Not too sure how the smoke alarms would enjoy a touch of incense Although D can smell just the sticks I need to burn it and Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa Incense is about the only one I use. Was having some clay earlier and read that a bit of pascalite can create a good "feel" to an environment.
  10. Tai Shi ~ Internal Breathing

    Not with a that long inbreath pattern (have not tried) but definitely feel a hot belly from tumo. For me thats a 3 breath per minute pattern, perhaps its related to the frequency of breathing and co ordination of :-
  11. You heard it here first

    Congratulations Jonathan and Family
  12. Yes, much more than just relaxation Spontaneous practices like Jenny's and Kunlun have been a favorite at TTB for a year or so. Many have had good results, some have had spectacular results & some no results at all. YMMV but if it's your "thing" you will have a great experience.
  13. Love the analogy I also think there is a lot of power in thought forms/archetypes that are created by a lineage or tradition. i.e. if you are in a lineage or tradition where people have put their energy into beleifes over time. You can pick up on that energy without having to reinvent the wheel, so to speak. Want to go to heaven? If you are a Buddhist call on Amitābha Buddha, Christian call on Jesus. But a lineage or tradition will also be restrictive, if you follow it, you must stay on the "correct" path. is a "modern" problem? We have so much choice these days. Or it seems so. I did chose to do Tai Chi but I stuffed about for years doing it till I found a good local teacher and started to make progress. I didn't "chose" to learn Tong Long, it was the only think in physical proximity to me, and I chose it because I wanted to stay with my teacher. Only over time did I come to appreciate Tong Long as an Art. I chose to do Kunlun, but circumstances didn't "click" for what I "wanted". I didn't chose KAP, again it was the only thing available to me, distance learning over the net. And much like Tong Long I feel I have found a diamond in the coal. So before the net and easily available books, we would only be seagulls who have never even seen a whale
  14. Mak_Tin_Si

    Don't all strongly religious people give of that vibe to people on a different path? Agreed, I hope he continues to share with us in an appropriate manner.
  15. and denied to us down under 'bums
  16. Getting Off The Net

    If true then all the best..... If you are just "giving up" because of these "hacking problems" then don't give up. Life is a battle worth fighting. Regardless I hope we have been of some help to you. I will miss you my brother.
  17. Hi and happy new year

    multi-orgasmic is obtainable I recomend "Dr" Lin's methods, you can check it out, as well as Chi related stuff on Trunk's site here look for Lin's Links An introduction to Dr. Lin's site, theory, methods. Everything is on Lin's site but personally I got the CD, much more "logical" than the web site. Have fun
  18. Attention Sean

    ROFLMAO "We come in peace (shoot to kill!)" FlTMXiqbDZU&feature=related
  19. For dog lovers- becareful!

    I'm happy for your success ; I love cats. If I use intent and "throw" energy at them when I'm doing kung fu they will move from where they are sitting (really weird) Mine won't cross a circle either, also really weird. I find dogs a bit too friendly, I like an animal that will ignore you This thread is really cool... it's like fu vs poo
  20. Attention Sean

    I think so, so using that e-mail account you created a user ID and password, yet when you tried to log in using that e-mail account and password you got "incorrect password" then you re-created 3 other users id's, using the same e-mail account withing an hour, and could not log into any of them. Thanks for trying to help me understand (really late for practice now, must stop posting )
  21. For dog lovers- becareful!

    Very true, definitely no hard feelings. It's cool to talk with you. I hope we work out some sort of posting arrangement that doesn't drive you away. I appreciate your info on your system and beliefs.
  22. Attention Sean

    Sorry my brother, I'm still confused. By "password to my old one" do you mean 'gossamer' that you are using now. unsure what you mean by "deleted" in this context, i.e. I'm sure that was not the error message that the computer gave. I need to go practice and clear my thoughts....... not sure how to help unhappy Lets just try one problem at a time please
  23. For dog lovers- becareful!

    Look at that you sound like a real person Good stuff This is what we DO here. Take a topic and discuss it from all angles, examine all the implications. Rather than just flooding facts for unquestioning belief. edit my fault you just gave a method to test the poo = bad luck hypothesis. Eg from reading this, I don't believe stepping in dog poo is bad luck, I want to keep pets, therefor I don't want to be a religious taoist in your system Note I didn't just say TAOIST because I feel Taoist is a bit more encompassing than your definition.