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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Encounters with the Nagual

    Found a torrent on pirate bay but with only one seed it's not downloading Edit: went to many trackers, finally found 1 active seed. Thanks www
  2. Desire changes over time. While you are waiting for a change try to do something different with the energy Yes "lustfull" "sexobject" desires transform rather nicely when you add a bit of love and compassion to them. A nice one I read here is if you see someone "sexy" instead of battling your desire happily share the energy you suddenly have with that person. Look them in the eyes, smile. If feels nice and is appreciated. As long as there is love, not just pure lust, in there. So if you are going to reflect schoolgirls try for "loved grandfather" rather than "raincoat brigade" ok
  3. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    Yes, before you was a tiny thing, hiding and clinging. Now You is everything and nothing. It is still you, just no longer clinging to being you. (more fun than typing I all the time ) Ohh could that be because intellectual knowledge, reinforces the ego's feeling of separation? Someone wrote the problem with intellectual knowledge is no mater how much you know, there is always something else that you don't know. "Knowing" with wisdom or direct experience is a different sort of "knowing".
  4. Abstaining from masturbation

    Sort of meant we focus too much on sex mechanics and gloss over everything else that is part of relationships. Definitely need to love ourselves more, not a joke. Perhaps have sex with ourselves a bit less (that's the joke Agree that the fairytale "happy ever after relationship" may just be a fairytale. Arranged marriages seem to have about as much chance of achieving "happy ever after" as a marriage based on love. Perhaps building everyone up to "Expect" blissful happiness ever after is unfair. The older notion of marrying for duty / family advantage may have been more "honest"
  5. Making rain

    That's sort of the key with this stuff, or magic in general I guess. If there is usually rain, but it's late and crops are failing (isn't that the traditional "set up" in the fables?) Are you not trying to..... well push in the right direction and restore balance. I imaging a pattern like a sine wave, you have more "chance" of success if you are pushing with the wave, not against it. Good timing of topic with Anahata
  6. Forum Addiction

    I like nonsense too I ain't no addict though...
  7. Making rain

    Currently yes, apparently that's normal. For the first few years I was here is didn't rain much in summer. Also lots of good conditions for rain make it an easier "hit" for a rain experiment e.g. Today I managed to increase the intensity of the rain shower I was practicing in and it went away after I finished practice. Of course I had a good chance, there were scatted showers lasting about 1/2 an hour all day. I also don't report that I was unsuccessful increasing wind and that was what I was "focused on", The wind just went from nothing, to a slight puff when I finished. But I'll "claim" the rain Disappointingly it was rather warm rain, but I'll claim successful tumo helping me withstand the harsh conditions Cloud manipulation is perhaps more testable? What was that machine that makes cloud vortexes over peoples houses again?
  8. Abstaining from masturbation

    Rofl, we are all old friends here MTS offering help is good nomad check with medical doctor, better safe than sorry But I'm with mantis, while most of the traditional evidence supports retention. It seems to suggest attempting retention is difficult/impossible without expert guidance. The value of using/circulating aroused sexual energy is a divided debate. Yes? But I'm not sure we should therefor conclude masturbation is wrong. About all that could do is give rise to guilt. What benefit? The uncoupling of love and sex is the REAL problem
  9. Making rain

    I know, feeling playful Making wind and rain are within the realms of possibility, but not a skill in my possession.
  10. Making rain

    It seems to be raining more than usual here since I started KAP
  11. Winnie the Fu

    I though this was the funny thread, this snafu is making me fubar (not really)
  12. Magic

    I'd use different terminology to chaos magic, but I like your thinking.
  13. This is the only other Hua Hu Ching I know of but have not read it Are there more?
  14. hello

    Greetings, Quan Xie Welcome to the 'bums. Learn the way. Enjoy the journey.
  15. lets answer stuff by quoting scripture was going to quote 2 but Thirty-Eight Why scurry about looking for the truth? works better
  16. Ello

    Welcome to the 'bums Paulie, You have come at an opportune time. This thread just appeared I also love Chang Tzu;hl=Chang+tzu and some different translations;hl=Chang+tzu Have fun.
  17. Haiku Chain

    clothes that become you. cap with love, smile and add a FU for any ill
  18. I love the Hua Hu Ching. I try to read a chapter a day. Excellent little book, lives beside my bed. Possibly the BEST Taoist book !!!! Thank you very much for the link Yes he said so in the intro I am permanently indebted to Master Hua Ching Ni for sharing his version of these teachings... My work is largely based upon his teaching.
  19. Bugs me but I'll get over it. Probably because I just look in Taoist Discussion for the threads that I'm interested in. Don't like going back pages and pages. Can't even remember which threads I've been discussing things in Also I feel his information is more "information for reference" than "discussion". If he was just an idiot posting rubbish I wouldn't care. But I feel like I could be missing something interesting if I don't read them. But then days later when I think "oh yes, now which post was that I'd like to read it again" I can't find the post. Anyhow off to find that kidney medicine post..... Perhaps we will get an easier search engine for new years Or a few extra forums, like "Traditional Taoist" that people have been asking for a bit. But that bookclub does not get many posts, even I post book related stuff in general due to traffic Or Pietro's TAG option for searching would be nice It's good to see the place grow edit: although there is only 1 MTS thread on the front page. The "Discussion" always lags the "reality" Funny how we are always witch hunting someone Mak Tin Si The guy in the rain coat (how quick I forget) Patric Brown Proctor WYG Kunlun threads Foundation threads etc
  20. Dark Night of the Soul

    Hi dizzyspirit, I'm sorry to hear that. There are 1,000's of methods out there. You should post in general discussion as you will get a lot of responses since most of us use different methods. Personally I got a bit stuck due to the amount of choice out there. Often pick and choose different bits from different methods. Then because there are so many "ways" I try one for a bit then switch. Only ever touching the surface and never progressing. That is my problem with wanting quick results or just "wanting" results in general. You have 7 yrs of meditation experience, so you may not have my problem A teacher lets you put your faith in one "way" so you can happily practice and let your teacher guide you. It's so much easier with a teacher to help and guide you The KEY for me was Tai Chi. Learning it got me to a place where I wanted to practice kung fu. I practice everyday. No matter how depressed, down or sick I might feel I just make myself warm up and do some chi gungs. Usually I'll feel a touch better and do some forms, keep practicing and low and behold I've finished my practice. If it's a really bad day I'll then sulk off, but at least I had relief for an hour or so and have something to look forward to tomorrow. Lot's of methods help. Apart from Tai Chi and kung fu I've personally also got benefit from. loving kindness meditation. I learn from a Buddhist, it's good. An online course called KAP Great if you want a teacher but nobody in person that you can go to. If you want something to happen FAST from a book try Kunlun p.s. Welcome to the 'bums. Hope you have fun here
  21. Well said Pietro, I've noticed Mak_Tin_Si is great to talk to and has lost (ha ha should be lots) of information. But he also misunderstands us quite a bit. Hopefully this will be on the same wavelength.
  22. The FU that is annoying

    People can do and say what they like So personally I have 2 ideas for topics but I'm not posting them at the moment because they will just get flooded down the board by Mak_Tin_Si's various threads. "hot topics and arguments" are discussions, and that's why I like it here. It's a discussion forum, not a soapbox where you need to shout down the person with the loudest voice