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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Anal breathing, like everything gets better, more relaxed and natural with practice Personally I like to get a flow going with my breathing. Back and up rather than the, "going out from the groin" feeling. Connecting with the breath. Breath down into the bladder and compress. Then scrotum, perinuim ,anus, up the spine. I try to keep the pc relaxed. PC seems to naturally pulse when actively "pumping" and I basically physically clench anus and bum to do than. Hands and feet are good to help pump with. With practice becomes much less physical, more.... you just pull the "energy feeling" away ?!?! Strong physical action can help if you start pumping a bit "late".... sometimes But staying in touch and feeling what is going on. Once you learn "when it's time" it's more mental. Slowly developed over a year, sometimes really in control, sometime/often disappointing when learning "when it's time". Not "hard" to achieve, more like opening up to a different sensation. More a co-ordination than an isolation. Still prefer to use this ~ 3 times then EJ, otherwise never want to stop Aneros helped with learning, feeling tension, feeling different muscles, relaxation and different sensations too
  2. ROFL This is like watching a cowboy and an indian talking to each other with sign language! Lets make it worse Lets say there was a society where if people didn't believe in a certain definition of God they would be dammed to hell for all eternity. Lets say there was a different society where people believe that after death you would be reincarnated the quality of which is dependent on previous good or bad deeds. Can it be made clear that one is right and the other is wrong? That one has "true inner knowing", the other "not" Because I use to begrudgingly believe one, now I lean more towards the other. I guess if I'm not sure then I don't have "true inner knowing" so have to rely on others authority to "tell" me the correct path. But what if I truly believed in my heart of hearts, a true inner knowing, that only one was right. Can this feeling be incorrect and how would I tell? ......... mmmmmm I guess this is not a good topic to try to discus after all... we are likely going in circles Perhaps you really do just "know it when you know it" and it's inexplicable.
  3. Our Story

    ? confused. and ? confused
  4. Sorry was distracted by the cute girl in long striped socks at 0:40 Edit : going to have to toss in the Gantz credits. warning, contains graphic images and some nudity! z7EsSrAZlQU Well the young lady is referred to as Miss Melons! In fact Gantz is a very disturbing anime. Both visually and mentally. I love it a LOT But it's not for those under 18
  5. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Thanks Albion you are a good man too. We can fix this together, everyone's helping
  6. Our Story

    Mal S******* BA Psychology. So I know what the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) lists for sociopaths
  7. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Mental note, do not post when tired It's all to do with attitude. If it helps I'll talk about me. People try to kill me every day. Perhaps I should blame them. They are just useless car drivers after all, so brain dead they can't see me approaching (at well over the speed limit!) Idiots!!! Does attributing my reason, change their actions, no. If I keep reliving the past does it change things, no. Do I use these events to change my behavior, no. So why do people try to kill me everyday....... People do this sort of stuff all the time. "D didn't send us a Xmas present AGAIN, she hates us. I think I'll call her and abuse her." Well the reality was the present got droped inside the post office and we didn't get contacted till the 23rd (had to pay $6 postage, they could have sent it for us!) so it's currently still in the mail. But that's my "family member" Do you know I almost wrote a letter to WDQ tonight telling him I'd applied for membership 2x and got nothing back and couldn't download the e book or even get a new password.... turns out my spam filter was eating those emails... lucky I deleted that post before I sent it I've said it before and I'm sorry but couldn't some of these "hacks" just be errors or bugs. Can you consider it as a possibility? Eg. My computer has remembered my password to this site. I don't log in to post here. So I'm confused at how you jumped to. He has hacked me and is following me here because I don't have to log in or use a password. Eg I see you have gossamer running aging, I thought you got locked out and had to use gossamer7. And the sudo problems sound like a password error IMHO. I know it's really annoying but a story from the past just does not help us "fix" things, so many unknown variables. And the past is gone anyhow, it's just our memories. Another one. "HOW are you going to get David and friend's TO TELL THE TRUTH? They have lied about me, all over the internet, and got me thrown off at least one other forum" Eg. you said white moon was David, he said he wasn't. Is he telling the truth? Honestly does it really matter? If people are spreading lies about you the best thing to do is just not to be bothered by it. The only other option is to physically stop them. Which action is most helpful........if you want peace it's not the physical one. Getting worked up over it is exactly what people trying to annoy you want. Little effort on their part but big effect on you. So I'm not saying the effect isn't real. If I was as upset as you I'd be at the fireboming houses stage long ago. But if you want peace, then give peace. It's not easy, that's why the world mostly hates. But I think you are strong enough to do it. Despite all the emotion you are still here trying, People are still trying to help, It's all good love Mal
  8. Displaying my impressive knowledge of Ba Gwa I notice the top pic has the unbroken yang lines in the 12 o'clock position (QIAN ?) While the bottom pic has the 1 yin 2 yang at 12 o'clock (XUN ?) and noticing the writing around the yinyang is off tilt I wonder if the sticker has been misplaced in the 2nd pic? I've also see this layout used, different sequence to the symbols but I'm not sure why.
  9. Hello;

    Hi teopakees, Welcome to the "bums. May all be revealed! Have fun
  10. Perhaps because we like them There are a few customs floating about, Curebum and Jedi spring to mind. I occasionally feel like changing mine Freak Weirdo they could be good, I liked extremely enlightened immortal supermaster of tao but Taobum is rather cool
  11. Hi alexandrov, I've never really grown out of my teenage stay up all night, sleep all day pattern (it's 2:25 am currently ) and I find as soon as I no longer have social pressures or work forcing me to get up at the "correct" time I seem to want to stay up till dawn then go to sleep. I also like to get up in the morning on weekends, sleep the afternoon away and then get up at sunset till around 2am and repeat. I call that my 4 day weekend However for the first time EVER I considered getting up early to do some practice yesterday. Of course I didn't I kept hitting snooze and reseting my alarm and slept in till 9. Squashed my practices down to fit into the hour I had available. Interesting to see a change in my sleeping habits. Never had the chance to do it long term. My partner works shift work and you can see the time changes suck the energy out of her. When she is at uni it basically becomes a grind of work, eat, study, sleep. And it's quite difficult for her to actually get enough sleep. i.e. She will be home tomorow around 10am after work and exercising. Wind down and go to sleep 11 or 12PM and then usually wake up around 4~6pm So she might get 4 to 6 hrs sleep with another short nap of an hour or 2 before going to work again at midnight. you might enjoy Any reason for attempting a sleep in the day, awake at night lifestyle? p.s. I'd better go to bed soon so I can get enough sleep before the cricket starts tomorrow
  12. A Warning

    It just gets stranger over time Topics seem to "cycle" too, like our own little seasons
  13. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    My own opinion on this sort of stuff (magical attacks, bullying, "hacking") is whatever you believe will However if Gossamer does not have faith that it will work, then it won't. A show of faith by doing some sort of lead up exercise like Stig suggested is a good move. And if it takes a FU or whatever I'm happy to toss money at it IMHO I wouldn't worry about "David" as I doubt this is causing him any/much stress. Although that could be a mis-read I find a lot of this sort of stuff tends to be one sided. Like Pietro said, please don't take my doubts personally, I'm just reluctant to take one sides story as "gospel"
  14. ROFLMAO IIRC Santi mentioned Crystals may be of help too if electronic things keep "dying" around you.
  15. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    Excellent suggestion, I can feel a change a commin'
  16. Hi Mak_Tin_Si Thanks for all the info. Very interested in that herbal medicine, I think I can get it here. Does it have a name I can look up, check for side effects etc? Can't really toss the photo into a search engine or babble fish I have most of the kidney symptoms, which I would expect from my lifestyle, not much sleep, poor diet and daily cannabis usage. I believe cannabis depletes the kidney energy. Unfortunately I gave someone my only Chinese medicine book and she moved town without returning it But I did not know about Chi Gungs and Kung Fu also depleting kidney energy, just assumed they would build it. If you don't mind posting how much would a set of 7 fu cost?
  17. Our Story

    I get frustrated too..... would love to help. If I didn't have to get an airfare I'd even ask David if he really is doing this to you I'm sure he would answer honestly in person Looked at the photo's and I think he just needs some love to make him a happy chappy. Most people are just lonely. Anyhow IMHO this David may have hacked your pc a bit, once in a while. And now every problem is attributed to him. You've been into this stuff so you know how good curses work. eg Incorrect assumption All we really want to do is help you out. Even though I have little faith in police there usually is a reason why people don't get arrested. I have known people to tell rather fantastic stories, and attribute events to their own actions, to make themselves seem important. I feel David is one of these people. However reading the rest of your story there are some "real" actions happening too. Leaking medical info is stupid for someone that terrifies EVERYBODY in the Arkansas neo-pagan community with his hacking abilities There are some great suggestions that won't cost money. Teaming up with a Linux guru, like mwight, would be my choice. Plus a bit of spiritual "protection" if you feel the need. Hope you have some success. Try to stay cool and have some fun over Xmas.
  18. and that's it in a nutshell Said the VISTA user I so miss the good old days of Unix and the internet before this newfangled www stuff
  19. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    I agree, however IMHO this will "work" better because :- I'd love to help gossamer & I'd like to see a FU work & I recon gossamer is more than ready to be rid of this cloud over his life. $10 good quality Aus$ it is (I'll actually toss in $15AUD, should be close to $10 real money!) please add me to the list Stig
  20. Best Topics of 2008

    Bump, again (good gosh there is some traffic here ) This one just really changed the way I relate to life events, very intresting. Excellent fun working through Raman together Agreed, there is some cool topics here that I didn't even see the first time around, some holiday reading for sure
  21. Ciao TaoBums!

  22. Where I'm up to...

    Cool intro Agape, Lots of love to you too Have fun here at the 'bums