
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Posting in the lobby

    And here is your automatically generated response Welcome and have fun
  2. Things a Taoist do not eat

    Oh so it's just a lineage tradition. Happy I can keep eating meat
  3. My Meeting with Mak Tin Si

    This one may help;#entry93653 Mak_Tin_Si is part of a tradition. Strange enough traditions have all sorts of traditional rituals and beliefs that have evolved over time. I love how we get a wide mix of different paths here. Lots of sharing.
  4. Sounds like fun. Is my part in red, correct? Start midnight on the 21st (i.e. sunday night) and any differences since I'm in the southern hemisphere and dealing with summer (sometimes that makes a difference with this stuff, sometimes not, I'm never sure)
  5. School Project

    and a good example of why using the internet as a source for academic research is usually frowned upon However I am enjoying the discussion, while Mak_Tin_Si has rubbed me the wrong way occasionally I admire his matter of fact presentation of his system. And feel I'm learning something from the bottom of my well
  6. Hairloss

    Shon, you should be naughtier Yes I'm interested enough to give it a trial over 3~6 months. But I want to finish kap 1 and possibly kap 2 first. Just to test out my own personal theory that a good overall chi gung practice will help prevent hair loss (despite all the bald chi gung practitioners and smilies ) So I'll keep you in mind for a few months time..... Other possible problems I have 3 fish tanks, but with 8 (oops 7) 1 and 1 fish in each of them! I always go to bed after 11 any up after 6:40 (but I'd rather be bald than an early morning person!) a positive is at least I almost always feel refreshed, energized, and grateful after sex I love to suck on a lemon now and then but 12 a day, sounds like quite a challenge
  7. Hairloss

    I don't swallow it or chew it off and it is very good for you I always had a suspicion there was a sex related component, personally I felt more along the lines of frustrated sexual energy burning off your hair But what would I know. Sort of intrigued by the FU idea. I've never really been a "talisman" sort of person. Would a FU improve your overall kidney health therefore the hair is just a "side effect." Or would it only be a cosmetic thing?
  8. Please pray for Ryan.

    Peace and Blessing to Ryan's friends and family who are suffering this loss.
  9. Hairloss

  10. Hairloss

  11. Hello

    Hi Lantsberger, Welcome to the 'bums. Sounds like you have had some fun, and rotten experiences in your time. Hope you have fun here too
  12. tooth regeneration

    I though this one was for regrowth ?
  13. tooth regeneration

    Seems to be the case. We can only try to choose the "weaker" poisons
  14. Horrible Posture

    I gave my Dad a Swimming Dragon Qigong book an Xmas or 2 ago. I see some people practicing it. Did you learn from a book or were you taught? The swimming dragon was straightforward but I didn't really understand the other bits in the book (A practice to do before and after the dragon IIRC) It does read like a really useful practice. Weightloss and spinal flexibility.
  15. Martials Arts videos

    Real s1cvLmQNIMg&feature=related Kids playing, but the only long fist style I have even seen O07u7KdRVo0 Only win vs a group that I have seen, police miss him at 1:12 too time to leave k8EEN5RkltY Funny 7LIm7gSV9Mc&feature=related
  16. Funny Youtube clips!

    ROFL O.k. so who has been watching the dreams I have when practicing retention! slightly different, enjoy SpGHXKR_R3E&feature=related
  17. Martials Arts videos

    Good description, it's why many prefer a circular to a linear style, the force sloshes round and round
  18. Qigong Practitioner from Wellington, NZ

    Hi Altiora, Welcome to the 'bums from a down under bum. Good lucking in your quest to find the form the resonates with you. We cover a lot of practices here, perhaps something will appeal. Have fun