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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Activated Tea leaves

    lolo ..................................Oh cr@p, where did the billy go?
  2. Avatar: The last airbender

    He Ha have fun Pero I really enjoyed this This one is for Stig
  3. Activated Tea leaves

    Must be Oolong day I'm having Anxi Benshan oolong:) My method probably still puts me at the cask wine tea drinking level Boil tap water in plastic kettle (its even got fluoride in it!) Select which tea, currently small samples are stored in see through in plastic decor containers, at least they are airtight and kept in the dark. Switch off kettle just before the rolling boil (sound changes) 1/2 boiling 1/2 tap in a teacup, place metal tea ball containing tea in cup, steep for 2 min. (If first time Toss out and repeat to wash leaves) Nice, the gunpowder last week meant I used a couple too few leaves. But I like weak tea, its a very light amber color I think my Chinese tea is of good quality I love my Dragon Well that I drink at work. I make it in a clay teacup so that's better but I still use instant boil water out of those zip water heaters
  4. Daoists usually die

    And it can come at any time. I ride a motorbike and vehicle accidents are a huge killer. Every time I take a deep breath and focus. Most people just jump in their cars without a second though...
  5. Your own videos

    "The snake allows only one point of contact and that is it's fang." Smooth moves thanks for posting. Was just logging on to find this thread to show D some of your framing style,
  6. Daoists usually die

    Perhaps I was a bit emotional, but I prefer sciences explanation of how viruses and bacteria work over kama.
  7. Daoists usually die

    I find it mean and nasty to make the assertion that people who die from a disease caused it themselves via bad deeds. Even if it is true (and perhaps it is) it is just a hurtful thing to say. What merit is there in walking around a hospital ward and telling everyone "it's your own fault you deserve it" It is different if they come to accept that their suffering is caused by their Kama. I work in a hospital and I see people suffering every day, am I to assume I have "better kama" because I'm not sick? Because many of the people I see deserve health more than I do.
  8. Death of 64th Celestial Master

    edit and move agreed, compassion for all beings.
  9. What is the best martial arts?

    Do you mean this book ? Because it's very good. I recommend it. I spent most of my life avoiding fights, still do. Though I would always be able to avoid them until I saw a "biker" push his "mole" into a swimming pool and though "He is going to punch her when she surfaces. I'm going to have to try and stop him and he is just going to kill me" Lucky for me they just yelled at each other Nobody else look like helping. Another time when a guy dragged his "girlfriend" into a dark ally and had her down against the wall. Didn't have to fight, but I was glad I knew how to. I guess I wasn't looking very happy when I asked him "Do you need some help!" He looked at me, deflated and said "Oh, I guess this looks pretty bad" "Yes, let her go and we can talk about it" D got the girl out and made sure she was o.k while I talked to him, all turned out cool. Again it was a busy street but nobody noticed what was going on. We were walking back to the car after dinner and noticed from across the road.
  10. were is the video

    Hi maximolevel, Welcome (back) to the 'bums. Sorry I can't recall the video. And you know what isn't fun here? Trying to find stuff using search! We must lose so much good info as the threads fade into the void that is the internet... All I can think of is we get a few utubes of that guy that debunks "mystical stuff" and uses NLP, but can't remember his name either so that's not going to help Anyhow I hope you have some luck
  11. This is my path.

  12. What is the best martial arts?

    Yes, it had some chigungs for golden bell, but my Sifu also has us doing Tai Chi to balance it out. Something his Sifu recomended. A lot of my Sihing's do meditation also.
  13. What is the best martial arts?

    Cool, don't know anyone who does that. I'm told it's pretty much the same as Tong Long. What do you think? And like Tong Long isn't there internal stuff as part of it's system (chi gungs etc)

    Is it much different to Chi Kung for Health and Vitality: A Practical Approach to the Art of Energy The Art of Chi Kung: Making the Most of Your Vital Energy (I have an older edition than pictured but I read this one more often) I found WKK's lifting the sky and looking at the moon to be good exercises, if you stick with them for a few months.
  15. Hi guys

    Here's JohnyZt. Welcome to the 'bums. Help and advice abound here, so hopefully you will get some helpful advice Have fun
  16. I practice KunLun

    ROFL Max has not been to Oz yet......perhaps one day
  17. This is my path.

  18. Martials Arts videos

    yes, Spectrum posted some surveillance footage in another thread, the "post you own videos" I think. It happens QUICK in real life.
  19. Shaktipat

    Hard for me to say as I don't have much personal experience but Santiagos long distance transmission sure did "something" After the first one I felt energised and didn't need to sleep much for a week or so. He also sends us energy during KAP and the group meditation certanly seem more err "powerfull" than practicing alone.

    Yes the author is Marcus Santer and a Chief instructor for the Shaolin Wahnam Institute Agreed. The internet style marketing just seems to be a prerequisite for anything on line these days Annoying but should not result in an automatic dismissal.
  21. Hi from China

    Hi Xuan Yun (and Julie) Welcome to the 'bums. We have had a few traditional Daoists join recently. I'm looking forward to talking with you too. Your life sounds very exciting. I hope you have fun during your stay.