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Everything posted by Mal

  1. What is the best martial arts?

    No!.... I'm Spartacus!!! oops sorry It's all good (well mostly)
  2. Nature's Platform

    I always use to wonder what those hooks on toilet doors are for. I live in the tropics, so no coats to hang. Now I know they are there to hang your pants on while you are perching. Be careful not to break the plastic seat.....don't ask and wipe away any footprints.... another work conversation you don't want to have
  3. What is the best martial arts?

    What Steve said. Nice old thread BTW
  4. Yep. Been surfing the tantra site. I'm trying not to go practice smorgasbord at the moment and just sticking to KAP and kung fu, but there is some really cool looking stuff there. Patience is such an unrewarding virtue I think I'd like to pick up an earlier time that 12:30 so perhaps I'll get Tao for level 2. Would be nice to meet him too.
  5. I practice KunLun

    Hey Chad good to see you around again, reads like kunlun is really working out for you. I liked the method, a lot. Tried it out for a year from the book with help from Chris. Not practicing at the moment and guess what, nothing bad happened! The only side effect is an improvement in my meditation! If anyone has any kunlun questions, toss them in here. But there seems to be a lot fewer basic questions these days, guess everyone is finding stuff via search.
  6. Given the expertise Santiago and Tao have I'd expect KAP 2 to be........hardcore hahaha sorry couldn't resist
  7. Avatar: The last airbender

    hehehe, but honestly it's more educational than most stuff on TV. My partner D brought it home and said, "Every Taoist should watch this" and I'm like "D it's not even real manga" it's even using the "wrong " element set (personally I prefer Earth Air Fire Water to the Chinese system, but that because I am more familiar with them) Good character development and nice "zen moments" with Zuko and Iroh and the element stuff just got deeper and deeper. Thanks for pointing out Santi's post, I had missed it. We recognized the water bending as Tai Chi, single whip is hard to miss! Toph is obviously close to my heart with her Tong Long but all the stuff has excellent choreography and looks just as good as any movie. And I hope the live action movie turns out o.k. could be great if it takes off.
  8. Hello from PA

    Hi alwayson, Welcome to the 'bums. You will find us a big melting pot of all sorts of traditions. Have fun with kunlun and have fun here too.
  9. KAP London Workshop

    I'm glad you posted because I dragged my gunpowder out again yesterday and it tastes better now! Probably because my tea making has improved a bit with practice. And I suspect it's like wine and your pallet improves too. I use 1/2 a cup of tap water to 1/2 a cup of boiling water and drop in the tea (at home I use a tea ball {not as good, the leaves can't move around much} at work my cup has a basket that drops in and they get to move about freely) I sometimes put some cold water in after. It actually sits on top and you drink the hotter tea through the cold water, weird and good for not burning lips as I still can't handle really hot drinks! I only started making tea and having hot drinks a few months ago. I was told gunpowder was quite strong and I would not need to use much, turns out I had been using too much tea and it was way to strong for me,I like really weak tea! It really does expand out from those little balls. I'm probably still using a bit to much as it infuses to the strength I like almost right away. And like the oolong it leaves cool little grains of black powder on the bottom of the cup. Pretty sure the dragon well doesn't, although its made in my purple clay cup at work so it would be hard to notice. Just made some more with yesterdays tea leaves, I usually get 2 or sometimes even 3 days out of my tea leaves. Mmmmm tea
  10. newbie to the tao bums forum

    Hi ghost dancer, Welcome to the 'bums. Mix away! I'm sure you will have fun.
  11. KAP London Workshop

    Got some of that, but I'm not really liking it The Dragon Well and Anxi Benshan oolong are much more to my taste so the gunpowder is not getting a chance to get brewed. Keep thinking I should give it another go, but keep choosing the others! and it was the 8oz packet, the others are only 4oz at least D like it. Also it's nice to be in Aus as work finished yesterday
  12. KAP London Workshop

    hehe you should hear him speak. And I don't find men attractive
  13. Tummo?

    Kunlun is on hold during the KAP course. I think I will always enjoy it, it is a very happy and comfortable technique. Was practicing occasionally but not often enough (IMHO) I really liked doing 1h20m and was finding it hard to get that much time. Also it felt like seeing Max was not going to happen And finding a teacher was becoming more important to me. Still doing Tai Chi form, again cut back from 2x a day to just once. Tai Chi always cycles around between 6x a day to periods of no practice for a few days. 2x usually feels "correct" and I try to go with what I feel like when doing for Tai Chi. Of course still doing Tong Long (mantis) every day It's really fun currently because I've just graded & I'm taking it easy till class starts again next year. Just going through forms and polishing up old techniques. The only new stuff I'm doing are 3 easy moves with Sai and 1 walking stick move. Sifu wanted us to practice them during the break. And I LOVE weapons, use to fence at uni (but I was cr@p) Ever since I was a kid I have wanted to learn "cool kung fu weapons" And KAP is great because it is short 20 min is enough but you can do more if you want. It also integrates into daily life, which is something magic focused on (Frans Bardon, Donald Michael Kraig) but KAP is more ........ fun / enjoyable / much less serious..... lots of Almost looking forward to learning Tumo now.
  14. Tummo?

    Cool (hehe) and good to know that I won't be cooking myself here. Once again a fear turns out to be nothing worth worrying about after all
  15. hi! anyone from malaysia?

    Hi piki, Welcome to the 'bums. There is a map here somewhere might help. Anyhow I'm sure you will find plenty of cool stuff. Have fun
  16. Hello

    Hi Harold Welcome to the 'bums One of my favorite activities too I'm sure you will have fun here
  17. Hi from australia

    Welcome snowdonx. It's always good to meet another down under 'bum. I'm sure you will have fun here.
  18. Tummo?

    No it's summer down under After practice I sat down dripping wet yesterday trying to remember that cooling thread from 6 mts ago! Often though of trying something like what you suggested focused on cold. But warmth seems to be what people focus on rather than feeling cold. I guess most or these practices are from cool mountains rather than hot desserts. This might be a bit out there but to me Warm <-> Cold is like Alive <-> Dead Anyhow earth and water (what I have learnt so far) can be pretty cooling (Chi Gung #3 makes me sweat and feel hot)
  19. My name is Yoda and I like to post.

    Mmmmm wow. If you search the members by date joined most of the original members are still active here, very cool. I remember Phore asking why Sean was member #3. I thought Lezlie was probable #2 and admin #1 but I don't think that is correct. Numbers pretty much doubled in the 3 months between Darrin and then myself joining. These days they are huge! If you build it thay will come! BTW how do you get to be a concierge, sounds helpfull
  20. Hello, just a quick introduction :)

    Hi Moonbar, Welcome to the 'bums. Plenty of tasty things to chew on here. I'm sure you will have fun.
  21. interesting analysis of Zhuangzi

    Well put. "Normal" people really don't like that wobbly knee feeling do they Heck even I find a lot of these things rather terrifying. Fear...... you just got to smile
  22. To take that to it's logical conclusion none of us really should be wasting our time here on computers. We should be out there practicing Yet we are here trying to help usually