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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Bogus Status Updates?

    ^ if not you can always try One really smells and makes my cats avoid me for days afterwards, the other they only avoid me for 1/2 a day .... but I can't recall which one is which at the moment.
  2. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 5

    I'm not sure if this is going off on a tangent, as the "now" stuff was only in Ni's but I have been contemplating Spiraltao's comment and how that fits with Marbelhead's remembering the past and planing for a future (which I think is important and perhaps an area that "Taoism" doesn't overly address but perhaps "Taoism" feels there is enough focus on these things already) That there really is only "now" is increasingly something that I experience and agree with, making "life" rather strange with planing holidays, doing things next Wednesday, being asked why you did this last Friday. With past and future not actually existing (except in our memories) how can we learn from the past and plan for the future. Perhaps this is where the I Ching comes in. While there is only "now" there are patterns/cycles that gave rise to that"now" and knowing where "now" is within those patterns a "future" can be "prepared for" ?
  3. Namaste Drew _/\_ did not recognize your "handle" but that blog post reminded me of someone
  4. Candle is better than electric bulb.

    Dragged out a candle last night. Definitely a different "feel" sort of ... more intimate ?
  5. Living up to my name

    well it's 6666 posts, truly the evil "mal" .... until I run my mouth off yet again
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Congratulations on 100 pages of discussions and helping other lean. I can't remember this happening before - Awesome job guys <3
  7. Thanks manitou _/\_ I also have trouble knowing what to say, my culture has poorly equipped me to deal with death, even illness is approached in terms of "get better soon" I feel embarrassed in the face of death, am I doing or saying the wrong thing? Just be there, provide human contact - I can remember to do this. thank you.
  8. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    ^ Well said SB So 22 pages (so far) of posts on "Trolling and Off topic discussion" perhaps show what TTB actually is, a diverse collection of people with very different views. Yet generally managing to express their views in their own personal way - insight, personal experiences, squirrels! - while being aware that others may or may not agree with them and being mindful of their feelings and personal views. While I find it disappointing in a "spiritual" forum that some want to analyse the past, label others, demand punishments, or (in my view most disappointing of all) perhaps even be posting with the intent to cause harm to other TTB members. - that's just me and others may not agree and that's cool as long as we are trying to communicate with each other.
  9. Does this mean alchemical taoism is no longer resting in no form ? I found it's retention dangers page ultra useful for ttb faq
  10. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 5

    Yes, It’s important not to starve when there is no food, or freeze when it’s cold, and using past experiences to plan for the future is certainly helpful avoiding things like that. All we “actually experience” (as opposed to thinking about) is now.
  11. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Bolds mine If you find if insulting you can, as that is what reporting is for. I've not read the thread so I've no idea what's going on in there. I was just wondering, since Ralis is (often/usually ?) unhappy with moderator action(s) and specifically unhappy about inaction in this case if he had brought this post to anyone's attention ... or just posted here that he was unhappy about no-action.
  12. the FASTEST way to ground ?

    With practice you can ground/earth instantly. The feet is more of a "marcocosmic orbit" (for whatever “names” are worth, although it's worth noting these are named orbits/circles/circuits rather than "one direction") but drop (release/direct/intend) the energy “through” your feet, i.e. out of you into the earth. Being barefoot helps this occur naturally but it’s not essential (neither is actually touching the earth with your feet) Doing that is much faster that the other options I mentioned (post 7) edit to add that Jumping is like Shaking and there is quite a history of traditional "shaking medicine"
  13. the FASTEST way to ground ?

    And if you fully or half cook the turkey, but don't eat it or correctly store it (or throw it out) ... i.e. if you are gathering energy you need to be also doing something with it.
  14. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 5

    While I lean towards Walkers more "practice like" translation there is "more" in Ni's
  15. the FASTEST way to ground ?

    Basically yes, if you are alive it's always flowing, to varing degrees. So it's more like an electrical "circut" than a pipe that goes down with a "seperate" pipe that goes up. Really quick - if you usually run a 45 min+ of jogging (i.e you want to get in "the zone" do not do this if you don't already run) - go for a swim in the ocean
  16. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Was the post reported?
  17. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    Well if it was my thread you could post whatever you want I'm mostly in the "don't see a problem boat" I like the cross thread chatter and (usually) humorous community feel, like Marbles if someone wants to "soapbox" I just try my best not to "react" and move on to the next post. This is a key point, and basically (IIRC) why Sean went for moderation in the 1st place, to improve TTB. While many of us are happy to just ignore, attempt to refocus the conversation, or just move on to something else. A "significant" ? number of others here seem to feel differently, and the only way I can think of to accommodate the individual differences might be to give the creator “the call” on what’s derailing a thread.
  18. Trolling and Off-topic disruptions

    As everyone had different ideas about what they want from TTB what if the thread creator had "nominal" control over the thread. People could talk as usual but if the thread creator asked "could we stick to xyz I'm not into abc" then it would be a bit insulting to ignore them especially if they were sort of leading the discussion. At the moment once a thread is"out there" you have no options if the thread goes in a direction you have no interest in. ?
  19. Holding off on the HHC Study...

    Sorry Aaron, as you probably noticed, I find the "such and such wasn't enforced" sort of comments annoying. As for rules, I personally try and break as many as I possibly can, believing more in the spirit of the law than the letter of the law. Although you do list them at the top of the threads I've never read them. It's just a personal thing ... At least you got a reply from Sean :-)
  20. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 5

    Namibian nights Very cool but not a substitute for the "real thing" edit ... Hmmm keeps trying to embed when I just type the link so Top link on goggle?,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41867550,d.aGc&fp=cb9df04a10e3c0b7&biw=1280&bih=885
  21. Holding off on the HHC Study...

    Not wanting to be offensive either but that quote above is quite different to below and even then I'd still question "all the obvious violations"