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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Sean, PLEASE HELP ME (From 'gossamer')

    Please see you lobby post (I'm not going multy thread on this)

    Can you see that part now? Everything after the above ignored (o.k. it was an interesting story) because it does not help me understand your current problem here. More absolutes 1. User ID's can't be changed here. (0% chance) 2. Someone hacking this site and changing your password. Dude it's not happening (1% chance cause its remotely possible) 3. A key logger on your computer tracking you inputting new user ID and password. Then using that info to log into your account and change your password, so that once you log out when you try to log in you (now) "old" password no longer works. Possible, because I'm going to believe you because of the long history of problems you are having with this person and also that you are a mature adult with a wife and you contribute to the forum so I want to help you. Without the before mentioned I would have said 4% chance but I'm going to go 19% 4. User error......80% I'm doubtful there is anything Sean can do from this side of things UNLESS he can check how often a password is changed or when an account is logged in. Much love Mal

    I AM TRYING to believe you, but I can't understand what is happening. Nonsensical= not making sense. So lets forget the past, "gossamer1951" is currently working..... by "I CAN'T sign out because if I DO, he'll change my ID again." To me this means changing "gossamer1951" to "xxxx" I don't like talking in absolutes but I just can't see how this can be done. Trying to log back into "gossamer1951" and you password not working, I could understand that (does your browser use cookies /remember passwords for sites, that could cause those sort of problems)
  4. The power of Internal Martial Arts

    Good point Orb. In my eyes, Traditional Chinese Kung Fu, learn properly, gives you this result. (As do 100's of other "styles" IF that is there intent, it's not the style) but you won't learn it in 5 min. Just like you wouldn't want to practice "the regular punching/kicking/chocking attack that any punk can learn in 5 min on the streets" everyday for the rest of your life. Too boring. My sifu was talking to class a few days ago saying 1.It's extremely unlikely to encounter a skilled kung fu person in a street fight (e.g. I'm not highly skilled, but my lineage does not allow provoking uncalled for fights, it's unacceptable in terms of our behavior. Putting myself in a situation where this might happen i.e. visiting "dangerous" pubs / locations is also not acceptable behavior. Most traditional schools have the same ethics. So the chances of that sort of person having a reason to attack me or my family is unlikely) I'm learning self defense, which means improving my health and mind (defense from DISease of the body and mind) not just how to be a thug 2. It's also unusual to learn Traditional Chinese Kung Fu due to the communist governments ban on fighting. That is why most of what is out there is just forms and techniques rather than the fighting practice. My additional point would be if it's been around for 300 years and people are still bothering to spend 10 years of their life learning it and the rest of their life practicing it, there must be something of value there. I'd replace "sensitive" with skillful. And thats not technical skill. If your skill is attacking people when their awareness is down (e.g. most muggers and streetfighters) Whoever applys their skill best will "win" Also unless people are "playing" these days you are unlikely to get anything close to a "fair chance" at unarmed combat. You will be facing superior strength, superior numbers, concealed weapons, guns. And probably a combination of the above So "picking" a biker bar may really be your only chance at a "fair fight" Most of the bikers I know enjoy a bit of biff as part of their night out. But you don't want them to decide not to play any more and bring out the weapons and their 50 mates.........

    Gossamer, A very specific question. Describe EXACTLY, WITHOUT going off on a tangent, "I've had to get 5 different ID's before this one would work" This is what I want to now. example follows "I signed up as a new user "gossamer1951" @ 7PM with a password. I closed my wed browser. When I restarted at 7:30pm and tried to log in, the error message I got is...." I know of your ongoing problem. BUT honestly someone hacking TTB to chang your "user ID" is..... nonsensical Confused
  6. Practice partners

    hehehe Thanks for the cricket reminder Ian Been listening to that one on the radio. WTF were we thinking not taking some extra spinners to INDIA Can only do 10 on my fingertips Shon I'll try harder CC=Combat Conditioning. Forgot I was not in my presonal practice thread It's too "hard" for my friends. (And I can't do it Fury style i.e. fast for more than 2 mts, I burn out) They don't do push ups much anyhow (they complain about doing 10 in class) or squats and they think the back bridge I do is just insane. So when I train with them, instead of making them wait 10~15min while I do my horse stance, the things Sifu wants me doing rather than the hourse stance, and then CC. I do CC after they have gone home and then some Tai Chi to warm down. If I go to their house when I get home I still have to warm up again with Tai Chi then CC then Tai Chi too warm down. They wonder why I won't go out to train much, or won't have a beer after I train with them. We saw what happened when I have a beer (It was nice too, only a mid strength but I was exhausted so I felt quite silly after only one)
  7. Your own videos

    Been surfing that one, lots of good stuff. Cheers
  8. I am new too

    Hi nucleic acid, Welcome to the 'bums. Sounds like you are having fun already Enjoy
  9. Greetings from Acosean, Singapore

    Hello acosean, Welcome to the 'bums, I'll be sure to check out your post. Hope you have fun here.
  10. Cheers Adam, Sorry for the mix up, it was a great video and I'm disappointed that I wasn't able to fly down for the Brisbane seminar this October. Sweet clip I LOVE elbows looks like tong long too {edit this should be after spirit apes post } They are bouncing people for "training" so as not to hurt them. I'm sure it would be plenty painful if that was the effect they wanted. eg. people look at us and go "why are you slapping each other in the head with no power?" While it would be fun to bounce a few friends, rather than hit them, It's the "power" of this that intrests me.
  11. Clay Supplements

    haha, oh well Hopefully I'll enjoy my 1lb bag of clay and the 16 oz bottle. Apparently there are little free samples in there too.
  12. Your own videos

    Dragged along a camera to take some pics. But got so into our practice that we almost forgot to use it. Lucky it has nightshot MsV24KyVQpk Some of the moves are still a bit big, but it's getting there.
  13. haha yes I understand BUT, although I have not personally met Sifu Adam Mizner, some people in my lineage have. So I have great respect for his Tai Chi and I want to attend one (or several) of his seminars. I really enjoyed this article "to live as a martial meditator through example and teachings" a great goal IMHO.
  14. Talking To God

    Unsure but what is it and how does it work?
  15. Remembrance day Thanks to all of those souls who fight, and have fought, to make my world the beautiful place that it is. Lest we forget
  16. Forgot the important one Fingers can feel like fat sausages but usually just heavy / tingly, rather than bigger.
  17. nice to flow by

    Welcolme to our picnic, picnic I think it's intresting here at the 'bums, I hope you have fun too.
  18. Clay Supplements

    Was it a good read? (probably should have asked that BEFORE I brought it ) Currently my KAP is at the earth element /root charka. Drinking clay after practice just feel so right. Earth in my belly