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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Starman returns

    the things we need to do Have fun
  2. Starman returns

    Good to see you back. Sweet photo. I still play with "sensing hands" could be getting better but it's probably just my imagination
  3. Why do I miss all the good times.... sigh All questions are good, all information is good. Its up to each individual to sort the wheat from the chaff (personally I prefer chaff ) Keep Li Jiong, but what would I know I like Patric too (o.k the porn was worrying, good call) and WYG. I also see my old friend Starjumper is back too, Hi Star. Edit: I don't miss Buddy and that is a poor reflection on me. Need to work on that, still have no idea how he pushed my buttons. I would be happy if I could stay away for a few days. Tao Bum surfing better be good cultivation because I spend a LOT of time here
  4. intro

    Hi yoroshkonegaishimasu or is it Shura_no_michi_o? yoroshkonegaishimasu give me 4 web pages Shura_no_michi_o only hits here at the bums So welcome Shura_no_michi_o Have fun here at the 'bums
  5. Found this on AYP apparently from wikipedia "Vagus nerve stimulation therapy using a pacemaker-like device implanted in the chest is a treatment used since 1997 to control seizures in epilepsy patients and has recently been approved for treating drug-resistant cases of clinical depression [...] A degree of intermittent VNS can be achieved by daily breathing exercises (for example, Pranayama) over a period of several weeks. In some patients, such proactive relaxation exercises have been found to correlate with lower blood pressure and lower heart rate and more stable moods."
  6. Found this in my recent searching- So I'm going to ask Sifu to teach me, he does a very good horse stance. I made a few enquires 2 or 3 years ago, but like meditation it's not something he teaches us in class. I've been thinking about asking for a while, but I'm afraid I wont have the willpower to persevere. But Sifu alway said we should never be afraid and I've got 5 min a day, possible more later. So I'm going to have a go. Telling everyone here because I "forgot" to ask for the last 2 classes
  7. From the table of contents. Use this 2000 year old sex technique (as taught by the Chinese Tao) to supercharge your sex drive. Interesting... anyone read this. Appears like it might be a westernized Chinese practice. I find Dr Lin's techniques pretty useful, but you can never have too many "tricks"
  8. womens rooting advice

    Cool info markern. Any sort of standing practice is a good place to start. If they are too "active" to be still, Tai Chi. ? Would this advice be any different if it was for a man? (not really the thread I though it would be from the title hahahahaaha )
  9. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    Seems like trying too hard might be my issue as well. Although I pretty much stop RP as soon as I feel things starting to move. I get a "headache" but it's not like a painful migraine or even a "reach for a panadol" sort of headache (I actually never get headaches that need pain killers)Its more of a pressure sensation, just behind the 3rd eye, which is best described as a headache I guess. Interestingly I sometimes get exactly the same sensation around 3~4 pm now that I'm playing with the eat once a day warrior diet. The similarity of the feeling is what got me trying PR again. I am probably confusing things with my use of the term "visualization" too. I'm a Kinesthetic person and I go by the feeling of the action. EG to run a microcosmic orbit I might "visualize energy coming up my spine" but when I do it I "feel" the movement of that energy not a "picture" of energy moving. I can do pure visualization eg LBPR overlaying the visual of pentagrams in the air i.e. a hallucination but its very tricky for me, took LOTS of practice.
  10. new user hello

    haha, oh yes you will fit in here at the 'bums. Welcome and have fun
  11. Just wondering what these 2 picks might look like, what program are people using to do the morphing?
  12. Animated avitar

    Thanks look like a bit of fun (as if I don't spend enough time on computers )
  13. Hope you have a great birthday & thanks for all your cool posts here at the 'bums.
  14. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    Hi KoHsuan Do you think anyone will answer us (private joke) I start off with the hybrid and drop into K1 once I feel I've had enough RP (usually 20min) so I like the sound of hybrid-K1-K2-closing. How do you like RP? and how is k2 going?
  15. hi bums

    It's as easy as ABC... or in this case xyz Have fun here at the 'bums
  16. Hi Yasel4life, You will probably have better luck re-posting this topic in the Discussion Forum. There is not a lot of traffic here in the lounge. Welcome to the 'bums BTW
  17. Bliss, how does it feel?

    No, but people will describe it differently. The Tao that can be named is not .... etc Lets make it even more fun by trying to quantify Bliss (5 levels IIRC ?) my "blissfulness" is rather low level so I'll give it a 0.5 probably due to book rather than seminar and not enough daily practice. But it is a stronger feeling happening quicker than I have experienced from other practices. That one resonates with me. The stillness, even when moving, the feeling of "rightness" Very much like Tai Chi, but it was ~4 years before Tai Chi felt like that for me. So for me not like "that is great, wow, MORE, OMG, YES" more like "Ahhh..." (a soft sigh not Argh!) YMMV
  18. Living, Teaching, Learning in Asia

    Haha, Do you need to speak Mandarin? I'd liek to learn cantonise but I'm starting to think Mandarin might be more usefull (there are a LOT of Chinese so I wonder how jong english will hold on to its universal language status) And when I leave my spell checker off, like now , I make typos as well as spelling mistakes. My hand writing is virtually illegable. And I don't speak proper. Is that going to be a hurdle? i.e. Can I be a "bad" teacher to get a 2 month paid holiday while I'm on long service leave from my real job
  19. max and the SF kunlun workshop

    You are correct, this might make more sense Meditations involving visualising energy and moving it inside the brain are almost always universally condemned as very dangerous. Don't you just love "secret" practices where nobody quite knows what you are describing
  20. 'Nine Nights With The Taoist Master'

    Cheers for the link, the amazon ones were not working but I can read the search string so its all good. I like the idea of a "Daodejing adventure narrative" I'm a bit of a sucker for "fairy tails", I quite enjoyed Wong's 7 Taoist Masters. I should stop mucking around and just get a good translation of Journey to the West. But I'm sulking because the arse has fallen out of the Aus$ AGAIN
  21. Vitamins and Minerals

    Thanks for the info. FWIW I changed back to Swisse after I got a nice email back from customer service (You perhaps? No reply from Evidin) I'm taking the Mens Ultivite in the capsules so that I can take a 1/2 dose (one rather than 2) with my evening meal.