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Everything posted by Mal

  1. use chi to power your punch

    enlightened master & show off = oxymoron edit. Actually I've come to believe empty force may actually exist, it's just not what I assumed it was.
  2. The Force

    M8T just check the .sig
  3. Powering down

    I'm wondering where WYG is, or is he the 3rd. I always miss the cool flame wars sigh
  4. Your own videos

    So I was mucking around and saw a camcorder and.... <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> enjoy
  5. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    So what is changing between the sleeping body with no "I" and the everyday waking body with it's isolationist personality of "I"? What happens between when we wake up and when our mind starts up with "I am awake" "I slept really badly" "I need to go to work" etc. Where does this sense of "I" come from? Malcolm (too many "I"s !) would say it's just a product of the brains endless flow of thoughts. Yet we have somehow come to believe that this chatter IS what we actually ARE! Without meditation most people are unaware of this dichotomy. But through meditation we come to realise that we have awareness outside of this flow of chatter that we think of as "I". We thought we were the chatter but we can also be the observer of the chatter. I can't remember where I read it but I think (IIRC) Buddhism has categorised levels of this sort of awareness. eg. Chatter of the mind -> Observer or the Chatter -> Observer of the Observer -> etc.
  6. How do you keep cool in summer? Ideas?

    Am I the only one who LIKES airconditioning I can still remember the 3 years I spent in the 1990's telling myself "I don't need an airconditioner" (I use to sell them) and the huge improvement in the quality of my sleep when I actually caved in and brought one. O.k. it's usually over 30 and sometimes over 40 here in summer At least it's nice currently and I actually had to buy a jumper for winter this year !!! p.s. Owning a motorbike has acclimatised me to driving cars without air-conditioning in summer, but why suffer needlessly
  7. Note (Left hand side of the theatre. Something important written on what looks like a brownish ticket?)
  8. My Kingdom For A Cigarette

    If you are tired sleep is the best answer sorry. But I find if I do a lot of meditation (more than 30 min a day) I seem to need one less sleep cycle (90 min for me) Time spent doing Tai Chi is often touted as being better than time spent sleeping. YMMV.
  9. My Kingdom For A Cigarette

    Yes, I feel you need some tangible evidence that it's actually hurting you to use as motivation to deflect those cravings. For me it was after 3 years when the coughing in the mornings had turned from clear phlegm to darker phlegm Being mindful, exploring why you feel this desire to smoke, all good activities. But don't pay attention to your minds attempts to interrupt you while meditating. Minds are good at finding thoughts that you will attach to, let them pass. Understand you don't want substitutes but if you really really can't do without, just get a vaporiser
  10. I'm looking forward to making your acquaintance!

    I'm not a moderator, Yoda and Sean are and can help you out. Personally I'm not sure if it's worth the effort just to delete the other names. Anyhow it gives the board more members
  11. Real taiji for everyone

    Hi Benjamin, Welcome to the ' bums we have another of Sifu Adams students here too, his screen name is Mouse, so you may know each other. Have fun
  12. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    I wonder if this is pointing to the experience of light during meditation. And turning the mind inwards, dwelling in that light, that is the way for the mind to experience the divine. Unfortunately we habitually use words and language, which distance us from this experience. {lookat that, a reply from Mal at last! Been working on those priorities }
  13. Greetings to all

    Welcome Jason, Sounds spot on. Have fun here at the 'bums
  14. Greetings to all

    Welcome Max, Disconcerting yet exciting, I like that feeling. Have fun here at The 'Bums
  15. I'm looking forward to making your acquaintance!

    Hi K. 3rd times the charm Good to see you posting topics already. Have fun here at the 'bums.
  16. Immortality and Youth techniques

    Youthing. The 5 Tibetans. Personally unsuccessful, but unable to practice then consistently, YMMV. Lifting the sky + Nourishing the kidneys Promising short term results (~2 months) but too great an increase in "sexual" feelings for my situation. Replacing with Lifting the sky + Looking at the Moon, no verdict as yet. Immortality Ring of Immortality, $10 including money back guarantee working fine so far
  17. Keep it clean please

    I see an undefendable lawsuit and unemployment
  18. Keep it clean please

    And if you can't be nice try
  19. The Red Sun practice

    So how are people enjoying red sun? I'll be honest I found it terrifying and "I think *" I felt down for about 2 weeks afterwards as I worked through all my "issues" *- (lots of cross contamination so could be due to other factors) Not sure if I want to try again so posting for encouragement