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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Kunlun Level 2

    HG I liked the immortal peach joke, ROTFLMAO even more so after the flames
  2. Unfortunately a few broken links, but there are some inspirational stories to brighten up the day.
  3. hehe well I'm strong to the finish because I eat my spinage First I was just going to read something else Then I was going to write. You know I find this thread SO boring I want..................... But that wouldn't really help anyone. Although I guess others may now know how I feel and/or want to argue with me. But now I'm just going to go read something else. Anyhow I already know Batman would so kick Son Gokus butt into next century, I won't need to read any replies either because I have already closed my mind. Real question. Can anything serious really be learn via the net vs "A Real Live Teacher"
  4. Haiku Chain

    And a squeeze of lime. Lemon zest, marjoram, thyme; all these combine. Belly rumbles, taste of pleasure.
  5. Horse Riding Stance

    Yes. Ben is the youngest brother, he trained with their teacher Dr Nat Yuen as well as with Henry and Malcolm. Malcolm became the "black sheep" of the family so I don't get to hear many stories about him, which is a shame. He now has a school in Perth, I beleive, but has "seperated" from our lineage. And I did ask about the Horse stance this time. But I got given a moving exercise that will be benificial to MY kung fu instead. So not sure where to go re: horse stance now. I know it's not a favourite for southern styles but if I'm going to do any standing stance training horse stance is the "full lotus"
  6. Help with Maths ?

    WTF? o.k. it's not THAT bad, but we wonder why we can't understand Drew

    My thoughts exactly, but perhaps a neutered one That would be referring to Ron Jeremy, on old 'bum. The writing style is simmilar. I had fluoride drops a s a child, no cavities at 35 It is a poision though
  8. Horse Riding Stance

    Unfortunately no, but you can still be my brother I use to train with some of Erles students. There was a Tai Chi teacher here in Townsville that was in Erle's system but I never personally trained with him. Although I did try for about 6 mts, he was a teacher where you had to prove you were interested by being persistent. My Sifu is Ben Sue
  9. hair regrowth

    Should be somewhere in here if you have no success I'll drag out the book. I have to be a bit carefull with chi gung descriptions because :- I'm not a master What I remember may not be exactly correct and What I've left out may be very important As for all the suplements. If I REALLY wanted to stop hair loss I'd try rogane and laser treatments ect. What I like about the chi gungs is they are about being healthy. If I can keep my hair as a side effect so much the better.
  10. There are so many of people in the world that something weird is almost certain to happen to at least some of them I wonder if this reviewer even likes her body "The engorgement was awful" (ok how would I know) and then "The lactation stopped two days after I discontinued my "orgasmic diet" and went back to normal eating" Sounds like she was damaged forever Don't let it get to you. Nice reply btw. and put me down for 2 pints of Yoda milk
  11. hair regrowth

    All good Was only ever 21 reps once a day for a month, perhaps a month building up to that, not that much everyday practice. They have been an on again off again thing for me for a while (years?). Currently off replaced with easy combat conditioning. I like T5T but rite #2 tends to hurt my lower back. No focus on retention but used #6 I did for a while, usually in the mornings or when required But I doubt my practice was constant enough to enable good results IMHO. IIRC the second book recommended rubbing organic butter on your head (just for hair loss, can't remember if a frequency was recomended) Practicing retention and the 6th rite are apparently the "secret" to the age reversing process. Wong Kiew Kit does claim Lifting the sky + Nourishing the Kidneys will regrow hair, as will Lifting the sky + Looking at the Moon. I already look youthful so I'm giving the kidney exercise a go. If it doesn't work I though a bit of time spent caring for my kidneys would be useful anyhow.
  12. hair regrowth

    haha yes well grey may one day become annoying, once the light shining off my bald spot reduces I have heard that T5T is good for the greys but no personal experience. Drawing the moon is much more fun than crunches! It's from his book "The Art of Chi Kung" I think there is a description on his site, but I couldn't find it in a quick search. Insert disclaimer about poorly explained Chi gungs here This one is done in the morning followed by lifting the sky and at night following lifting the sky. Very basically you lie down, raise both legs about 30cm and with the feet together SLOWLY draw a circle about 30 ~ 45 cm in diameter (must take around 30 seconds). Direction does not matter. Breath naturally. Stop lower your legs and rest for a bit. Then draw a circle in the other direction. Rest a bit longer, then repeat on both sides. i.e. one direction, rest, other direction, longer rest. Repeat. After you feel good with that start increasing the numbers of circles up to ten. I've been doing this 2 months and still only do one circle. Sometimes 2. Lazy but I like to keep it enjoyable and muscles are fatigued and trembling by the last one in the morning and usually by the second one at night) Might be of interest
  13. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    Roll call. I'm still here but it's a bit deep for 3 second in between work replies
  14. Anyone else reading this? Frustratingly it's not available at fishpond and I wanted something to read for the next 2 weeks but I'm doing up an amazon order and intrested in chasing it up if it's like :- Seven Taoist Masters: A Folk Novel of China by Eva Wong
  15. the right path? masters?

    Thank you Mat. I like the commentary, it reads like "common English". I often have trouble understand sutras (preparing my printer to kill several trees )
  16. Your own videos

    Thanks everyone That my front yard and the only angle it looks good from, thanks to the low res camera Sweet video Dan, "My knuckles will look better after I lick the blood off" LMAO errr where is the rope so you don't slide into the water hardcore
  17. Greetings

    Hi Lemon, Welcome to the 'Bums, you should find a bit of holosync info and other cool stuff. Love to have you here
  18. Your own videos

    Fun thread. My still camera takes 16 seconds of video, enough for Grasp Sparrows Tail <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  19. Is wing chun internal?

    Different strokes for different folks, it's all about what you want and not everyone wants to fight. I remember talking to a good Karate practitioner a few years back. I had an encounter with some trouble makers outside my dads house. He said "Don't ever ask me to help you in a fight" I was astounded because my focus is purely on defending myself. He was only interested in winning competitions. Wushu is spectacular, and a good choice if you want to look like the movies or for competing internationally. Traditional Chinese Martial Arts are NOT competition orientated or pretty to look at Although mouse makes a good point about injuries. I feel a good martial art should enhance your health, not make you unable to walk at 40 (edit) Actually after seeing some young Chinese people doing wushu last night you might want to start practicing before puberty and be genetically gifted to compete internationally I hear some karate forms competitions are getting more acrobatic, with gymnastics coaches being employed to add that bit of extra "wow factor", (if the weapons with flashing lights weren't enough.) And since it's the Olympics you could always do TKD.
  20. Haiku Chain

    echoed in the waves breathless whisper, life's light fades cry of the final poem
  21. Hi

    Hi snowmonki, Good to hear you pulled up a nick' and decided to lounge around the 'bums. Have fun
  22. INtroduction

    Hi Trucker, Welcome INto the Tao Bums, there should be a few people around with a bit of diet info. Have fun.