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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Chen Taiji within I-Chuan

    Thanks Mouse, I did enjoy it. Strange enough I'm learning sarm bo pai tarn now I think I even recognised the jong he attempted. Although all schools teach the jongs differently and he didn't actually get very far hahaha. (not laughing AT anyone I just enjoyed the video) Did you have any contacts for Sifu Adam? I've found so can just use that. Would a person be able to "take home" much from a one day seminar? I tend to need a LOT of correction in calss and I think I might need a bit of prepatary stance work to get the most out of a seminar. Still it would be cool to tell my Sifu I got my sat on my arse by a Tai Chi player. Cheers
  2. Chen Taiji within I-Chuan

    That seems to be the usually response Although I object to "BS presented" I agree it isn't really that important I just want to understand why he is so disliked by so many people. But I suspect its something you need to feel rather than talk about. But it's all good, enjoy your practice too and thanks for the cool 2nd video I liked that one a lot more.
  3. Chen Taiji within I-Chuan

    I hear that a LOT, but have not heard an explanation of why he is not a good teacher........ Not that it really matters, never met Erle myself. But I have played with Tai Chi students from his system and they can all fight well, and arguing kung fu over the net is pointless because you can't feel it Personally my Sifu has us learn Tai Chi specifically for it's health aspects (Which is why we practice a traditional Yang style) which we need to counteract / complement / complete our Tong Long. p.s. Why is the guy in the orange shirt jumping backwards?
  4. How open should/can you be on a forum?

    It's not a problem anymore But you know how there is that first impression thing..... Please don't take this the wrong way, but for some reason you annoyed me. Which was interesting, I have flashes of emotion like everyone but this was irrational I wondered why. I investigated, it wasn't the posts, or the frequency, or the topics. Then you posted the larger pic before and I liked that it but for some reason the avatar just "irked" me. But like I said I got over it. A good learning exercise for me.
  5. Iron Crotch Method

    Hell yes, would love to play, I love checking out other styles. Keep in mind with you competition experience you will probably kick my ass, but hopefully not my balls
  6. Iron Crotch Method

    I've read that my Si Tai Tai Gung Ip Shui could retract his testicles into his body to withstand kicks to the crunch. Actually found a cool video, check out Ip Shui at the end, thats kung fu <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Yes I train this, my Sifu just calls it Chi Gung, ofter referred to as Golden Bell or Iron Shirt.............. No I don't attach stuff to my eggs or do any weird stuff to them. No I'm not going to "let" anyone kick me in the crutch but you are welcome to try
  7. Chen Taiji within I-Chuan

    Fa jing example. (static audio so turn the volume down a bit) <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>Since I'm using Erle's video I should clarify my absolute to some Yangs styles have explosive movements too
  8. Chen Taiji within I-Chuan

    sounds like you are describing fa jing. Chen style is not all slow movements at one speed like Yang style it has explosive fast movements as well as slow ones. An excellent sign of a good practice.
  9. magickal symbols and rites in general or just those rites in particular mikaelz sounds like you did the right thing, had a go but it wasn't for you. As far as Qlinks and such things, the most interesting one I have heard of is something Smile has (IIRC) that changes the shape of clouds over his house Most of the other subtle personal effects could easily be a placebo effect, but so what if it is. The placebo effect is real. And if something makes YOU feel better.............
  10. Book recommendation

    Got a nice email back from a chap called Tomas, they now have a paypal account if anyone else was interested in this book. Not really sure about the cost of international postage so I'm going with 5 pounds (this keyboard does not have a "pounds" symbol ) I'll be ordering mine next Wednesday, it's been one of those weeks so I have to wait for payday
  11. I do a Chi Gung called Nourishing the Kidneys from the book The Art of Chi Kung by Wong Kiew Kit. I've only been practicing it 2x a day for a month, fun but nothing that special to report yet. I'm trying it out for 3 months to see what happens. You can access Wong Kiew Kit various web sights from Rubbing the palms together is a good one too. Hope you feel better soon.
  12. How open should/can you be on a forum?

    I was told you should never post anything on the net that you would be embarrassed to see on the front page of a newspaper with your name attached in large letters The sex stuff is the one that usually worries people. Not because they themselves are that embarrassed by it, but our society is not very open to such discussions. When I access TB's from work I'm also a bit careful about the threads I read as we are not allowed to download pornographic or sexually explicit material. As for the Goggle search, the personal practice forums are slightly more private as you have to log in to get access, not that that is that difficult. and Patrick Brown you have a great collection of cool images interestingly for some reason I don't like your avatar, (look very smug to me) took me a few weeks to "get over it"
  13. Moving back to Atlanta

    Hi Sean and Lezlie, How goes life in the pyramid house?
  14. Global Shaktipat on August 6th

    6:18 wherever you are is your local time, i.e in your timezone The wave is a good explanation, everyone is really practicing at different time not at exactly the same time i.e I've already done mine, you are still waiting so just go for it when your clock tells you its 6:18
  15. Global Shaktipat on August 6th

    I decline your challenge, I love to sleep in as late as I can although it was a fun meditation and I feel quite cheerfull today. {start long and possibly boring post} Got to bed at 12:30 (curse you Tao Bums and your interesting posts. Finished watching Star Wars III {again} just after 11 and though I'll just spend a few seconds on the net) Anyhow woke up 5:30, excited about the meditation. Went to the loo and snoozed till the alarm went off at 6, waited till ~ the 3rd chime 6:08 and did my Chi Gungs. Was nice and relaxed, finished at 6:17:56. I had wanted a minute to get ready for the meditation and had set my timer for 22 min but I did not have time to change it so I just sat, closed my eyes and thought "feel a wave of energy up my spine" which I did. I put my hands on my belly, smiled and followed my breath into my belly. But I wanted my breathing to be free so I felt it coming in and out my nose instead. Then remembered needing to let got of all sensation in my body so I went with "let go" as a mantra for a bit then let that go and over time noticed that my vision through my closed eyes was slowly changing from dark blue to a lighter gold colour (BTW the sun was coming up) Felt nice, then the gold vision faded to a silver gray and the timer went off at 6:40. Note: none of this was as spectacular as it sounds, very subtle effects, and the time seemed to pass quickly, basically a good meditation. So I set my alarm for 7 and went back to my sleeping partner, feeling very loved and happy and cuddled her. And I had a Dream (unusual in 20 min) I was in a dorm room in Tully. No idea why it was Tully, that is where my partner grew up. I have not been there much, and it didn't really look like Tully but I knew that was where I was. The dorm was long room, like 2 motel rooms joined together and seemed to have about 6 beds. My bed was near the door with about 3 others, no people in them (the whole thing felt a bit like the band camps I went to as a teenager but it didn't look like any of the places I have actually been) the room had like a bathroom in the middle that sort of divided it with the other beds at the far end of the room. (They looked like the sleeping accommodation in the last dive boat I was on) My highschool friend, Jeffery, who I have not seen since Uni and don't often dream about, was in one of the beds at the end of the room and some other people were sleeping in the other beds. I was looking for something on my bed. I knew it was there, but I couldn't see it or really get a clear idea of what I was looking for. It wasn't that dark, but I didn't want to turn on the lights as I was not sure which switch would light up my end of the room and I didn't want to wake up the others who were sleeping. Then I was outside in a large empty field, like Charters Towers where I grew up, very dry, unlike the surroundings which were more rainforest / scrub like Tully. There was a bus stop in the middle of the field, which seemed normal. It had a large white wall in the middle with seats and a bit of shelter. (looked a bit like that strange architecture in a current ABC TV advert here in Aus) Jeff was there as was John, a good friend that played trumpet in our 7 piece jazz band in high school who usually turns up in my band camp dreams. There were very dark, blue / black rain clouds, very stormy looking weather but still air. Suddenly about 200m away there was a twister. I shouted "Twister" and immediately felt confused as we have cyclones here but not twisters. Jeffery said "Don't you mean Whirly Wind" till he came around the bus stop and saw the size of the funnel. He and John ran off to some large trees (which were in the field now) but I stayed at the bus stop on the other side of the wall to the twister as it started to get really windy. When the twister was about 50 m away and passing on the left. I decided the bus stop was not safe anymore and ran to one of the trees. Of course the wind was so strong that I couldn't move forward. There was a girl making for a tree on my left, so I tried to get to one on the right but couldn't move. (Unlike the normal "can't run" dream this wasn't scary) Then the twister was gone, as was the girl. I walked over to a uprooted tree on my right that Jeff was sitting on top of to see if he was o.k. Cue alarm clock.....
  16. "WANT"

    Nice thread "What must I do master Yoda" "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose"
  17. Global Shaktipat on August 6th

    Bump for tomorow, my alarm is set for 6 to give me time to get ready. Yoda, if you like burning money try a Zen alarm clock. I really like the way it's chime works and it sounds really cool. Bit expensive for a clock but they do look nice, I got a bamboo one. Any New Zealanders here? Otherwise us east coast Aussies will be the first to have a go at this meditation Seems pretty simple, I'm just going to sit and relax but any clarification on "Instantly observing a wave from the back-bone" would be cool.
  18. Book recommendation

    Sounds pretty cool, liked the first chapter enough to wish that they took VISA don't have a cheque but could always do a money order I guess Sent them an email about overseas postage, will see what happens.
  19. Kunlun in Australia?

    I think we could organize this over a few months if we want to. Start slowly and build. I know myself and KoHsuan are in Queensland and are happy to fly east coast. Seminars seem to be IIRC a Friday meeting, then Sat and Sunday for the workshop. That should be o.k. with people working. We would need a fair bit of lead time to let people get cheap flights, work out accommodation etc. So if we did Sydney and Melbourne do you think we would struggle to get 80 people, might be better to just pick one. Lets toss a few ideas around Are there any other web sites that talk about Kunlun of just us Bums? Are there any established schools around that have a pool of students that would be Kunlun friendly?
  20. new kunlun book

    Just got my color edition. Yay. The sun flowers are much prettier now that you can see that the field is actually full of them that would be a cool practice spot. I think this is a excellent enhancement from the original book. Lots of information and lots of extra practices. I have not even looked at Golden Flower and Red Sun yet. Loved the new chapter on surrender (we need more soccer mums here ) Thought the 5 elements was really well presented. I feel motivated to do a bit of I Jong before Tai Chi and.... Maoshan traveling hands, wow I REALLY like the look of that. It's funny, before I went to pick up the Kunlun book I dusted off (literally) my copy of Robert Bruce's Tome Mastering Astral Projection (almost 500 pages) and thought to myself I just want a simple method that I can DO, not a series of increasingly time consuming exercises (structured exercises are good if that is the only thing you are doing with your free time) Many thanks again to Chris and Max for sharing these practices
  21. Kunlun benefits?

    I tend to get a bit giggly, and I'm already a pretty happy person. The whole social interaction thing becomes just a big joke, everyone following their "rules" and not doing or saying what they really want, it's so transparent. Of course it always is transparent just I feel more like laughing than pretending to play along like I normally do. And I can laugh at "inappropriate" times, like when the other half gets up me for eating all her icecream Nothing bad, but I notice the shift in my personality.