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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Wizard Wang Liping?

  2. Just out of personal interest I hope his knee supports are to make rolling on the ground more "fun" or because of old injuries and not due to the 1,000's of squats Neo, blend and experiment. Find out what works best for you. Different bodies respond differently to different stimuli making a "best method" that "fits" everyone very unlikely (although you have probably gathered that from the rather passionate debate ) p.s. If anyone is in Townsville please come and touch hands with me. But I have to look respectable for work so don't hit me too hard in the face, thanks
  3. Taiji Quan, Yang 108 Long Form

    Erle Montaigue Not the most beautiful player on video for sure, but definitely not ordinary. Most of his stuff is instructional rather than a demostration. I actually own this 1988 video, but in Erle's terms I do the "new" yang style, more like this one, my Sifu teaches it slightly differently
  4. Full-lotus fallacy

    Deja vu But only the second link is working now Even has a full lotus reference so it's even "on topic"
  5. Mmmm that would be a user error. I have 2 email addresses for work, one has a "." the other a "_" to separate my first and last name. I stopped using the "_" address over a year ago, but my account is over a year old. The worst part is D suggested I try "_" and I said "No, it can't be that" Hope she doesn't read tech support
  6. Age started?

    Started trying to teach myself around 18. Found a good teacher and started getting benefits around 30. Pretty sure all the adventures in the in-between years prepared me to "find" that teacher. So never feel like your time is wasted or try to rush too much.
  7. Another Intro

    (Back on the work computer, I love cookies )
  8. Problem (or not)

    The only problem I see is "don't panic" I've had meditation do some really strange things to my vision, granted not what you describe, and I have sometimes thought that I might be going a little insane Scary at the time. I've often thought "this isn't normal" Seeing colours (or the world) as more "alive" sounds like a good thing, as long as it is not disturbing you too much. I would link this with the improvement in the depth of your meditation, not old drug experiences.
  9. Evil Girlfriend Max does give a method for retention in Pillars of Bliss, but that opens another can of worms, check out BEFORE you decide to give retention a go The reason I bumped this thread I know a few people are doing K2 (kunlun level 2) Did anyone here have any luck with the 100 days of retention? I did not, 2 weeks is my maximum, once a week is o.k. The 100 days is not that big a deal for me currently but I'm not practicing K1 daily so I'm not a great example.
  10. Sifu Wong

    Thanks Fu_dog, After a week I quite like these. Drawing the moon is a good challenge and Lifting the Sky is especially enjoyable. Will be interesting to see if I can keep them going for the 3 months. I'll let people know what happens....... Cheers
  11. Good Afternoon!

    Hi Philip, Welcom to the 'bums, hope you have fun.
  12. just started T'ai Chi

    And Chen Style can be very physically demanding. So take it easy, listen to your body, and importantly enjoy the journey p.s. My Sifu knows Chen style, he originally taught us Yang and once we learn Tong Long Kung Fu (at least another 5 years, if I'm lucky) he will then consider teaching us Chen.
  13. Actually it's still in my active book pile Every now and then I can understand a bit more, it's just a very different book than what I expected.
  14. Which short Tai Chi form for small spaces?

    Don't know if it is a "good" long term practice as such but I read once that someone had to do a Tai Chi display standing on a table top. So I played with my long form until I could do all the moves basically in one place. A great learning experience. Any one else used Mantak Chia's Grasp the Sparrow's Tail performed in four directions? It is certainly an extremely compact Tai Chi form. If you have already been taught Tai Chi correctly you could easily learn that form from his book, but again I don't know if it is a good long term practice. I use to be embarrassed doing Tai Chi in public, but strange enough nobody ever laughed of made fun of me so now I no longer care who is looking and Kung Fu practice just scares people away If you have "trouble makers" for neighbors just practice early in the morning as they will be sleeping off the night before
  15. Kunlun Level 2

    In the millions of bits of Kunlun info I remember "One thing to keep in mind is that traditionally this practice was given to the student and then they were told to leave and come back in seven years. They were left on their own to discover their own truths and to fight their own demons." from Mantra68 (advanced search keyword "seven" and member "mantra68") Perhaps we won't need a Shepard (personally I don't think my foundation is ready for L2 yet, have not given it a go)
  16. a silly question one day before the start. Anyone else finding that the lines numbering for the comentaries seems to change for different chapters? I'm finding it a bit confusing, guess I should stop reading this book last thing at night
  17. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    He he he cool, you 'realize It without name and form' (long weekend, world tai chi day, lots of work strange how everyone went quiet all at once there, good to see Todd and WhiteTiger)