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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    O.k good. I think I see where you are comming from. I guess the sticking point is beleiving that "reality" is actually just an illusion too.
  2. No it's not sad. Personally I have a piece of paper in the book with Jing = Vitality Qi = Energy Shen = Spirit Hope I got them right. I can understand why this would drive Taomeow around the twist, it would be annoying if you already understood the traditional terms (for me they are just lables)
  3. New guy from Ideagasms, Rmax, etc.

    Welcome Jason, I'm a bit far away (Australia) but I'm sure there are some NY bums around here..... somewhere Have fun
  4. Haiku Chain

    Warming or Chilling Silence chills and sinks down the page Heat bumps to the top
  5. Kunlun questions

    Hi Henrik, There is a lot of Kunlun info here....... if you can dig it out with the search engine I'd start off with the big one, 33 pages of light reading Yoda's excellent compilation of Mantra68's answers to questions. Mantra68 is Chris, who helped write the book Pillars of Bliss. Don't forget to smile
  6. Run off poll for book club selection

    My book should arrive 22/04. I used Fishpond this time. I'll see if this book gets lost in the post
  7. I've got Empty Force by Paul Dong & Thomas Raffill in the mail, after talking with KoHsuan. There seems to be a lot of interest in standing practices at the moment. I asked my Sifu about perhaps giving standing a go (or horse stance practice) but he said "Kung Fu and Tai Chi are enough for you." Sifu does not like to waste class time talking, so I'll be working on expanding his answer over the next few weeks and seeing how meditation (Kunlun) fits into that picture.
  8. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    Cool, I found a Chang Tzu that expressed my idea better. "If not for other there is no self. If not for self, nothing is apprehended." I like 3. "What use is it to argue thus?" Once you stop looking for "objects" to classify ("it's like this" or "it's different to that") you just experience what is.
  9. Ramana's 40 Verses on Reality

    Cool discussion, and a cheap book with no postage problems How about. The illusion "I" can see these objects "world" "soul" and "God"."I" understand they are divisions of the perfect one. vs The reality "world"+"soul"+"God" = us "I" am all of them, but there is no "I" because "I' implies separate and there is no separateness "the person who sees, the screen on which he sees, and the light by which he sees: he himself is all of these" Mmmm does my post make ANY sense?
  10. Extra cool, I think I'd go insane, but it sure sounds like fun. Make sure you don't mix up those edible plants I'm sorry to hear that. Anyhow even if you never get a "finished" re-write, the process of understanding all the terms will be very useful. But you'll probably find that once you get to the end, your explanations are now too simple and long winded for you and you might want to replace them with the old terminology
  11. Kunlun in Australia?

    I'm sure Chris will let us know more, as soon as he knows himself. I'm just glad to hear that they are still thinking about us............... Down Under
  12. for a healthier shape

    I tend to prefer bodyweight exercises over weights so I like doing the Royal Court from Combat Conditioning. As for the gut and traditional. I had a book on a Chi Gung called "Swimming Dragon" that is good for youthfulness and weight loss. Gave the book to my Dad as a present, but he did not practice it so I don't know if it works
  13. Kunlun in Australia?

    Hi Jasmer, Yes K1, from the book. I enjoy Kunlun, even though my practice has become a haphazard now and then activity. I'm hoping that the prospect of being able to meet Max and Chris will motivate me to practice regularly again.
  14. How goes the translation project? I'm glad I read the Shambala Guide to Taoism as I found Eva's book, along with the Art of the Bedchamber, helpful in casting light on some of those alchemical terms in Taoist Yoga.
  15. Kunlun in Australia?

    Hi Everyone, Got a PM from Chris saying that they are still planing to come to Australia in the fall. I'm guessing Northern Hemisphere Fall is September~December. No further information at this stage, just the good news that Australia is still on the cards.
  16. Haiku Chain

    be lieve and try it you miss the eternal way here and now I am.
  17. Kunlun in Australia?

    hahaha it wasn't a Freudian slip......honest
  18. Kunlun in Australia?

    Seems like it, it feels like the Australia tour has lost momentum for the moment. I just wonder if it's "yes we still want to get to Australia, just not sure when we can fit it in" or "No, we have no plants to come to Australia anymore."
  19. But probably not before 2~5 days after the 11 of April because it looks like my order was lost Amazon are shipping a replacement and they have to credit and then re-charge my card. The credit takes 3 days to come through so I no longer have $80 for the weekend.................. it's all good