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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Help please. Need help please.

    Hi Mewtwo, We must go online at the same times Do you have any breathing exercises or Tai Chi that you can do when you get "anxiety attacks" ? I find just reconnecting with that deep breathing can be helpful if it just gets overwhelming. Your right about the bookstore, at least you have a Borders and it has a Taoist section I have to travel 1,000km to get that! I must plug Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now, a great book that is available in most shops. And have you looked at Ken Cohen stuff, it's quite interesting and well done, I have :- THE ESSENTIAL QIGONG TRAINING COURSE: 100 DAYS TO INCREASE ENERGY, PHYSICAL HEALTH, & SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING A bit expensive (it was a present) but really useful information. I hope someone can help you out with a contact local for you. Hang in there
  2. I'm still experiencing the same slight mail delay 20th of May and still no books. A bit of a slipage from the the 5th of May delivery date they promised. Oh well it they ever turn up I'll try to spark up a discussion.
  3. Kunlun Level 2

    I've noticed that and I like a challenge, but I've got a few months to go with K1 yet (getting it back to everyday would be nice too, currently at do 2, miss a day)
  4. Sorry, not much posting time at the moment, I'll jump over to ET in the next few days, hopefully. But yes Sifu does seem to be able to divert my intent. That's sort of what I mean by pivot. It feels just like you have been blocked by his hand/arm which he then pivots off into the next technique/strike, but he is not touching you. It is also possible that it's nothing "mystical" and just pure hand speed, but it really does "feel" different. It's hard to tell as he only demonstrates it every now and then and it's quickly followed by a LOT of contact Thanks for the help.
  5. Waterfall Meditation

    I though this topic was going to be about K3
  6. I must say Tolle's The power of Now has struck a chord with me, just at the right time, I'm using it's principles and Geting Things Done to survive changing jobs. It's funny, I actually brought it for Deanne. I don't usually read these sort of "modern" books. But she said she already had it, I was sure it wasn't in my pile of books so she went and found a copy that she brought 2 years ago to give to her brother but had never sent. I read that one while she read the one I got her At least I think she read it, she won't talk about these things for some reason but I can tell she has read bits of it. I'm currently reading Practicing the power of Now. It's virtually the same book, could save your money, I got it specifically for pages 87 to 100 (From Addictive to Enlightened Relationships ) even though New Earth looked more interesting. Will probably pick up New Earth or perhaps his Silence book soon at least they are out there in the bookshops. Any more details about the online classes?
  7. Second Book Selection Topic

    Daoist Body Cultivation: Traditional Models And Contemporary Practices by Livia Kohn I know we are not voting yet but Body Cultivation looks like a very interesting book to me. I'll also toss in Art of the Bedchamber: The Chinese Sexual Yoga Classics Including Women's Solo Meditation Texts Great book if you like sex and retention etc. The best thing about it so far is you can see how the texts evolve over time and also where the modern books get their information from. It may not be that interesting (and possibly offensive) for female readers... the womens texts are only pages 192 to 221 but they make a good addition to Immortal Sisters : Secret teachings of Taoist Women trans Thomas Cleary I hope to have Eva Wongs Shambala Guide to Taoism by this weekend, so it will probably turn up Monday
  8. Thanks for moving / coloring the quotes I'm still in, just a slight mail delay. Perhaps I'll be forced to skim the history part The lack of rituals and ceremonies is what I like most about Taoism
  9. Cheers Star, I was having difficulties working out why it felt more noticeable after kung fu practice I usually do Tai Chi for a cool down and a bit of meditation right after, I've been trying to feel the vibration then. It's a different sensation to Tai Chi where (after 4 years practice) I'm told to "feel the chi move" and I feel the change or flow of energy moving through my body. Radar hands seems to be feeling the "base level" of energy that is already present (i.e. vibration) I'm still concentrating on my own hands more so than other things but I will try some radar like bouncing and see how that goes. The reason I though this may be useful for me is that we have a saying for Tong Long "one touch and all is known" If I touch someone I can tell what they are going to do. But my Sifu can feel my intent and pivot his techniques off that intent rather than having to wait for actual contact. I can feel intent without contact for really obvious techniques, or in real life when someone is really really angry and really wants to hurt me. But I have nowhere near the degree of sensitivity that my Sifu has.
  10. Lurk mode active @ TTB

    Well I could always ask for some free time Nice way to start a new job.
  11. Retrograde Ejaculation

    If you are having success with that you could also look into something like Dr Lyn's Anal breathing, if you wanted to have an orgasm without ejaculating. It's not too hard to learn to do that.
  12. Haiku Chain

    Cool breeze purrs the reeds. Crouching, wait. Prepare the snare. What can evade my trap?
  13. Amazon's book preview thing "search inside" seem to have disappeared for me, anyone else having that problem? I used it to read a bit of Awareness by Anthony De Mello earlier in the week, and it's not there anymore. (I also use google book a bit as some books have previews there)
  14. search inside

    Yes, I've been having trouble getting it out of my head, I liked the preview. Went around the local bookstores looking for it yesterday, but no luck. Anyhow the search inside thing is working again, must have just been down for the day.
  15. How to recognise a taoist master

    Run (don't walk) to get a new browser because Cat's little blue outfit is HOT
  16. Sean and Lezlie's Youtube Debut

    haha, yes sounds like a great diet, where was Aids from again ? Seriously, you guys interact really playfully, great fun to watch.
  17. Different Meditations

    Something a little cheaper Meditation: The First and Last Freedom by Osho great overview of many many many meditation methods Some (many?) people don't like Osho but his words have always resonated within me, I love all his books.
  18. Hi, everybody!

    (Mal: Hi, Universal Citizen!) look forward to seeing you in the bookclub, and elsewhere, have fun
  19. hey everybody

    Hi Brian, May you find what you seek, have fun.
  20. Yoga Guy Visiting

    Hi Jimmerino, Your presence here is all the approval you require, get posting and have fun