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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Book Selection for March

    Hi Steve, Have not read that one. Looks cool and has some great reviews. It reads nice on the preview, I enjoyed the writing style and got captured...... Wake up Checked up and I have these on order/ in the post Art of the Bedchamber Taoist Yoga Working Toward Enlightenment: The Cultivation of Practice Becoming the Lotus Vitality, Energy, Spirit: A Taoist Sourcebook The Taoist Experience: An Anthology The Shambhala Guide to Taoism Should be a good few weeks (years) work in there.
  2. Book Selection for March

    That is my plan. But I'm having trouble deciding which ones Holding Yin, Embracing Yang and Nourishing the Essence of Life: The Inner, Outer, and Secret seem to be talking about similar texts, but not enough reviews on Amazon for me to actually tell and the previews are not really helping. After reading the preview for Harmonizing Yin and Yang it look the most accessible of the 3, perhaps. I too have trouble trying to understand and explain this stuff, debates will be fun Not so much looking for the next book suggestion. (need to make my order up to $50 for free shiping) But if someone has read these books and can give me a pointer that would be cool. Perhaps I should toss this into the main section.
  3. KunLun Level 1 - Levitation

    hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahhahahahahahhaa It's all good, seriously Drew I think you would enjoy Kunlun, once you can activate the energy (you probably do that already) you can do it in full lotus. The secret stuff is a bit annoying, but at least the book is cheap and available.
  4. Book Selection for March

    Totally agree, It seems that I don't read that much simmilar stuff to others here but I'm looking forward to broader horizons. Except I'm stalking Onigiri now cause 'The Tao of Physics' by Fritjof Capra is a cool book, read it years ago too.
  5. Does physical exercises cultivate chi?

    and all is good in the world, a nice way to end my working day. And my friend coming over for the first hands on "fighting" practice for 2008.......... except smoking is bad, so I'll just say..........volcano
  6. Does physical exercises cultivate chi?

    And now I know a tiny bit of Spanish too
  7. Does physical exercises cultivate chi?

    cam & wyg. I though you guys were just being playfull with the fighting thing. Isnt this just a misunderstainding? (sigh.......... and I said I wouldn't post today)
  8. Hurrah for the man

    Actually just googled myself and it's not too embarrassing, actually found my uni degree being awarded in 98 with my full name, so thats good. I'm hiding pretty well. Alt.out of body and Alt dreams lucid is still up there Sound like me ? all in all not too DEVILish Never notice D+Evil = devil before
  9. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    Very true So if this is right Then really there is no way to make "sense" of the above quote, except in this sort of relationship. Water (水) Metal (金) Earth (土) Wood (木) Fire (火) Which is really confusing systems, I think I finally understand a bit of what Taomeow was getting at.
  10. KunLun Level 1 - Levitation

    wrong thread Del
  11. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    But I'm already discussing Taoist yoga I'm happy with Eva Wongs book. It will be a week before I can purchase it, but it's in fishpond so shouldn't be a problem I'll grab another book as well and get free postage. Would like to get Original Tao: Inward Training (Nei-Yeh) but Fishpond only had the hardback. I hope we will get some cool suggestions in the next week. I'm flodding the other thread with recent books of mine to see who is reading the same sort of stuff as me.
  12. haha, no you just sound male and 25 Already references to Trunks sight and Dr Lyn's (go anal breathing ) so nothing much for me to add here. Although I note you said you were "forcefull" in your contractions, which is a mistake I made with Chia too. I wonder when we will get to see the Jack Johnson interview. It seem like intresting stuff but I find Dr Lyn is doing what I want for the moment.
  13. KunLun Level 1 - Levitation

    I don't know. The fact that Castaneda may well all be "mere fiction" does not diminish it's value in my eyes. I really enjoyed the first 3 books.
  14. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    That is the way I feel. Could also be due to lack of knowledge on my part too. But I feel that everything is basically trying to describe the same indescribable thing. It's only when you try to get specific that things appear different.