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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Dedicated to the Taobums

    Been enjoying your music. It's nice to listen to the sound evolve throughout a long piece of music. Thanks
  2. Book Selection for March

    O.k. checking for stalkers But yes I thought Barefoot Doctor's Handbook for the Urban Warrior was a good fun book, enjoyed reading it. Tried two other bookstores, but could not Barefoot Doctor's Guide to the Tao Stephen Russel has a few of these books out there as well as the barefoot doctor series
  3. New to the Tao Bums

    Welcome nhadfield, I look forward to getting to 10 years of MA practice (~6 at the moment for me) Have fun here at TTB
  4. Any Linux users out there?

    Use to dual boot my previous pc with red hat. Had a lot of problems getting the modem to work (on board modem, no open source drivers) but that's all fixed now (I believe) I would certainly go for it. Should make it a nice usable (and fast) web browser, and office suite machine. Most of the Linux versions will install dual boot these days (I didn't buy Red Hat, just got a PC mag that had it for free on the CD)
  5. Book Selection for March

    Forgot about Practical Taoism by Thomas Cleary looked through it on the same holiday. Not an easy book to understand, similar to Taoist Yoga. Put back Hua Hu Ching: Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu, by Brian Walker too, had not heard of it at the time *blush*
  6. Charles Luk name and photo

    hahah O.K.
  7. Book Selection for March

    Might be a bit hard, I know where "mine" is, still in the bookstore in Brisbane I read it for about 1/2 an hour but it just didn't grab me, good enough to flip through but to general with not enough meat to be worth buying IMHO. Also fliped through Barefoot Doctor's Handbook for the Urban Warrior by Stephen Russell and wanted to read Barefoot Doctor's Guide to the Tao: A Spiritual Handbook for the Urban Warrior by Stephen Russell but they were out of stock at the time also in the bookstore were :- Immortal Combat, Bruce Thomas (good read, I like all of Bruce Thomas' books) The Making of a Butterfly, Phillip Starr (excellent) (I like to read books about people) When the Shoe fits, Osho (excellent) Art of Peace, Morihei Ueshiba (trans J Stevens) (Classic) Bin-fa:Martial Arts Strategy Sun Tzu (trans Garry Gagliardi) (a trans I had not read, o.k. but a bit expensive) And I even chose a questionable Ninja book over it Mind Control by Dr Haha Lung
  8. Secret of Sexual Energy

    In Sex Matters From Sex to Superconsciousness Osho said :- From those who have done the research (no reference) orgasm for one minute, think about sex the next day. orgasm for 3 min,don't think about sex for a week. orgasm for 7 min, the idea of sex will not even arise for 3 months. (so that's how to do 100 days ) "However, I say to you if a person can remain in the lovemaking state, can remain in that egolessness, in that submergence for three hours, then one single act of intercourse is enough to free one from sex for the rest of ones life. It leaves behind such contentment, such an experience of bliss, such awareness that it last a lifetime. After this single act of intercourse one can attain to the stage of real celibacy"
  9. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    Same problem for most non-US readers, usually can't get this sort of stuff at the local bookshop, most Amazon delivery options are $30US for me {and people complain about the Kunlun book being expensive!} Perhaps we were to eager trying to get ready for Feb? Do people want to post out a few reviews of what they are already reading for this month? Surprised to see the negative Luk reviews since it gets tossed about a bit here. Might have been nice to know about that earlier, but I still look forward to reading it. If we can decide in a week or so we could be ready for March so I'm tossing suggestions into the March thread. But I'm sensing rather polarized reading tastes and levels of expertise o.k. I just read that and it seem like stuf I have heard of before "one divides into two" etc, chinese elemental theory, nothing that would annoy me. Still keen for the club idea, its going to make me read things I normally wouldn't bother buying (I wonder if the library can get this sort of stuff instead) learning is good, push outside of the comfort zone.
  10. Harold Roth Nei Yeh--best book to start

    I'm told in traditional Chinese texts "heart" = western idea of "mind" or Consciousness
  11. Book Selection for March

    Anyone read Scholar Warrior: An Introduction to the Tao in Everyday Life (Paperback) by Ming-dao Deng (Author) It's basic but personally didn't like it, although I read that the second half is better I didn't get that far. I'm guessing Original Tao: Inward Training (Nei-yeh) by Harold D. Roth would probably cause similar problems to Taoist Yoga, Same with Secret of the Golden Flower or Practical Taoism or The Inner Teachings of Taoism Thomas Cleary (Translator) Is there a "best" reference book to help decipher these sort of books that someone could recomend? Pages 99 to 115 and 172 to 190 sound ok in Guide to Taoism
  12. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    Sorry, my excuse is I was watching the football, missed you on the page turn. Seriously, perhaps we should reconsider Taoist Yoga Rain, Pietro, Cat and Taomeow are people I would listen to (Although technically Rain was swayed by Taomeows review) We can always do it later, not after years of trudging through Taoist History please I was thinking book club not study group
  13. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    Fair enough, thats 2
  14. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    Yes we did get a bit excited, lucky for me I didn't take this weekend off Although I think Taomeow is the only one against Taoist Yoga. You know me, I'll agree with everyone.
  15. Taobums and change

    Local time 10:14 Want to know what is more boring than cricket? That would be the superbowl replay at 10:50 when you know the result
  16. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    Your argument is forcing me to buy a (cheap) book hahha (Guide to Taoism is in my "to buy" list, it looks very useful) Was going to complain to fishpond about the price reduction but thought, "Do I really want an argument about the price of a book called arts of the bedchamber?" Rather just pay the extra $20 And I would rather fish than eat one. Actually I use barbless lures and throw them back, unless they have big teeth and look like they could bite me, then it's dinner time
  17. Book Selection for March

    This one is going into my "to buy" list for next payday Original Tao: Inward Training (Nei-yeh) and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism by Harold D. Roth
  18. article on Taiwanese Daoist street parades

    Yes, Yang style Tai Chi and Tong Long (southern preying mantis) Don't get that sort of culture here in the back yard (alley) of my house. Although people find it strange that I occasionally get kangaroos (They come to eat the weeds out of my poorly maintained yard)
  19. Book Club Anyone?

    Very intense, but he looks more like a fun loving hehehehehe than an evil muhahaha Make a cool Avitar
  20. Harold Roth Nei Yeh--best book to start

    Cool, Cheers Brian BTW Think I found an affordable copy is this the book?
  21. the word "Dao" has nothing to do with "warriors"

    Having recovered from the Polar Bear attack (who knew they would like tripe) Should we try to update Wiki ? (Anyone remember the link in question)
  22. Haiku Chain

    Doh! I used my fingers too, at least I thought I did Preparing for Space Stepping into the darkness wait for your return
  23. I actually felt a bit down today, thank you p.s. the check is in the mail