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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Learning Need help please.

    No worries, but don't feel like that. Some of us bark but nobody will actually bite here. In fact I use to be shy for years. Even being a salesperson for 6 years and talking to strangers everyday didn't help (I could look confident, but I was still scared inside) It eventually took learning Kung Fu before I realized that I no longer cared if people laughed at me 'cause I could just beat them up Strangely enough once I felt that way people stopped laughing Notice how I glossed over your question, which has me a bit stumped. Qi Gongs to me are more for health where as alchemy describes practices for immortality / gaining or refining power.
  2. Haiku Chain

    Preparing for Space Stepping into the darkness We wait for your return
  3. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    I want this to, although I had to Goggle Fu Xi Perhaps a basic text would be good. I've noticed Cat, Taomeow Rain and Spectrum can talk well above my reading level I admit I have looked at Guide to Taoism in bookstores and didn't buy it. I'm much more practice orientated in my books than philosophy / history. But that could well be because I have nobody to talk to about it (can always try a practice) I suggested Taoist Yoga because I know a few people have brought it recently, and maybe it is locked in, still think there would be a lot to discuss from it. perhaps we should read a bit (the Kunlun seminar people should enjoy that ) Guide to Taoism If we are still suggesting stuff Art of the Bedchamber: The Chinese Sexual Yoga Classics Including Women's Solo Meditation Texts by Douglas Wile Because I'll need help with this one too but I can't see all of us shelling out $30 EDIT on SPECIAL mine is not even here yet and I paid $42AUS
  4. Chuang Tzu

    Actually that should be chapter 33 There certainly is a lot more meaning to Chang Tzu than you get from a cursory glance. I can see why people recommend Victor Mair. Easily the most useful translation, although I do still enjoy Thomas Merton's poetic style, and I feel Merton captures the meaning well. Thomas Merton end of chap 19. (full quote 1st post) Easy is right. Begin right And you are easy Continue easy and you are right. The right way to go easy Is to forget the right way And forget that the going is easy. That is just beautiful, Mair (and Palmer) cannot come close in terms of poetry IMHO Victor Mair. Craftsman Ch'ui could draft as accuratly freehand as if he were using a compas or L square because his fingers evolved with things and he did not caculate with his mind. Therefore, his numinous terrace remained unified and unfettered. A shoe fits when you forget about your foot; a belt fits when you can forget about your waist; the mind fits when you forget about right and wrong; opportunity fits when there is no internal transformation or external imitation. One who begins with what fits and never experiences what doesn't fit has the fitness that forgets about what fits... I'm getting a lot more out of Palmers translation now that I have 2 others to compare it with. It interesting to see the slightly different chapter layouts between Mair and Palmer. Using Mair, Palmer becomes readable at last EDIT: Re-reading all theposts I know now that "Heart" in these sort of texts refers to what we (I) think of as "Mind" And numinous terrace = Spirit Tower = mind Will try to do the wheel maker next, couple of differences in the description of how to make wheels Although I usually stop reading old books for a while after reading that one
  5. article on Taiwanese Daoist street parades

    Cheers Brian, Gene Ching's Kung Fu Tai Chi magazine is one I usually try to grab a copy of. Always good for a few interesting articles.
  6. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    I'm happy to go with whatever, as long as I can get it in time. Usually takes at least 2 weeks to order stuff for me, if I have the $$ to buy it straight away and don't have to wait a fortnight to get paid first Although I was looking forward to debating Taoist Yoga with Taomeow (positing early reviews is cheating ) and hearing what Drew has to say. Taoist Yoga along with Working towards Enlightment seem to be getting a lot of recommendations (at least they stick in my mind) And I think trying to decipher Taoist Yoga as a group will give a better understanding of the book than just reading it by ourselves. Really depends on what people want to be bothered reading.
  7. Secret of Sexual Energy

    Mmmm perhaps that Avitar isn't side-saddle after all
  8. Hi All, I remember someone writing that they use to get up at 3am to meditate and then go back to sleep afterwards. I've been thinking about this, gave it a go and I find that it's working out o.k. for me so far (but only a 2 day trial so far) It's sort of like my body does not notice that it's missing out on sleep, seems easier than waking up early to meditate. Anyone got any info on how well this sort of thing goes long term? I always get up 2 or 3 times a night anyhow which is why I thought of trying this might be o.k. for me
  9. Book Selection for March

    Interested in both of these, I like the bits I have read out of Krishnamurti's books, but don't own any. Also like Eve Wongs translations (I have 7 Taoist immortals), an overview could be good (since I don't really know what a Taoist is) Have not heard of Kelsang Gyatso before Great idea having a month to discuss what is next, and a month to read it. Looking forward to hearing what everyone is interested in.
  10. Inaugural Book Selection - Taoist Yoga

    Wow, go away for one day and the place has changed. Cool, nice looking book club. Is this the place for people to indicate they intend to read it? Taoist Yoga should be arriving this week for me ( hurry up postperson ) So if it turns out to be no good or too dificult can we blame Drew instead of me Many thanks to Steve for taking this on, should be fun.
  11. Thanks for the radar hands description, is the instruction offer on how to do it still on the table?
  12. TaoBum-onomy

    Yes that would be great and may lead to more bumping of threads rather than just new ones, which I would like. At the moment I misdirect the search engine to get into this page it searches quite well, but re-grouping by tags would be sweet.
  13. Book Club Anyone?

    Synchronsity Was thinking of the same thing myself last night, I would be willing to have a go. I vote for Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality May as well start with something that is going to make me look like an idiot
  14. TaoBum-onomy

    Errr, yes, o.k. seems a lot quicker to just to skip what you don't want to read. Although I like the Tag idea, would be usefull for actually searching the forum database. Tagging posts, not really my idea of a fun way to spend my online time (did enough Database design and SQL's at Uni)
  15. The radar hands method you mentioned, does it serve a purpose? Or is it more a tool to experience/feel chi ?
  16. Eyes

    I'm guessing something to do with Zivorad-Slavinski Be easy and you are right One more eye thing. I notice that when I'm not getting enough sleep my eyes seem to suffer most and go red and dry. If I am using the computer they just don't seem to be able to recover. A nice big sleep in seems to be the only thing that helps.
  17. Haiku Chain

    All nothing special And nothing at all special Yet all are special
  18. Baguazhang

    The sign of a true martial art IMHO
  19. Tao Bums Forum - Growth and development

    Well I must admit I can never decide what to tag my posts at the moment so I don't bother And I wouldn't want to miss out on posts (like the Jiddu Krishnamurti ones in this thread) because they got pinned "off topic" Is there a site out there that is doing this sort of stuff that we want to "copy" It would be a shame to shell out $$ for something we didn't end up using. I use to be on a site where you could give someone positive kama when they helped you and negative kama if you didn't like the post. Would just show up as a score against your avatar like the # of posts do here. Good fun, but not that "useful" as such.
  20. Eyes

    Looks like a weird version of those pinhole glasses they you use to see about the place. If anyone who wears "glasses" ever gets a chance, have a look through some pinhole glasses. It weird that you can actually see (At least that's what D, who wears glasses, tell me.) I might have a go with the Goji drink too. Same problem, stare at a computer all day. My right eye is as red as today. The exercise I like is to find a green tree to look at and count the individual leaves it till you get to 50. Think that was in one of WONG KIEW KIT's books.
  21. master Feng on tv Friday 1st Feb

    Cheers Mat, I've even got enought time to set the set top box should be intresting.