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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Good point HDF, keep it in this thread. Since we no longer seem to be listen to each other, I may as well have some fun too Starjumper7 stop telling lies about Max, NOTHING HE SAID IS A LIE! Your turn (hint try and pick just one "lie" because I'm not wasting a lot of time on this) EDIT it looks like Aus is not going to win the cricket so I am taking out my annoyance by playing with you, fight hard sir
  2. Annoying people

    Couldn't sleep without adding that it was provoked by the total misrepresentation of your post in I really do feel for Taomeow a person I find wise and well rather scary is reduced to a sign. Bring back the sexy avatar or the cats Back to bed
  3. Negative Ion Generators

    Cool that makes sense (the site was recommending distilled) Cheers for the info. Your enthusiasm is swaying me and it helps that the Water Vortex Orgone Charger looks rather cool and would improve my level of freakishness at work. I'm already the weirdo that does Tai chi during lunch. Might ramp it up a bit with a HHG for the new office. At the very least they would improve the atmosphere the same way a cool posters or art does.
  4. Negative Ion Generators

    I know they are terrifyingly expensive compared to the cost of the components used I'd love to believe in this stuff, but I just can't. It's my version of the problem some people have with kunlun.
  5. Is KunLun Bogus?

    O.k. Had a look at the old ET threads, but they are from 2005 and I had read them before It's true that energy could be could be used that way, But I don't know because I haven't been to a seminar and don't know what they do there. Good to see you still have good intentions but you seem to be projecting empty fears, Where are Kunluns victims ??? And do you really have to keep insulting Max just because you don't agree with him
  6. Annoying people

    I can sympathizes with that, the feeling of someone wrecking your nice house. It natural to want to wreck back and a spontaneous reaction is all good ............. but honestly doesn't this look like a personal shot I have no wish to offend you further defending someone I doubt anyone here could say that they like. And perhaps he is a troll, they are gifted at pushing buttons. But he speaks nicely to me, got a good book recommendation and some bits and pieces so I can ignore the smelly boots. But I'm noticing an increase in ............... well Sha Qi or general unease with the TTB community in the last few months. Anyone else agree or disagree? haha true SJ is another one with smelly boots, but at least he pours forth info (once again defending someone I doubt anyone here could say that they like) I even like WYG Sigh I'm glad I'm not a moderator
  7. Tea

    Mine looks like that too (comes in a little vacuum sealed green packet with Chinese all over it) expands / unrolls into sticks and leaves in hot water. Any hints on how to keep it between infusions.......I don't really enjoy hot drinks. This makes a nice enough tea, but I rarely feel like drinking tea so it usually gets thrown out after just one infusion. hehehe
  8. Haiku Chain

    No problem my friend Copy paste spell check edit and send Though toaster oven was funny
  9. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Lucky we no longer get involved in gunfights for calling people liars like what use to happen in America (I'm thinking of the wild west, I wish I was a cowboy ) Actually that is possible, like the old Indian rope trick. I believe in elementals, use to do a lot of work with them. Can you expand on that a bit please. I can't quite work out where the selfish intent / vampirism comes from.
  10. Negative Ion Generators

    Cheers, the Water Vortex Orgone Charger from actually looks cool. And I'm not worried about wasting $25 (unlike a biodisk ) I drink lots of water, could do a bean sprout test to "convince" myself as the sciences sounds......... unusual. Is it healthy to drink distilled water? (or is the sea salt putting other minerals and trace elements back)
  11. Hitting Devices, Methods (?)

    TheraCane I've had one of these for years, very good as I like less knobs I mainly use the hook for my back and shoulder, occasionally one of the inner bumps.
  12. Haiku Chain

    To see what is next, A trap set by your own ego Right now grasp your chance.
  13. Annoying people

    I'm very surprised it upsets you this much. ?!?
  14. Annoying people

    I tend to let people talk however they like, basically because I don't want to be noticed and also because they are not doing any physical harm. But this attitude can be tricky in real life. This is an old post I made on a kflist, did I handle things o.k.? Mon Aug 1, 2005 4:23 pm I was down at the local Chinese restaurant ordering my dinner. There were 4 really drunk guys, still drinking from their stubbies, Aussie for a bottle of beer, just in case with a woman trying to look after them along with getting the food orders (I actually knew her she works at a shop I go to.) Considering they were literally falling down drunk, one fell over in the carpark trying to eat a prawn chip they were quite well behaved, still friendly and having a good time. So they spend the 10min waiting for all the orders and then the woman gets them into their ute and they drive off. Then in walks another woman with a toddler, yelling gruffly to everyone "One of those men just grabbed his genitalis and shoved them at me. What a way to treat Women!" I can see that she is upset but personally I'm thinking she got off cheap not having one falling all over the top of her and scare her kid so I say "They were pretty drunk" "So you think it's fine to treat women like that if you're drunk!" I take a few seconds and look up to see her staring at me, obviously looking for a fight, so I reply with "I've got nothing more to say, just that some people are happy and some people aren't and you're a good example" EDIT: Guess I was not as friendly back then Well she wanders off muttering something after placing her order. But really what do people expect! They were obviously in from the country, rural clothes and the ute as well as they way they talked for 10 min tell me that. And they were really really drunk. Sure thats not the way to behave, but trying to tell explain that to drunks is only going to get you a fight. Or a very long, very loud conversation till the police arrive and seeing I'd had a smoke before I went to get my food I didn't want that But how do you know where to draw the line? With a physically violent situation it's easy to know that help is needed. But while it's still a verbal confrontation I tend to go with whatever gets you out without a fight. And that includes not noticing the situation because sometimes all it take is a "what are you looking at!" for things to get ugly. I noticed recently that I let a lot of things like this slide, which isn't really helping keep up a "decent society" but starting arguments that you can only see ending in a fight isn't part of "decent society" either. p.s. I should have belted them up as the guy who owns the shop is who I go to for traditional Chinese medicine so he may have been able to give me some fighting pointers
  15. Negative Ion Generators

    I have an air filter with a negative ion generator. But it's the pin type generator (looks like a wire brush and a pin that the charge jumps across) and I'm told they are not very useful, too easy for dust to attach to the contacts and stop the charge. The air filter itself is good (and only $150, HEPA filter) It was for when D was living with her Dad in Cairns, he smokes and we used it to keep the smell out of the bedroom. The mouse sounds very interesting (except I use a trackball because of my shoulder and back) Going back into a large office in the next few months, anyone got other suggestions for healthy office toys? I never knew about the effects of salt lamps just though that they looked cool I like the look of the little night light that plugs into the wall socket, probably too small to be useful. Are Orgone generators things like this?
  16. I'm back on my home computer and I was searching for that Art of the Bedchamber book which I had misremembered as secrets of the bedchamber and top hit was this Very funny, "I promise I can read, I go to college" (contains naughty words probably M rated) Ng5K2fBThDM So this is how people embed items, I just love HTML
  17. Hua Tuo Traditional "Fight Doctor"

    I'm guessing one was the translation thread (not really a forbidden zone, more a miscommunication) Not sure about the other one, I enjoy the cool stuff Brian posts.
  18. Haiku Chain

    winging it once more how many syllables are there in syllable I think perhaps just one Edit oops too slow
  19. Zivorad Slavinski

    Thanks Jaloo, Sound like the PEAT book will be a good one. I'll probably pick it up and get the ebook later. Just trying to work out which ones I want out of:- Art of the Bedchamber: The Chinese Sexual Yoga Classics Including Women's Solo Meditation Texts $41.98 Peat: Primordial Energy Activation and Transcendence and the Neutralization of Polarities $39.36 Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality $23.60 Trying to only buy 2 books at a time
  20. Annoying people

    Haha I don't think any of the long term members here are likely to cause offence. But everyone most seem to be showing a bit of "extra" understanding at the moment, which is nice after a few little flames here and there.