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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Full lotus

    Wasn't too heavy Seems to be 2 (thousand?) distince flavours of meditation. sit through the pain and sit without pain Are they acheiving the same thing in different ways? or are there different goals?
  2. Full lotus

    Cool haha scary. Do you look like your AV photo (skinny and flexable) I look more like budda but I can't use that excuse anymore
  3. Brainwave entrainment for Kunlun

    I can understand you quite well. Same prob with the file too
  4. Haiku Chain

    Imprints left behind by cockroaches in the dust what meaning is there
  5. Orgasmic upward draw , dangerous for men?

    Hi Fire Dragon. Don't have the Tigress books but I know of them. IIRC a women doing Chia's orgasmic upward draw was o.k. regardless of having a trained or untrained partner as it's an exchange of energy practice unlike what is taught in the tigress books. But I got that book last century, and I'm not a girl so I didn't pay a lot of attention. Don't miss what little1 points to. Do some sort of microcosmic orbit practice, research and get ALL the fundamentals sorted and be patient. As much as my ego hates it this is a very good quote Anyhow there are a heap of ex-HT people here, someone will know *wanders off muttering* never give books away....never give books away...never give books away.....
  6. Full lotus

    That's me I hope to benefit from your experience.
  7. Haiku Chain

    reflection distorts the spontaneously nature of the haiku fun
  8. .

    three thousand seven hundred and eighty of me have no idea what you are talking about. I want to fight your teacher! TheTaoBums
  9. .

    While I'm not a fan of spliting things, perhaps we should split the board while we wait? It's been asked twice now about all the kunlun threads, I don't want to pi$$ people off.
  10. Orgasmic upward draw , dangerous for men?

    I think little1 was saying not many people are ready to play with sexual energy. However as you are being taught how to do this Can't remember Chia saying that, but I gave my cultivating female sexual energy book away. Seems more along the lines of a green dragon practice, taking energy from the male partner, is that what you mean? My understainding of the orgasmic upward draw was that it was an exchange of energy between both partners.
  11. Ecstasy

    Thanks for posting that it was a good book It's funny you should say about the handwriting. I usually toss books through the scanner when I want to quote them. But when the weekend made me remember that passage I felt it would be good for me to type it out by hand. My handwriting is usually illegible, a constant thread in my dream journals is "must write so that I can read this" Works for a page or two then I go back to scribble
  12. Good review of the method IMHO I have an Aneros too......... it's actually quite fun
  13. Hi Neimad, Have you played with Dr Lin's finger pliars and his versions of CAT? (Coital Alignment Technique) Lots of fun, I like his harmonic frequency / 70HZ wave theory thing, can't remember what it is called.
  14. Hello from new member, Rhino

    I actually said to D (my partner) during the movie, "Hang on, Bruce said that". If I grow up to be a Taoist I want to be Qui Gon Jin
  15. Is KunLun Bogus?

    Hi Jak, Thanks for trying, I understand it must be very frustrating. I have a BA in Psychology and have been trained in the application of the scientific method, as have many people here on the 'bums. But I have no desire to argue the clams of Kunlun, I like the method regardless.
  16. Haiku Chain

    In the emptiness All is revealed to me What is hidden now?
  17. Haiku Chain

    I hear the silence My beating heart seeks stillness I am not here now
  18. Full lotus

    Thanks sheng zhen, Lin posted that some simply stretches are all that is needed but I've been to lazy to research some.
  19. Sorry artform my own code Was just bumping the thread up to the top when I saw xeno was around.
  20. Goals

    It's a bit scary to put your goal out there........... there is also the "first rule of fight club" to think about