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Everything posted by Mal

  1. 2 quick questions

    Felt "something" "moving/flowing" after ~6 months of daily practice. My sifu does not name our Chi Gung a "microcosmic orbit" in fact he rarely calls it anything, we call it brush. A standing practice described as basically moving "energy" up your spine, fill the head with energy, let the energy flow down to the belly. Co-ordinated with breathing and hand movements.
  2. Error -empty post

    edit. was trying to add a yes / no pole but I stuffed it. see other thread
  3. Ngondro and Kunlun...

    know what you mean, but I suppose it's just like the Christian hell, you need somewhere for people with those sort of thoughts to go
  4. Pillars of Bliss

    Wu Zu Quan or Go Cho Kune (Five Ancestors Boxing) Yong Chun Quan (Wing Chun) Fujian Bai He Quan (Fujian White Crane Boxing) Bak Mei (White Eyebrow) Lung Ying (Dragon boxing) Tong long (Southern Praying Mantis) (I hate spelling in englis let alone chinese ) All pretty much the same (that one might get me some fighting practice ) although I should qualify that I have only personally seen Wing Chun and Fujian White Crane.
  5. Oil Pulling

    Intresting, my chewing gum has xylitol as the second ingredient (Wrigleys Extra Professional) but it has a heap of other cr#p in there too. I'm intrested in tooth health. No fillings, no trip to the dentist (18 yrs) no pain. But eventually something will go wrong so It seem to be ....... benefits so far = feels good to do; Loosens fillings
  6. Countless paths to climb. But I travel one alone. It must be best!
  7. At least you found one to bump I've lost the one requesting Australia. Any chance for this year? Because 100 days is not working out for me............
  8. Greetings

    Sweet, I've talked to "The Stig" (sorry I watch a TV show called Top Gear)
  9. Hello from new member, Rhino

    Hi Rhino, Nice to see another down under bum. There are a few of us here.
  10. Pillars of Bliss

    The funniest thing about all of this is the people DOING Kunlun don't care. They like the practice and are happy with that. But I'm glad that people are concerned for our wealfare too.
  11. Pillars of Bliss

    Sorry about the spelling. I do Tong Long so know of White Eyebrow. I see you've changed to your Empirical Taoism avitar too.
  12. En*light*enment

    Nice 1
  13. Kunlun standing posture

    Wrong (I'm not very tolerant today, sorry) But search another recent thread and I think you'll find your answer
  14. Kunlun standing posture

    Well lucky it's doesn't cost a lot for this book 'cause we have been asked not to post bits and pieces of this (very simple) method over the net. You could always go to one of the seminars.
  15. Definitions of Gnosticim

    I have not read this book, but is that a sarcastic comment? I enjoy your posts but sometimes they are a bit hard for me to understand
  16. Pillars of Bliss

    It is cool......... but I liked Pia Mei more (probably because I find Pia Mei a bit scary)
  17. Unconditional Love

    I like loving kindness meditation (although I don't do it that much anymore) and I like to practice unconditional love on the people who try to kill me in the traffic each day, more fun than geting angry But really not sure how I would go showing unconditional love to a person who hurt or killed something important to me. It's a bit of a cop out but I think a good birth situation really helps with this. I'm in a 1st world country and have everything I want with little effort and minimal pain. So it's much easier for me to feel unconditional love than someone who is in an abusive relationship or suffering in pain.
  18. 2007 review

    Starjumper7, nice to hear from you again.
  19. Taobum gurus synopsis

    Actually I think you might be Burl 'Gopher' Smith Can just remember the love boat Dr Lin's For proving that you can have an engineering PHD and therefore call yourself a Doctor. But it doesn't matter how excellent your information is.............. if nobody can successfully navigate your web site Lucky we have Trunk p.s. Just ordered Witch's book, have not seen a post for a while, I wonder how she is doing)