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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Kunlun Cleansing

    Thanks for the encouragement. Perhaps things are better after 5 yrs of tai chi but my experiences of yoga were not enjoyable. I did like the astanga I tried, I enjoyed moving. Overweight but active = Huge legs and no flexibility. I asked teachers but they would not teach me a lotus. Spend a year doing these classes instead, they could tell I wasn't close to being ready. Actually just checked and it's not any better. 1/2 lotus - upper leg one fist width between leg and foot on floor. Upper knee 2 1/2 fist widths above floor. Bottom of foot just past 90 deg, certainly not pointing upwards. Sore knee, ankle and back. Excuses excuses I will have to look into giving it some proper practice.
  2. Kunlun and spontaneous movement qigong

    Nothing that extreme About all I can tell you is that I've checked out, read the book and am enjoying the practice of kunlun quite a lot. There are a lot of kunlun threads here. Welcome and have fun getting up to speed.
  3. Retention Thread

    Thank you both so much. To think "I" have been "trying" to "do" this for 16 years. What a fool. No Drives, no compulsions, no needs, no attractions: Then your affairs are under control. You are a free man. Easy is right. Chuang Tzu
  4. .

    It's all good. Thanks and have fun. p.s. and good luck with the cigs, smoking tobacco is bad for you
  5. .

    ROTFL (and nice edit) Btw, since it looks like everyone is basically in favor of a kunlun board. Which MA did you go with Cam?
  6. Lin's Links

    ha ha so it is, same with the pic on the CD too, never noticed before. The accompanying text from the cd version:- The Anal Breathing Method can be applied to driving the circulation of Chi along the Conception and Governing Vessels which forms a complete Chi cycle as described in the following figure. This is called the Microcosmic Cycling of Chi. You can practice the Microcosmic Cycling by the following steps: * 1. Focus your mind in the Third Eye, between two eyebrows and calm the mind with natural breathing. * 2. Descend the mind down to the CV-1 along the Conception Vessel while exhaling naturally. * 3. Lightly contract the tail-bone muscle several times while performing a slow inhale, ascend the mind along the spinal cord and the Governing Vessel at the end of each inhale, and finally return the mind back to the Third Eye. * 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 continuously. <refers to the picture on disk web link > Practicing the Microcosmic Cycling will result in generating a heat flow (Chi) to circulate around the Governing and Conception Vessels if the sex organs have stored enough bioenergy. It will take about 3-12 months to train a person to experience the Microcosmic Cycling of Chi. In the ancient time, the male and female Taoists had used the Microcosmic Cycling of Chi to eliminate sexual urgency. Thus, Taoists have considered the Microcosmic Cycling of Chi as the Tao of "returning semen back to the brain," which means the recharge of the CNS (mainly, ANS) with the bioenergy around the prostate or Epicenter. A man can practice this approach to mitigate his sexual urgency when his lady menstruates, and, at the same time, he can take a sexual break too. In fact, the Anal Breathing Method can produce non-ejaculation orgasm if the autorhythmic fibers in the tail-bone muscle are stimulated and synchronized by the anal contraction force at a rate of 75 cycles per minute or 1.25 cycles per second, the normal heart rate. In this case, the contraction rate will be the same as the heart rate, and the anal contraction must be stepwise (step by step) and very light, so that it won't bother the muscle around the prostate. Generally speaking, each inhale should be accompanied with 3-10 contractions or vibrations at the same rate as the normal heart beat. The forced contraction can induce the autorhythmic fibers to vibrate in a short time. A man can get 3-10 cycles of the orgasmic contraction without ejaculation by this method.
  7. .

    Fair enough, thanks.
  8. Kunlun Cleansing

    So it's really worth putting up with the pain and spending a year learning to twist your legs up like a pretzel?
  9. Max and Aliens

    If I recall correctly Seadog is in Aus too, i.e. southern hemisphere. So you are both right
  10. .

    Spot on Mantis. I love you Cam, your posts are one of the reasons TB is the cool place that it is. And while I have enjoyed watching the changes in your posts as your world got turned upside down by Kunlun. I am worried for you. I know you are trying to deal with a lot of stuff but you seem to have lost tolerance towards, well anyone who doesn't agree with you. There was no animosity there...... the world is but a mirror of the self. Peace be with you. Really that is my worry too, you can't stop change but ........... I can worry about it Need to go read Chang Tzu
  11. .

    I would like to see them continue here too , But a board on the actual kunlunbliss .com would make sense , especially for people worried about what is happening what they are experiencing. We (TTB) are top goggle hit for kunlun bliss Especially if Max would like to communicate with past / prospective students that way, I would be very interested. It seems like Australia might be a while off...
  12. cool squat mobility article

    ROFL Tips :Hang pants & undies on that hook most of the doors seem to have these days.
  13. Buddha speaks!

    Huffing and puffing. I struggle onward. Searching in the dark. Upwards, ever towards the summit. At last! I grasp it just as the morning sun dawns. It's golden warmth fills me, chasing the chill of night from my body as I gaze out at the world anew. The mornings silence suddenly split by the peal of a bell that is not rung.......Did you hear it?
  14. Tests and Trials

    The others sound hard, but I can do those,probably because they are easier than the others, beginner belt The other side of tests is that you get a prize for achieving them........ so .............................. What do I win
  15. cool squat mobility article

    Giggle, yes it is funny. Also funny is that you can break the bolts that hold the toilet onto the floor. At least you can if you are over 100kg and lean out to get the paper. It didn't fall, but it did start to leak fortunately it was a public toilet so I escaped quickly. And I never tell the people at work that I'm the one who puts the footprints on the toilet rim Drives them nuts..... they have no idea how footprints could get on the rim in that orientation (nobody guesses squatting) If I ever build a house I want an oriental toilet. Seriously people try this, much easier to #2 and apparently good for you. And I LIKE that it's harder to balance
  16. .

    Is there that much "secret" stuff really happening? A forum to discuss a practice where all you need to do is let go? And you use to practice by yourself for 7 or 8 years. Guess I have to wait for the transmission, still ........ sounds interesting ?!? I DO like to play devil's advocate the positives mentioned are all correct, but this is not that appealing to me. The thing I like most about TTB are the people. People are always going to say things you don't like, and you can (should ?) learn to deal with that. I'm not actually on any other boards. (Work thing, my excuse for surfing here is because it's my religion) I don't like to pay $$ for information. If its good enough people will want to pay. Which is why I eventually subscribed here, realized I'd been getting better info that most of the books I'd paid for this year I don't really want to know what people who have done more practice than me are dealing with. It's a psychology thing, just see how many questions get a "me to" answer here. And it pre-disposes people to look for those experiences (Actually that's probably a vote for Sean's separate level idea, oh well ) Most of all. I would miss you all if you disappeared from here.
  17. Lama Dorje

  18. Yes, sort of, but my number is a lot less than 19. At the moment it's 2 Glad we have 6mts ~ 12 mts to get to 100 days
  19. Kunlun Cleansing

    That's not helpful and probably not going to make rainbow feel any less worried, well done. As for a helpful answer..... Don't worry, relax, and PM Mantra68. I have not experienced anything like that, but if you have been practicing daily you have done a lot more than me.
  20. Taoist music playing

    He makes a Bamboo sax as well, sweet, always wanted one of them. Thanks for the link. I was actually going to mention that I wanted a bamboo sax in my first post. I play Baritone, Tenor and Alto (use to have a soprano but I sold it to get the Barri) but they do not fit on my motorbike very well So I play harp a lot more now. The nice thing with harmonica is you don't mind blowing 1/2 eaten food and beer through it at a BBQ. And I can carry one with me. Just in case I see a busker to play with, or to do a Xmas song or two at work And no bite on the Caine joke
  21. Jed Mckenna on bliss

    Not to add fuel to the fire...... but is anyone actually looking for abilities from Kunlun? (Marketing is a different thing, don't care about how that is done, it's not my school) I'm just happy that I can meditate for 1hr & 20min now. @ 01/10/2007 the longest sitting meditation I could manage was 10min. I just don't think anyone HERE actually wants any abilities.
  22. Hi All, Question : Anyone having success with retention while they are in a sexually active relationship? Any tips? The basic problem is that while I can (usually) hold back when I want to, after about 10~15 min I no longer want to I think I'm conditioned to see ejaculation as a goal or finish line. And while I keep reading about how important retention is, I've never been successfully for long enough to experience any benefits personally. So I just don't have enough motivation to break this conditioning. I can see why people just give up on sex because if I really want to do this 100 days thing I think I might have to as well. Help p.s. Always wondered how women were able to stop when their partner does when they can just go multiple or enjoy going for longer so easy. I guess they just get so much "practice" with 2~5min sessions that they just get use to it. Personally I'd be screaming "No, I want MORE"
  23. I'm not real good at this either but I think the energy needs to come back down i.e. circulate.
  24. Buddha speaks!

    Seijo's Two Souls Chokan had a very beautiful daughter named Seijo. He also had a handsome young cousin named Ochu. Joking, he would often comment that they would make a fine married couple. Actually, he planned to give his daughter in marriage to another man. But young Seijo and Ochu took him seriously; they fell in love and thought themselves engaged. One day Chokan announced Seijo's betrothal to the other man. In rage and despair, Ochu left by boat. After several days journey, much to his astonishment and joy he discovered that Seijo was on the boat with him! They went to a nearby city where they lived for several years and had two children. But Seijo could not forget her father; so Ochu decided to go back with her and ask the father's forgiveness and blessing. When they arrived, he left Seijo on the boat and went to the father's house. he humbly apologized to the father for taking his daughter away and asked forgiveness for them both. "What is the meaning of all this madness?" the father exclaimed. Then he related that after Ochu had left, many years ago, his daughter Seijo had fallen ill and had lain comatose in bed since. Ochu assured him that he was mistaken, and, in proof, he brought Seijo from the boat. When she entered, the Seijo lying ill in bed rose to meet her, and the two became one. Zen Master Goso, referrring to the legend, observed, "Seijo had two souls, one always sick at home and the other in the city, a married woman with two children. Which was the true soul?"