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Everything posted by Mal

  1. .

    Just popped the interview into my MP3 player last night. It was very cool to hear Max AND Chris. Inspirational. I want to experience these 5 levels of Bliss and I'm actually intrested in Red Phoenix now. I need to read my .sig and FEEL ..... I must say that the lady was very nice during the interview, but if I had to listen to 1 more advertisement in that voice giving out a phonenumber I would have been going postal. Was that Max laughing in the background a few times My MP3 player is cheap and a bit "tricky" to fast forward.
  2. Taoist music playing

    Hi Caine / Grasshopper Don't have any info, except to say I have a small bamboo flute too. Often wanted to get a longer one for a deeper sound, mine is quite piercing. But it's pretty easy to play.
  3. .

    Hi Drew, Is there a "Full Lotus for Dummies" I checked out the site you suggested a few weeks back, the $3 tapes looked great. I was going to get one but I have discovered that all my tape players have died from lack of use I didn't notice anything specific on the lotus posture so was not too sure what to look for. My problem with the full lotus is trying to bend myself into it, my lower body flexability is poor, even a half lotus is very uncomfortable aster a few seconds. I'd probably be better off dusting of Kurtz and doing some stretches. The lotus is really a "cool if I could do this" thing for me, not sure how to actually "use" it.
  4. Hi Trunk, Nicely put, I totally agree. If it wasn't for Kunlun "needing" 100 days of celibacy I wouldn't even be looking at retention again. No matter how important it is "supposed" to be retention is a very difficult, possibly dangerous, path.
  5. Onebir, thanks for the tips, I'm guessing that not a lot of people are in relationships and practicing retention.... It not so much that I prefer EO's, it's just that after a couple of NEO's I've gotten use to to finishing with an EO. It's become a habit and an ego thing. I am still conditioned to go for as long as I can, it's hard to say "enough" when you can (and want to) keep going At least after an EO you HAVE to stop. Also I've never had a practice like Kunlun that seems to successfully do something with the energy from retention. I'm sure that if I retain enough to notice ""negative effects" after an EO that that will help motivate me. It's been a big learning curve for me this year.
  6. Not sure if it's what you are looking for but search for "Hermes Trismegistus" Also "Golden Dawn" is a good starting point for western stuff. I also use to follow Franz Bardon, good stuff.
  7. Hi Matt, The retention method that was succesfull for me is Dr Lin's Anal Breathing, Using Trunk's readable site Pretty much the same procedure as Chia's. I like Lin's, I find the breathing gives you a chance if you don't pay enought attention and the point of no return sneaks up a bit quicker than you expected
  8. Hi Vantage, I have never read anything like that elsewhere. The T5T exercises turn up in other books now and then, i.e. #4 is in the advanced section of Furies combat conditioning. The original book did talk about the dangers of doing too many, but the example was the whirling dervish whirling for hours on end, not from just doing + 21 reps or practicing twice a day The thing I liked most about T5T was that you only had to do 21 reps once a day, although I tend to do them rather slowly so it's more like 20min of exercise than 10min. If you feel like doing morning and night I'd say go for it and see how it feels to you. Apparently most people end up adding more yoga poses, if T5T is all they are doing, to make a longer workout.
  9. Thanks onebir, I can achieve non-ejaculatory orgasms whenever I want, as long as I pay attention (Matt thanks for the 3 finger tip, use to use that one but I like internal locking now) Nice to hear they are "almost as good" Which is probably why I still "want" to ejaculate, and it's a strong urge. The problem may be more one of habituation. I had become use to shorter and less frequent sessions. Now after 15min (I think, don't really "watch the clock") my partner has had enough for now, she seems to like just 1 or 2. That's about 3x longer than I could manage at the start of the year (yes you can feel sorry for her) and my thinking goes like "Well that was cool fun, may as well come and finish" I have been doing this for years (ejaculating) so I know it will take a while to get use to a change like non-ejaculatory orgasms, and I did manage to finish once without ejaculating and it was all good although we went for quite a while that time....... Just having problems making myself want to do this in the "heat of the moment" p.s. SereneBlue, yes it does sound like life as a boy
  10. Yes, you have to refine (use) the energy, otherwise retention is useless IMO I'm interested in people that want to retain and how do they manage that in a sexually active relationship. I.e. "yes it's all good now but it took me 6mts to not want to ejaculate" or "No I still want to ejaculate, but after 3 months of practice the increased energy is just so much better" That sort of thing.
  11. strange dan tien feeling

    Correct, and I can now see why your "posts seem to be rather negative" When I know how to do something it certainly makes me sad when I see other totally stuffing it up! But in the absence of a teacher there is not much else I can do. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me, I learnt a few things. Cheers
  12. darebak, White Turtle, Thanks for the info. Mantis, nice 1. Feel any different? 8 days seems to be my "cycle"
  13. Not sure about Ron, before my time, although apparently it was quite "exciting" back then. As to 1 & 2 try Impossible to navigate, but there is great information in there, Search for :- CAT 3-Position Excitation Finger plier Anal Breathing (Honest, I think he has a thing for strange names) Personally I just brought the CD, worth every penny and your partner (when you get one) will thank you forever.
  14. All my T5T books are out on loan to a friend, but my favorite is Christopher S. Kilham's The Five Tibetans: Five Dynamic Exercises for Health, Energy, and Personal Power. Excellent book. But pretty sure they all say it's o.k. to do them morning and night if you want, but really it's not necessary and you might feel a bit energized if you are trying to sleep right after doing them. Just 21reps once a day will get you all the benefits. Must admit I have not read that doing more than 21 was bad before, pretty sure that isn't in Peter Kelder original book or Carolinda Witt's T5T. Pretty pictures and a lot more safety tips for the back in this one, best book if you have no yoga background or if you have injuries as T5T can be a bit harder than it looks, unhealthy people in the 1930 must have been a lot fitter than unhealthy people now Really like the T5T, don't do them all the time, but they are usually rattling about somewhere in my practice. p.s. didn't try the link, but if you want to save $$ on a book, print this one.
  15. Chakra Test

    Root: open (31%) Sacral: under-active (19%) Navel: over-active (81%) Heart: over-active (75%) Throat: open (63%) Third Eye: open (50%) Crown: open (56%) "You tend to be stiff and unemotional or have a "poker face". You're not very open to people, you are domineering and probably even aggressive. You are suffocating people with your love and your love probably has quite selfish reasons." Actually, pretty close, useful test. Obviously I already agree with the good "open" stuff
  16. I quite liked it, not so much what was said but the empathy within the words. Made me feel good. First time I had actually looked at any video's of Max. Have not seen the empty force one. Things like that and levitation do not interest me.
  17. Not really, I think Max way saying he could only help people who were open minded.
  18. strange dan tien feeling

    I can understand that, don't necessarily agree but as I grow older my thinking is changing and it's likely that you, along with 1000's of others who advocate this, are correct. But I can't really see how :- Which basically to me sounds like a microcosmic orbit variation would = I certainly don't want to hasten my demise (actually perhaps I do, I ride a motorbike) but I'm not quite sure exactly what you mean. There are all sorts of practices talked about here. And retention without doing something with the energy, like what white tiger suggested, has been pointless and frustrating, in my experience.
  19. strange dan tien feeling

    I know a lot of books say semen retention is the only way to go. Perhaps it's different with the supervision of a teacher but personally I find that all it does is make me cranky and frustrated What have your experiences been like?
  20. You would...... if you were the one on the soapbox
  21. strange dan tien feeling

    Hi WhiteTiger, Don't worry about it, all of Procurator posts seem to be rather negative, not sure why.