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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Some Thing For You All

    Wow cool stuff Lin, Can only view these on my home computer so it took me a while to see them, nice to put a voice to the face Thank you. p.s. And seeing I can get U tube just found your Wing Chun vid WOW, very cool, [salutes] Beautiful structure. The Uplifting technique looked like Tong Long's Tok Tarn Sau. Others look similar too. And people say all Arts are the different hahahahah Would love to touch hands, but you would have to take it easy on a beginner like me.
  2. Hello

    Hi Neimad, Sounds like you have been out there livin' the life. Sweet. Nice to see the green monkey again
  3. .

  4. Secrets of Female Formless Awareness

    Nice I love a chalange Working Toward Enlightenment: The Cultivation of Practice (Paperback) by Master Nan Huai-Chin and Diamond Sutra Explained (Paperback) by Huaijin Nan (Author) These look intresting, recomendations? "Working Toward Enlightenment" seems like the one to start with.
  5. Some Thing For You All

    I think I might have done something like this back in the mid 90's. I was doing an exercise from a book called the Middle Pillar by Israel Regardie, been practicing for about 6 months when I experienced a brilliant blinding light. I tried to squint my eyes and realised "I don't have any eyes the light is everywhere" almost panicked but was able to let go and really can't explain or remember any more after that. After a while (or a second) I was back again. It was a really strange and disturbing experience and I never practiced that ritual again. It pretty much marked my departure from the Golden Dawn stuff. ps. Perhaps the book had some sort of closing, but I think it was just the lesser banishing again, cant remember, but the light experience I can recall like it just happened. p.p.s. And I really miss my Ophiel book on Astral travel that I loaned someone around the same time
  6. my great granny turns 100

    That is way cool, sounds like you chose the right parents Hope she has a happy birthday & thanks for posting
  7. Phobias and Cultivation

    Cool, when I did undergraduate Psychology back in the 90's (depressing to think how long ago that actually was) we didn't have any idea how EMT was working.
  8. the philosophy behind kunlun

    True, but desire is an complex thing........ perhaps desire vs expectations makes more sense. e.g. I want to do Kunlun because it's fun and it lets me sit in stillness for 20 min. But while I'm actually doing the practice, I'm not "trying" to feel anything. Or "expecting"/"wanting" anything in particular to happen. I'm just sitting for X amount of time and whatever happens or doesn't happen. It's all good.
  9. .

    Cheers Chris. I can handle that, no worries. ( don't like bad vibes = bad trip = bummer dude )
  10. .

  11. Kunlun and sexual feelings

    Until Kunlun I had pretty much given up on retention practices as being way to difficult for me and something that just made me feel bad. Whatever it is that Kunlun does, it seems IMHO to refine the retained jing (correct term ?) so that I don't get that "over full, frustrated urge" that I use to feel when trying other systems that have retention. I do feel more "love / friendliness" from doing Kunlun, and while it's not a painful urge, I do feel like being more loving, which makes retention that much harder SereneBlue, hope things work out for you, relax. Been trying to remember but I don't really notice my libido level after meditation. I'm not getting orgasmic bliss, just a nice feeling that makes me smile and chuckle to myself.
  12. Taking a break

    Yes we need to get a pic of the love bunny :- A bunny called Cam, Once bounced Kunlun on this site Will he ever post again?
  13. Taking a break

    Cam does this all the time so it's become a bit of a standing joke here. But he has got a lot better recently...... so I do wish him all the best and I hope things go well in the new year. Peace
  14. Mixing Practices

    That could very well explain what is happening with me, haven't been "conserving" too well recently. And yes Max seems to recomend Jing circulation, at least that is what I took that part of the books instructions on retention to be about.
  15. Mixing Practices

    Personally in the last week my legs no longer seem to shake. In fact everything has gone a bit quiet, movement wise. I'm trying not to care and just go with it. There is a bit of mixed stuff about different practices. I have no idea but I just hope T5T won't cause any problems as I like doing them in the morning before kunlun.
  16. Attraction and Energy

    Happyness is a great place to start. Investigate it like joeblast suggested I remember having a huge argument with my Dad at 18 saying "All I want is to be happy" and he was yelling "Nobody is happy all the time" And he made me Work and go to Uni, which turned out to be good things! This is why I think life experiences helps with desires (an answer that always annoyed me in my 20's) because I was the same. Straight out of high school and into Uni all I was interested in was being happy, I would not even say that I tried to be nice to others, I was very ego centric. Slowly over time as I meet more and more people I've come to want to help others to be as happy as me. But I would not have wanted to be like I am now back at 20. Although it would have been nice to find my Tai Chi teacher earlier in life. But the journey to 34 has been fun and I've tried a lot of cool stuff that made it an interesting ride, and once you get experiences that you would write about like :- "I always thought the letters to your magazine were made up. Then this happened to me...." it makes it a LOT easier to overcome desire than it was at 20, where my partner and I once used 24 condoms in 2 days............. good times Enjoy yourself and do what feels right.
  17. I had this a few months back felt, exactly as you described. Someone here suggested that when I felt the "urge" I try doing squats or other lower body work for a minute or so. Worked for me.
  18. Attraction and Energy

    Life is filled with desires / attachment. No easy advice, sorry, but just living and growing older helps me. Be easy and you are right.
  19. Found a Kunlun Level One Variation

    If you believe it, how can it not be real
  20. Well said. Personally I'm still getting something out of it & it's all mostly positive Both approaches work, one is not better than the other but suitability & appeal will vary between people. i.e. For me the path chosen by Mantis would be too difficult to stick with and I would fail. Cool discussion, keep it coming .............. err Happening p.s. Glad it's the weekend and I didn't run the naked video at work !!!
  21. the philosophy behind kunlun

    Actually the best way is to go via Australia Anyway it looks like I'll have till at least after March to save up for my airfair and lessons. Still willing to leave the state for the first time in my life to learn this stuff. And the more time I have to practice the better. Which is good as I've been rather slack the last few weeks.
  22. Found a Kunlun Level One Variation

    Is there really a difference between "Air" and the other "things" we experience in this world?
  23. .

    Yes I will not be showing this post to Jean Claw, he already thinks he is a God. I do love the way that when I'm home if I look around somewhere close by will be a cat (we have 2) When you move they will follow you around, not really close (unless it dinner time) but just enough to be there with you.