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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Kunlun Level 1

    Cheers Cam, I was "stuck" at ~20min of stillness meditation, not sure why but I just had trouble going for longer, would get distracted. But after the active part of Kunlun I can just sit and sit and sit....... The weird thing is I have NEVER been able to get up in the morning to practice. I've been up at 5:30~ 6am since October, regardless of when I go to bed (Which is often 2 or 3am)
  2. water fasting

    Arrg, you beat me to the punch but then I'm one of those office workers sitting around with a bottle of water (don't drink coffee or softdrink) And I must really be killing my kidneys as I drink ~3L of water a day (I sweat like a pig when I'm not sitting in the office, it's hot here)
  3. Kunlun Level 1

    What are the MINIMUM practice requirements for Kunlun level 1? I'm happy with how my 20min active 20min closing is going and I would like to increase things now and get a bit more "old school" My thoughts :- Practice at least once everyday is required Get ready / comfortable and do the visualisation for a min or two untill ready to start. 40min Active Kunlun 20min Closing form My thinking from the book is that it's at least an hour active kunlun with 20min closing everyday but it's a bit unclear and if I can be lazy and get away with only 1 hour that will work out better for me Cheers
  4. Bumble bee sound

    Thanks for the link Matt. I had not heard ( ) much about this practice either. Cheers
  5. Buddha speaks!

    No one talks to Buddha nature. I die when Buddha nature speaks.
  6. Kunlun Level One Workshop

    I'm wondering too, but we will find out when the time is right. I hope he teaches it in Aus, but it all sounds a bit scary so I don't know if I want it.... Anyhow no need to buy those running shoes yet, still learning to walk
  7. clear semen

    All good here, how you doing today?
  8. clear semen

    Oh I am blessed...... but I don't need more power thanks Anyhow for rest of us, I have felt the same (specifically feeling frustrated, angry emotions) from trying retention. Perhaps it's a blockage or perhaps the extra energy was not being used / refined and as it builds up it's got to go somewhere! Whatever Kunlun is doing it's doing something with that energy. Compared to other practices I have tried that advised retention, it seems very natural and easy with kunlun. So if your lucky enought to be in a position to make love with someone special and still want to do the 100 days, I advise checking out Dr Lin's method. It's very very good even if he isn't a "real" doctor (Engineering PHD)
  9. Kunlun Seminars

    O.k. to share experiences, O.k. to share the book, No PDF's etc. No worries. But I don't know if putting your bodyweight on kidney one while doing that posture would be very "blissful"
  10. clear semen

    Fair enough...... Although if you want to have sex and not ejaculate I think Dr Lin's Anal Breathing method is the way to go.
  11. Kunlun Seminars

    To be blunt I don't think there is an explanation of the mechanism available in scientific terms. But I don't think I could even describe the Micro Cosmic Orbit in scientific terms, or most of the stuff that I do. Does it really matter if it works? I can understand your ......"annoyance" at the loose flowery terminology, the stories about people getting stuck to tennis courts and all the lineages etc. Most of the (small) book is like that personally I just ignore all that stuff, not intrested. I just practice the method, observe what it does for me, and keep doing it if it feels good. Hopefully it wont f#ck me up!!! Mal p.s. sent you (xeno) a PM, have a PDF of level 1 if you want to have a look what is in the book. pps. Although it is explanable. Sent Chris a PM about something a few weeks back and got an excellent reply that made perfect sense to me.
  12. clear semen

    Do what you will Seriously though, I was just wondering the usefulness of you personally practicing retention. Except for using it as a killer pick up line Very basically I though the purpose of the 100 days retention was to reach a base level of.. well "power" Once that base level of "power" is reached like a critical mass that "power" willl activate and can then clean/fix/heal/whatever your body requires. As a side effect of this activation phenomena can manifest and they should be ignored. But you have already had many things happen, due to the transmission. Why build more "power" when it's already working? In the book once people reached the 100days they scale back on the retention. I think I must be misunderstanding this. "Power" is not my thing. I just enjoy sitting around.
  13. clear semen

    More than o.k. I would think it's VITAL not to have a feeling of "failure" As long as you don't cheat too much e.g. Taking 200 actual days to get to your 100 days of retention Interestingly enough my retention was going better before my self imposed birthday start deadline. It was just happening naturally. Currently what's happening is I chose to end with a big explosion My way of thinking about this, I'll try the 100 days, perhaps I'll make it perhaps I won't but if I'm still actually still doing the practice next year I will want to try and see Chris when he travels to Aus. Then I can get the transmission so it won't matter (correct?). If this was not on the cards the 100 days would be more important to me. Really I don't care what kunlun does, I just like sitting afterwards You (Cam) already have the transmission, why bother to retain for 100, you might be better of at the level 2 schedule? That is NO excuse Anyhow to redirect. Does this practice (or similar) stop sperm production? Can it be restarted to make a baby?
  14. Buddha speaks!

    Eat the strawberry! I can't do these (obviously) but I like the thread and today my Zen email was :- A man traveling across a field encountered a tiger. He fled, the tiger after him. Coming to a precipice, he caught hold of the root of a wild vine and swung himself down over the edge. The tiger sniffed at him from above. Trembling, the man looked down to where, far below, another tiger was waiting to eat him. Only the vine sustained him. Two mice, one white and one black, little by little started to gnaw away the vine. The man saw a luscious strawberry near him. Grasping the vine with one hand, he plucked the strawberry with the other. How sweet it tasted!
  15. Hi all, The other half got me this course for my birthday Looks like a lot of fun with info on various Qigong's. The structured training program is basically ~1 hour in the morning ~30min in the afternoon. Some of the exercises you do change every 10 days, you rotate through almost all the various Qigongs presented. Anyone had a go at this? My understanding is that Ken Cohen is a very well respected teacher. Early impressions are that even without doing the exact training program (don't have that sort of time) there looks like a heap of great info here.
  16. It's worse than that........ I actually download stuff from mininova
  17. Mixing Practices

    Well, actually doing the practice results in a feeling of bliss very quickly. And it makes me feels good before / during / after practicing. As to the re-enlightment, not sure if anyone is saying that they have achieved that, so it could be......{insert best guess here}. Why not have a go and see if you like it? You don't need the book. Most of the book is just stories about the practice anyhow. The actual practice itself is quite simple. I've posted this before but the book does say you can share the method with anyone, just don't pass yourself off as a kunlun teacher. But then the book is copyright. Would posting the description of the level one method fall into the less than 10% reproduces for the purpose of academic study loophole? I think it does so P.M. me and I'll send you the instructions if you like. But that would have to wait till monday as I'm lazzy and would like to OCR the book at work so I don't have to type too much
  18. weight loss=penis growth?

    lol it's November now so you should be fine ............ for a few days
  19. Yes, don't think I'll be doing it as a course like he sets out. But his course would be very good if you were just starting out doing Qi Gongs and did not have your own practices. But he certantly presents good info on a lot of different practices. It nice to actually see some of the exercises that I had only read about or heard about in posts here Thanks but WTF does that mean are demonoid and mininova web sites? Cheers
  20. weight loss=penis growth?

    Actually if I ever write a diet book that was going to be my title, until I heard a Doctor on Oprah give the 20 lbs = 2 inches quote last year. It's really a lot more variable than that....... But as someone who has lost 30kg, basically yes my penis is noticeably longer now, but not by 6 inches