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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Smoking

    Don't do it if it's not fun I found that long term smokers tend to move away from the "couchlock" of the indica's to the more functional "cerebral" high of the sativa's. Unfortunately sativa's are not that popular anymore, a bit "old school" and pretty hard to buy compared to an indica, unless you live somewhere in Amsterdam No doubt because sativa's take longer to grow, yield less, and are not as "strong" as indica's and are therefore not favored by commercial growers.
  2. Mixing Practices

    Hi Xeno, To me is seem that the "hook" is the bliss. The practice of Kunlun has noticeable "effects" very quickly, unlike many other practices. The stated purpose is re-enlightenment, which to me means to realise your true nature.
  3. Kunlun Level 1

    Leaning forward slightly is in the book. Still found Trunks suggestion to relax the toes into the ground most helpful with removing excess muscular tension in the calves and lower legs that can occur when holding up the heels. p.s. Feeling like I have a different copy but on which page is the photo with the hands the wrong way?
  4. smoking and tcm

    Don't know much about tobacco but I always wondered if I would get cancer from burning incense sticks Anyhow FWIW it does seem that setting things on fire is the big problem. I like Volcano's
  5. Mixing Practices

    I have noticed I have been less motivated to practice Tai Chi recently. But I go throught phases where I practice a lot of Tai Chi and then not that often. I try to go with how I feel. I'm inclined to agree. I think one hour was too much for me at the start and caused a weird effect. I have changed to doing 10~20min of the opening and then 20min of the closing. I am not getting huge results like others but I am enjoying myself Perhaps 20min is enough once you get use to it But I'm feeling that the "siting still" is the most important part.
  6. Egyptian Alchemy

    I don't have a clue either? Try a search for Hermes Trismegistus.
  7. Hi Carlo, Getting the energy to move is dificult. Read all the stuff on Trunks sight it's excellent. I also found Dr Lyn's method to be a bit easier for me than Chia's, it's the same principal. His impossible to navigate web site is The CD Rom that he sells is very cheap and much easier to navigate but virtually all the info is available for free on his site.
  8. Nice. If I remember my history correctly we are doing "similar" / "the same" stuff. Tim Tams are pretty good, but the best chocolate is made by Cadbury I would be so skinny if I didn't like their Dary Milk Chocolate!
  9. Top 5

    I'll have some of that action, it's a sure thing
  10. Sgt TaoBums Lonely Hearts Band ?

    1. Harp (harmonica), use to play sax but by bari does not fit on my motorbike 2. Everyday, carry at least one everywhere I go. 3. Some sort of 12 bar blues that I made up. When I play other peoples songs it's easer to notice how bad I play
  11. Fare enough, my experiences are based on western astrology, although Witch gets that to work too (I think) "Now of course when it comes to interpreting the results... the true art... this, like any true art, depends on the mastery of the artist." I know people that can predict the future, perhaps the skill works regardless of the method employed
  12. No FWIW I'm saying that I don't believe astrology is predictive of human behaviour. That what I like about I Ching. The nicest thing I can say is perhaps it's like magick, so many people pretending they can do it that nobody even gets to see the real stuff anymore. In my personal experience it has NEVER been predictive.
  13. lost, confused and frustrated

    I often wonder how Taoism fits into the start of adulthood. University studies or starting a career to support you through life is hard arduous work. What would Chuang Tuz advise?
  14. Will it predict the asking of many question Like Cam I'm not a believer in birth dates either. But Taomeow brings much more than maths (it like a spelling mistake did not even notice) and I do believe in I Ching predictions. Try 31 October 1973 if its fun rather than hard work for you. Wun Yuen Gong, keep asking questions, you start good threads, not trying to discourage you, just having fun
  15. Taijiquan and Awareness

    Hundun & xuesheng thank you. I would reply but I'm actually on my way to practice. My practice partner has been on holidays in China for 5 weeks, should be a fun. A good time to be "right here, right now"
  16. He is right though, apparently saliva gets well sort of charged up when you do any form of chi gung and is best swallowed. Some chi gungs make me fart annoying when you get that feeling in class
  17. The reality of Max Christensen

    IMO the shaking isn't the important part, it's the meditation afterwards. For me the chance to read a book and actually get something so noticeable to happen so fast is the amazing thing. Like I go to the new age bookshop every fortnight, nothing like this ever happen before! Someone mentioned Wong Kiew Kit's book, tried that one but always felt like "I" was doing the moving, could not let go. The only other books that had fast effects were on standing postures, but they are certainly not blissful to practice And what's all this about hidden practice? It may well be best not to talk about what is "happening to you" because people will think you are losing it but the practice itself :- Page 94 "This book is a gift for the world. Please share this knowledge freely. You must, however, be certified by me personally in order to declare yourself a Kunlun teacher"
  18. Embryonic Breathing

    Oh, that's my problem. I thought all the dragons and cauldron stuff WAS the old language. Had the same problem with the occult books I read. Thought they were either in code to disgues meaning or being used like a scientific language to give a word a specific meaning. Know what you mean how, many even practice between classes Don't know if it's true but I read once "To miss one day of practice is the same as missing 10" That quote and the fact that my Sifu practices everyday is why I practice everyday. At least the book helped you
  19. name this posture?

    Nice, shame we can't get together and try it out. I love seing how different arts do things and this looks pretty cool.
  20. Right Side, Left Side, Illusions

    haha that is fun, intresting that most of us see it going clockwise first. Took me a while to switch it , had to cheat (I think) to get it going both ways. Most interesting was our cleaner at work sees it switching direction all the time, does not make a full rotation for her very often
  21. name this posture?

    Interesting, any difficulties with the pre-crossed arms? I do like how it looks strange/ weird (at least to me) I've used a similar posture in pubs with one hand under the chin, the other arm touching that elbow, (like the classic thinker position) Nice defensive fence without escalating things by shaping up and talking a stance.
  22. Cool, although I always felt that you were approachable.... o.k. a bit scary Thanks for sharing, I'm only at 4 years of practice with my Sifu, although I've been "trying" Tai Chi for 20 years. Usually I just get told to go slower but his last instruction to me was to "feel the chi move with the breath" He is very "traditional chinese" with his tai chi instruction, tells us something new ever year or so if we really pester him (He is different with the beginers learning how to do the form) Cheers
  23. The Tree In My Yard

    With insight like that. I feel you are no longer just the "grashopper". Thank you for sharing