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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Thanks for the replys everyone.
  2. Society vs Nature

    It took us over 2 years to decide if we were responsible enough to get our kittens! We will never be ready for kids
  3. Sharing Kunlun with other people?

    A rule I like is "keep silent" My Sifu cautions me with "don't show off" It's o.k to tell me though hahahah
  4. Kunlun Level 1

    Hehe, Cool. I am getting that swaying effect, will try it with the visualisation, Cheers Mantra The swaying just feels so "nice" I thought I might be doing the wrong thing as it wasn't a spiral radiating up from the hips. (Not sure what I look like but it feels like how Steve Wonder moves when he sings !) I try not to ask too many questions but my hands tend to move first. The feeling starts from the hands or my sholders (a lot of tension/pain from injuries for me in my sholders) The movements feel good. Not what I was expecting and I'm not sure if it's just "happening" or if it's "me" doing it "cause it feels nice to move" Trying to just do it, and not worry about what happens. Experimenting with a few things... plenty of time to practice.
  5. Kunlun Seminars

    I'll second that, I'm in Townsville (1400km away) but happy to put up fliers etc. Doubt you would get 30 in Townsville, but you should in Brisbane
  6. Kunlun Level 1

    Hi KoHsuan, Perhaps we will meet up in Jan, that would be cool. Come to Queensland instead Mantra Anyhow I found Trunks suggestion to relax the toes and feet into the ground quite helpful. When my legs start to shake I was sort of tensing up my leg muscles to keep my heels up and that was stoping any shaking sensations. Practicing a lot less than you (1/2 hour) stoping the first stage before too much happens and making sure I do a lot of the closing form. No mindblowing results (well there was ONE) I think I move my arms about too much at the moment (but my body is stiff and it feels good so I do it). No heat, only lower body shaking, happyness rather than bliss. But I do seem drawn to this practice. (due to the high traffic on the board?)
  7. Apart at the seams

    A good rule of thumb Cheers. I just feel bad 'cause she had nowhere to stay the night and I could have called my kung fu school and got someone to look after her just as easly as giving her $20, which was not enough to help her and wasn't a strain on me. i.e. I took the easy option. But I was scared to call my school incase she was lying and I then looked stupid for wasting everyones time on a "street person" In retrospect I should have just checked her story with the police, didn't think of that at the time.
  8. Lama Dorje

    Nice 1 all the Avitars seem to be changing quite a bit at the moment actually....... p.s I still prefer the love bunny
  9. Kunlun Level 1

    Thanks Mantra. Have fun too.
  10. Lin (Aiwei): sexual activity

    Have to agree, don't they say "Easy is right, be right and you are easy" But I don't try to pass off having sex as a spiritual practice. Basically I had given up on retention as a practice, at least untill "I" could "feel" a difference between retention and ejaculation. And was just using Dr Lyns method for fun and enjoyment. But then along came Kunlun.
  11. Lin (Aiwei): sexual activity

    Nicely put. That is my problem with sex. I start with a "goal" for the session but it all just gets too enjoyable and thoughts of cultivation stop and I just have fun! So far I have only felt satisfied without ejaculation once. Afterwards it's like.... well that was a LOT of fun but not really what I wanted. i.e. enjoyable but not "cultivation" Working with sexual energy is not something I understand. I don't understand why it is conserved and what to do with it once you "cultivate" some. I know theories, but have no practical experience in how this "feels" for me. Will be interesting to see if I can "feel" a difference with this Kunlun practice. It's the first thing I have done that requires celibacy, so we will see what happens
  12. Kunlun Seminars

    IF I keep up the practice in the book I'm actually thinking about flying down for this one "January 9-23 Australia" Can / will Sifu Max be able to teach a complete practice? I would hate to devote myself to a system and then not be able to get further without flying overseas for instruction. That is why I don't usually want to go to seminars but this Kunlun system seems different. p.s. The sooner a concrete time is locked in the cheaper the airfars are
  13. 'cause it's an amusing way to spend the day. Can't practice all the time FWIW the practice seems fine, the majority is going o.k. Out of a large group of people who are intrested enought to go to a seminar I would expect a few to........... well basically "freak out." (guess you are the lucky one ! ) Just like there will be some where nothing happens at all..... In hindsight which one would you prefer to be? (Cam try not to respond till your no-post deadline expires ! )
  14. "As Above, So Below"

    To me it means Frans Bardon also enjoy Do what thou will shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
  15. Any BBC comedy recommendations?

    Agree, If you like the hologram in red dwarf the Brittas Empire is just so funny...... My other half is like the wife in My Family. (I'm Michel, not the dad Good for Kids, I think don't have any myself but I "think" it's p.g. is "My Hero" the character Dougel out of Father Ted is a superhero. But my favorite, because I like drinking references is Black Books. I look and act like Manny!!! But would love to be like Bernard (edit don't let kids watch Black Books !!! ) Favorite quote cue deep velveteen voice - "Are you all right Fran.... Do you need me to come Fran"
  16. Got this e mail today

    Is transmission something than can be explained, or only experienced? I have no idea what a transmission is (or I have never noticed receiving one at least) I don't think I'm ready to understand this stuff. What I see is a water like flowing out of the movements from the center and a sense of unified intent (i.e. mind focused but not restrictive the movements are natural) Reminds me of my Sifu actually DOING a forms as opposed to teaching a form to us. Must make sure never to put up a video of myself, at least for another 10 years.
  17. Sexual Energy

    O.k. I like the link sounds like what I want to do I've asked this before as well, not many responses but you can't read all the threads, I missed this one originally So any tips for beginners starting out with doing energy exchange, clothed methods without intercourse would be nice. Safety tips for her with dealing with sexual energyenergy, don't want to give her a Cam style experience Personally I still don't understand the reason / purpose / effect of cultivating sexual energy, for men or women. It's why I can't respond to xeno, I don't know what he is talking about. I may have felt something similar, but I can't explain that experience to myself let alone to others! Can't talk about chakra's with Witch as I can't feel them either. Sort of feel 3 dan tiens, lower body, head and a difference in the middle. What I do know? not much. I practice ejaculation control to have sex for as long as I want. I can move something I call "energy" back into my body rather than out through ejaculation. I can breath it down between my balls and anus and up into my lower back. Something might go up my spine into my shoulders then head but it feels different, could just be wishfull thinking. Sometimes it feels very good and I no longer want to continue having sex a strange strange strange experience, this is new for me If I ejuculate the "energy" does not seem as solid. I practice without ejaculation every few days this it causes various things I call "side effects" Going to try to cultivate for 100 days for the Kunlun Nei Gung and see if /what it uses / does with this "energy.
  18. BJJ, Shing Yi or Aikido?

    Cool, change is good. So which class was the most enjoyable?
  19. Loved the link, almost didn't click it, lucky I'm thinking about this statement at the moment. "Chinese is a pictorial language, every time it is read it is a translation, unlike English."
  20. Where is everybody?

    Me too. But for some reason I thought most of the 'bums here were uk based!
  21. Lama Dorje

    Just when I was sulking that my book is still in the mail ........ Some Good news Going anywhere in Queensland? p.s. Nice lurking