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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Hi All, I'm bored & stuck here at work, but they are paying me to do nothing so perhaps I work for a Taoist organisation Everyone here at work already thinks I'm strange as I have been doing Tai Chi rather than eating lunch this year. I find it breaks the day into 2 nice parts. I have always had a bad lower back and shoulder that doesn't like me sitting down in the office all day. I have tried various exercises on and off over the years. For the last 2 weeks I have been doing 10 hindu squats and 10 hindu push ups every 2 hours (started at 8 and worked up) and my back and shoulder feel good at the end of the day. I do more when I'm training, but I like to stop before I start to breath too hard and get sweaty, especially since I sneak of to the toilet to practice, panting and sweaty is not a good look I occasionally meditate, but staring off into space attracts more attention than surfing the ' bums and I've read all the new posts So I'm wondering what sort of things people do to keep themselves amused during working hours.
  2. a whole bunch o' newbie questions

    You are making sense, I think we are talking about the same thing. I think my sense of humor is confusing things more than it should. Feeling (sorry, being) useless and small is my current thing. I find it quite scary and I like trying to work through the fear that it brings. Nice poem too, thank you for posting it.
  3. How good is Michael Winn's information?

    That's really sad. He certanly sounded like he had found the "way" But now I hear that he failed..... I love his books so much. The way he talks just makes perfect sense to me. I can't pick up one of his books without reading for much longer than I meant to. I'll admit that I never bothered to find out anything about his life that wasn't written by him. Actually I'm quite depressed now as I seriously would love to be like Osho. Perhaps I need to change that to: I would love to be the man I think Osho is
  4. Lama Dorje

    No experience with magnetic body (so I should shut up) But didn't the book preface mention a person geting their body stuck to a tennis court fence?
  5. a whole bunch o' newbie questions

    But "I" love to feel, see my .sig
  6. LaoZi Academy

    Yes that's it, it tries to load the front page and it sort of all comes up o.k. with pics and things but then IE brings up its error box and closes all sessions. It does give me a huge text file of the error if you're really interested, but if nobody else is having problems don't bother as I can just check it out with firefox from home. (this work computer does strange things sometimes) Brisbane in the new year could work for me, I'll get onto your mailing list. Cheers
  7. LaoZi Academy

    I seem to keep crashing Iexplorer on that link, but that's not unusual for micro$oft I'm intrested, I think aAy chance you are going anywhere near Townsville North Queensland? Or doing anything in Brisbane between the 1st & 4th of October.
  8. Are there any books or web sites

    Check out the posts in "Resources: Books, Links, Articles, Movies, etc." it's pinned to the top of this Taoist Discussion page. I like good resources but not specific to your question
  9. a whole bunch o' newbie questions

    Not only is "Put Down" profound and clever it's also scripture quote! "Put down all entangling conditions, let not one thought arise" I'm always impressed when people do things like this, I never manage it. Going outside to stare at the sky and feel small and useless....
  10. Favorite places to cultivate

    That's o.k don't feel bad for me, my garage is pretty cool. I'm not stuck in a box suffering or anything Just a roof to keep the sun off, a nice breeze, lots of birds and insects and a good enough view of the mountain. Peaceful. In retrospect I have walked up mountains and down beaches to practice, it's beautiful when it just happens. But if I have to plan a trip to go somewhere to practice I often find an excuse to do something else instead And yes old trees are excellent to hug.
  11. OT: fear & apprehension

    It gets better every time I watch it, the sort of movie you want to own DVD. Sorry to break into the thread but if anybody has not seen this movie check it out
  12. Death for Dummies

    Thank you for sharing, my remaining "fear" of death is that I will forget everything and have to start from scratch again. I remember nothing of previous incarnations but I like to think I must have had a hard life because my current life is like living in the western paradise. Seriously I feel very lucky. I have Tibetan Art of Living too, a good book.
  13. Porn and neural pathways

    I'll second that Oohh, extra special love today... and in a porn thread too Just ignore me, extra bored @ work today
  14. Death for Dummies

    Any other Taoist thoughts on Death? My partner believes that when we die that's it, end of story. I believe that what a person believes in will happen to them Therefore her case is a bit depressing as I feel she will "loose" any progress made in this life and have to do it all over again (yes reincarnation is what I believe in) Now what I feel doesn't matter....... but this view of death makes her feel depressed / worried. At least at the moment as we have had a few friends die recently. For me when I feel down I read "Heart Spoon Encouragement through Recollecting Impermanence" by Kyabje Pabongka Rinpoche which basically states you are dead for a long long long time so you had better practice hard while you still have the chance! So anyone got any uplifting suggestions cause she hates the Heart Spoon Encouragement Something that might encorage her to meditate would be nice too
  15. Kunlun Level 1

    Thanks Cam. Agreed it's probably best to just do the Kunlun, but I once read that to miss a day of Chi Gung is like missing 10 days of practice! I'll be sticking with my chi gungs as long as I don't start to notice problems. I really don't thnik they will be any issues as there is no explicit direction of energy along pathways in the Chi Gungs that I do. I find I progress very slowly with these things so I expect to be doing level 1 for at least 6 mts You are just wacky Actually I heard about a theory once on a TV show in the '90's, I think it was called Memonic Resonance. It states that because person A has thought about subjext X its easier for person B to understand subject X even though person A & B can be on other sides of the world and have way to contact or communicate with each other. So perhaps we ARE making the world a better place
  16. Favorite places to cultivate old bedroom (I brought my parents house and my old room is still basically set up the same, nice feel) 2. the Garage I think I like these as they are very close and easy to access I have a beautifull mountain (hill) within 10 min walk that has a view of the entire city, ocean and islands. But I've only ever made the walk once. I'm not a nature person. While watching TV on the weekend I saw that the sky looked really pretty during the local football final so I went outside to check during an advertising break. (yes it was a nice blue colour)
  17. FatherPaul died

    Father Paul, I too will miss your beautiful poetic replies. Have fun brother...
  18. Kunlun Level 1

    Cheers Cam, you deserve a commision for all your efforts I've placed my order for the book, just went for the normal shiping option so I don't expect I'll be able to join in for a month or so .... So don't post any spoilers Have Fun
  19. No traditions but an anecdote My partner works security at the local emergency department and there are more admissions around the full moon. Friday/Saturday nights on a full moon are always flat out. She also WORKS in the Secure Mental Health Facility and the patients in there are also more problematic around the full moon.
  20. Sailor Bob ?

    Hi Cloud, No usefull feedback, have not heard of Sailor Bob. But if it makes you feel less isolated I'm looking for teachers in Townsville, North Queensland. hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahaaaa........... err
  21. more gray hair research

    No it's evidence that it's working Thanks anyhow.