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Everything posted by Mal

  1. more gray hair research

    But are they bald? Mine can go as grey as it likes if it would just stay on my head, I look like Friar Tut with a pony tail Would really prefer to try Tai Chi in the mornings, but I like doing T5T too and with its hair restoration / long life claims it seems silly not to do them.
  2. Hi Everyone, I've had Chia's books since I was ~ 18 never had a need to use them but now at 33 they are more useful (Why does sexual response change? what makes a man at 18 able to have sex all the time and at 33 just not feel like trying again for a day or so ? ) Anyhow at the start of the year I was using the big draw out of Chia's Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy, and then moved onto his Multiorgasmic Man books, same method newer books I had success with the big draw but I started to feel a bit "out of sorts", depression after ejaculation (probably due to "failure" feelings) continual "sexual" feelings that wouldn't go away no matter how much I ejaculated / masturbated. So I stoped trying Chia's methods in April and went with Dr Lyn's Method. I got his CD a few months ago it's excellent, worth every penny and it's only cheep. Basically I have reached the stage where I am extremely happy with my physical performance and this month I had my first non- ejaculatory sexual experience where I felt totally satisfied and happy (i.e. just like I had ejaculated) I also have Healing Love through the Tao: Cultivating Female Sexual Energy by Mantak Chia I want to try dual cultivation....... So............................. how badly wrong can things go? :/ I'm am worried about trying to work with sexual energy, especially without a teacher. I think I'm quite self aware and I have a long history of trying mystical things and monitoring what goes on in my body and have my Tai Chi and Kung Fu practice as a safeguard when I stuff up energy work. And they do say "the teacher will show up when the student is ready" and I have wanted to try dual cultivation since I was 18 So I'm thinking that maybe that time is now. Any suggestions on how to proceed, resources etc specifically for women as I really have no idea what to suggest or to watch out for? Thanks in advance Mal p.s. I wasn't going to add this part but I have been doing Lyn's Anal Breathing and playing with moving energy this month and this weekend I had the same "over sexed" feeling that I experienced previously. I was doing single cultivation without ejaculation and I just didn't want to stop. Rather than diminishing my sexual urge ejaculation just made me frustrated as I still felt "sexual" but had to "wait" before I could do anything about it. A few days of masturbation to ejaculation 3 times a day seems to have setteled those feelings down now. In retrospect mastubating that much is how I use to feel when I was 18 edited due to a dream
  3. Thanks for re-posting that. I had assumed it was just the story without much actual "info" included. Will definitely try to chase it down.
  4. Totally agree. Daniel Oldier's books look intresting, cheers. I see he also has :- (2005) Yoga Spandakarika: The Sacred Texts at the Origins of Tantra by Daniel Odier Sounds very intresting, I like translations of old texts. Possibility more up my ally than Tantric Quest. Thanks
  5. meditation poll

    I'm one of those weird afternoon people, it gives me something to look forward to at the end of the day. I just can't get a routine happening with morning practice, but I think that is because I stay up too late @ night and I need that extra snooze time. Everyday I try to get up early and do something and everyday I just hit snooze
  6. 1. If you are interested yes, but it would be a lot of hard work if you are only doing it "just" to fix your problem. 2. Balancing food, exercise and sleep would IMHO help more. Remember an "average Jo" is able to ejaculate without problems. 3. Do you worry about this? Trick question I find with any sexual performance issue there is sure to be a mental component involved, espicially if you are "worried". Fixing this can be time consuming so try to enjoy the process. Different things work for different people, I would try the TCM person and see how you go.
  7. I guess, I alwasy found Tantra a bit "romantic" for me. The more mechanical "nuts and bolts" aspects of Taoism always appealed to me. Anyhow as one of my friends loves to say- "It's all good"
  8. Supernormal Powers from Internal arts?

    Hi mwight, I have some experience of Robert Bruce's energy work from his book Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience (a good course that I never finished Preferred to spend my 30~45 min a day on other meditations but it does look like it would work if you wanted to experience an OBE. Would you recommend Astral Dynamics: A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences for more energy work information? I see he also has a new book which looks more on topic Energy Work: The Secret of Healing and Spiritual Development. (I'm not much of a DVD person, I like books) I read about this in The Five Tibetans: Five Dynamic Exercises for Health, Energy, and Personal Power by Christopher S. Kilham (excellent book) He mentioned learning how to be conscious while you are asleep (as well as an interesting meditation method listing to the sound of nothing) I've never tried conscious sleeping as he was the only person I remember ever mentioning it. Without having a teacher I never know if it's good to mix things from different people. Any further pointers Actually all the info in Kilham's book sounded really interesting. Anyone ever tried his methods or know of a lineage that they are from?
  9. Obviously a flawed experiment,, everyone know cats are smarter than dogs Mal a.k.a. the cat-loving bastard p.s. the other link was an intresting read cheers Spectrum.
  10. Cheers I can try that when the feeling strikes me again. Just do a set of 10 or keep going till I feel better ? (When warmed up I do 50-70 squats (hard work) 100 is pretty much my limit) I have also thought that the 6th Tibitan might help when I have this problem, but have not tried it.
  11. Age differences in relationship

    Well then now I'm really intrested in in his "boobs of great shape"
  12. Age differences in relationship

    Not Female but I raised an eyebrow. Actually intrested in how they could be wrinkled, I've seen them suffering from gravity but never any wrinkles, 1st time seeing stretch marks perhaps? Anyhow I've always enjoyed GT's posts, I was more supprised that he was only 22 and that Yoda is a girl! (I sure there was a comment about a Mrs Yoda once)
  13. Taoist Ethics for taoist PUA

    Hi Pietro, Good justification of PUA ethics. I must admit I struggled after reading the game as I have a background in psychology as well. I could easily use these techniques to get what I want after a bit of practice, but is it ethical to manipulate girls just to get sex? I must admin I decided that it wasn't, but I do find your reasoning sound. I basically just use these techniques to flirt. Everyone has a bit of fun and I've met some cool people.
  14. getting too much sleep?

    Hi Yoda Thanks for the link to the older posts, I'm searching through them now. I remember something from a TV show many years ago saying the someone was getting all their sleep by sleeping for 3 hrs 2x a day. But I could never find a reference to anything written about it. Seem like it would work as it's basically 2x 90 min sleep cycles, a lot easier to work than trying to change to a shorter than 90min sleep cycle.
  15. iron shirt chi kung

    Yes most complete forms of Kung Fu will have a type of Iron body conditioning involved. In my style it is called Golden Bell reather than Iron shirt. It's not hard to learn, but takes a long time to acheive results. We build up the power of our strikes very slowly so there is no brusing or calloses etc. It's the breathing part that is the most important. As mentioned there are heaps of books (I have read the healing tao Iron Shirt I) but I never had much luck learning it till I got a teacher. p.s. I can't stop bullets or do any cool tricks like in the movies