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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Wet dreams

    So do I, I certanly think socity curently promotes many "ideals" where sex is devoid of love - porn is a example, an area seriously lacking in love. The terms "having sex" and "making love" are used interchaingable yet having sex is not the same as making love. Perhaps further investigation/reflection on love could be enlightening? (or at the very least enjoyable) I find loving kindness meditation a good way to investigate love... and trust your feelings
  2. Yes... the dust they left behind. p.s. I bet I would like alphabetical order more if I'd been named Aaron
  3. Wet dreams

    That sounds like an unplesant situation, I understand you wishing for it to change. Balancing sexual desire/drive is very difficult and can be a long term journy ... You should get many sugestions as the issue is multifaceted and sexuality is a common topic on TTB, but change is definitly possible. plus more love, less porn
  4. Corrupt a Wish.

    Granted Peace on Earth is the Best Melbourne Day Spa Retreat in the City CBD (and I'm rather concerned that was the top result for "peace on earth" on google !!!) I wish for goodwill to all
  5. Second, I though that Non had returned. + Greetings witch
  6. Wet dreams

    If you want control, well ... if you have a retention practice you can learn to reconise the "triggers" and practice retention in dreams, exactly like you would in "real life". However if the energy is just being repressed rather than transformed the "triggers" can become very non sexual ( which can get rather suprising ) Personal preference, less control - enjoy whatever you encounter without wishing it was something different. re: how not to have them
  7. The Power of F*ck It

    I prefer This is it Fuck it It is what it is Paul Crick explains why it's important to have all 3 components
  8. I saw it as a timeline of when people started their journy at TTB, as opposed to a junk drawer.
  9. It truly was a pleasure to work with you Apech (and the team of course) Some great memories ... from over a year ago now Love - Mal
  10. FM

    I'll be viewing the total eclipse from a hot air balloon! Looking forward to the experience.
  11. Avatar: The Last Airbender

    But it did have the only Chu GarSouthern Praying Mantis Kung Fu I've ever seen on TV/movie
  12. I'm also interested in the upcoming Tai Chi Mastery program, unfortunately I have not been able to identify anyone who has has an actual improvement in "practical skill" from the previous Bagua Mastery Program (lots of infomation in it though) I would LOVE to hear from someone who was able to benefit from the Bagua Mastery Program
  13. For the Henan Division of Miss Bikini International Pageant Beauties the organization team seems to have had a great idea: let the contesters do Taiji and then let them compete in a 推手 Pushhands contest "seems to have had a great idea" .... yeah
  14. Can't get over my EX

    When we are not talking about "a simple school crush" but an actual relationship, 2 1/2 months ago IS only yesterday. I recently apologized to an ex-girlfriend over something I felt was "unresolved" She replied "Mal, that was over 20 years ago!" Don't be so hard on yourself “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” Lao Tzu
  15. Halos

    It (should/can be) a side effect of a good/complete practice. Path notes (kap) does this, as do many others...
  16. Loneliness is Killing MEE!

    That's where I found it
  17. Loneliness is Killing MEE!

    Dr. Morris's Secret Smile & Breathing basic KAP 1 (Giri for the Tao Bumbs ) powerful yet basic, an essential fundamental.
  18. Taoist Bed Chamber Arts?

    As previously mentioned in thread IMO best net collection of current thought - practical advice alchemical taoism "Website currently resting in no-form." best book collecting classic texts - explains the "evolution" and different purposes of sexual practices Art of the Bedchamber The Chinese Sexual Yoga Classics Including Women's Solo Meditation Texts
  19. Agreed. Some type of standing post is really going to be your best bet espicially if the space is ultra small. While some type of yoga / the 5 tibetans / tai chi / flowfit etc would be my preference for stretching, standing give will give relief to that "stiff uncirculated body" feeling (seems counterintuitive but try that 10 day stand still be fit program above and see if the practice resonates with you)