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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Loneliness is Killing MEE!

    Exactly I now use the simple flowchart for everything
  2. Loneliness is Killing MEE!

    It's good that you realize how you feel. I would recommend not going down the path of "realizing/understanding" what this means in terms of blame (ie sign of a lacking practice etc) as I'm not sure this would be helpful in a practical way. Don't think, feel Be true to your feeling, which is you feel lonely and desire to change this. Humans are social animals, most writers I've know tend to want less social connection than others but like anything, when you are getting less (or more) that what you want (or need) this causes distress. It's trickier for the "less social / shy" type as we tend not to want to spend time at the commonplace large/loud social settings filled with strangers (eg pubs) Personally I feel internet socialization is an attempt to fill peoples need for connection, but the result can be unsatisfactory - like eating junk food it's perhaps ok for a treat but not good if you try to live on it I've noted improvements in my life from getting away from TTB and "out" in the real world. My vehicles for doing this are music (don't they have open mic's for poets too ? ) and I have recently experienced the connections generated when getting together for a cooking class, surprisingly fun and highly recommended.
  3. What Books are by Your Bed?

    I have not heard of this one, do you have a link
  4. Lean Just Beyond Your Edge

    Less judgement, less trying less improvement, less regret -Kazuaki Tanahashi That pithly little saying is from last years desktop calander and has really stuck with me. I meditate on it often to try to grasp it's meaning. While I do feel the quote is describing a valid path to a peaceful/tranquil life ... I'm just not sure it's a "good thing" vs a "lean just beyond your edge" path.
  5. I had the same issue but it's working now Nice mobile interface too :-)
  6. Still doing less, more often

  7. The Power of Long Hair + Beards

    Feel the power
  8. Been thinking of you Eric23 D was interested in yin yoga and I mentioned you enjoy it - but she has stayed with Iyengar and Ashtanga as we have some very good local teachers. Knowing you really enjoy your yoga from reading your personal practice posts was a motivator for me to give it another go Having now done sets of 5 sunsaltation A and B for a few months I do agree that there is not much more of a "benefit" than simple stretching from just doing 1 rep. While I still use sun A for a stretch several times a day it definitly doesn't feel anything like it does during practice with the ujjayi breathing , dristhi and bandhas Attended my 1st mysore style class last saturday and then a yoga and food workshop on sunday - The workshop was very enjoyable as we learnt more about the other limbs and sutras, practiced chanting, some asanas, pranyama and touched on averdic medicine - we all helped make some rather tasty vegetarian recipes. Good fun. I'm enjoying meeting yoga people. Rather like the martial artists I know there is a nice energy from the people and they have funny stories about their teachers that remind me of how my sifu and sigung act. Guess lineages just produce similar teaching styles For me its' the flow of ashtanga that's really appealing, it's like a long kung fu form or sonons flow fit - just enjoyable to breathe and move. It's quite weird as everyone talks about yoga changing their lives but it really does. I'm investigating food more, contuining to pursue the other limbs, even getting up before dawn to practice which I only ever did for KAP! And it's all just from getting on the mat and practicing. p.s. Rainbow Vein That heart avatar I use sometimes (I'm using gravatar to cycle through different avatars) is a sticker called a sunseal eg you put them on a window and it's like cheap stain glass
  9. Community Forum Software by IP.Board 3.3.4 looking good from down under via Chrome Thanks Sean.
  10. Well, TTB feels like community so it's Having worked will all the moderators I know they really do invest an extraordinary amount of time into TTB. I loved your input and support Steve and I'm sure you will love getting a large slice of time back for "real" life... I did _/\_
  11. Is violence justified

    All Bolds mine ^ No you reacted and there is nothing wrong with that. I was in a fight once years back where people went to prison. I explained it all to my Sifu, with my various reasons worries justifications etc. and he said ... "You think too much"
  12. I work at a computer all day, fortunatly my desk looks out a window to a vacant lot, which I call the meadow and throughout the day I make sure I focus on the window and the far distance to releive my eyes - and: Every 30 min I walk outside into the carpark, look around at nature and do 1 sun salutation (if really tired I will do Juru 1 a PSD practice I was taught in KAP) then I walk back to my desk (takes about 5 min) Workplace health and safety recommends we get out of our desks at least every 30~40 min. At smoko morning and afternoon I walk outside, eat a piece of fruit while looking around at nature / meditating (although it;s really just being along with myself) for 10 min. Instead of eating lunch (30 min) I change clothes and do my Tai Chi long form. Breaks up the day and feels good p.s. I also have a fish tank on my desk
  13. Webomicssss

    I love oglaf. I wanted to buy the book, but I missed out on the "SnowQueen" or "Mistress" special editions
  14. Practicing with wild animals

    Never heard of that happening, my Sifu often said "Never be afraid" (which is not the same as being reckless or taking stupid chances) ^ Peregrine falcon - photo from my practice spot at work
  15. BTT after only a year I struggled to even remember the event I was referring to above, as it turns out the job she did get is SO much better i.e. "The one I got is really better than I thought, that other one I didn't get ... sux" ROTFLMAO
  16. Too old for Taoism ?

    When I read your topic Fenjo I though you might be 90yrs old and even then basically if you are still breathing that's really all you need. Perhaps it is, perhaps it's better to be born an Eagle rather than a human, but that's not what happened for you. So here is a more inspiring quote for you from the Tao of Physics
  17. Webomicssss

    Currently enjoying Wizard School So not for kiddies... it goes more like this ... (from issue #4)
  18. TTB Song project

    Inspired by this (thanks Susan) and the pile of people here who play music. Who wants to try having a go at something like this? What I play:- Sax (all of them - so with multi tracking I can be my own horn section ) and Harp (harmonica) I can do a bit of keys and singing (also clarinet and flute) if I really have to but there will be others here with much more talent in those areas than myself Recording :- My phone records surprisingly well, I also have a pile of mic's etc that I can run into the computer What I need :- while I can do multi track recording.. I really don't know what I'm doing would prefer to leave the combining of tracks to someone who is practiced with that stuff. If someone could remove background noise from recordings that would probably be helpful as simple mics pick up a lot of ambient room noise. So any interest in picking out a standard song, working from a simple drums and base track as a starting guide (or just a simple "straight" song) then layering some sounds over that?
  19. TTB Song project

    Ancestral Horns - Running Bear
  20. Haiku Chain

    but that's just hot air the dried leavings of dead men seen for what they are
  21. Do you need a Teacher for life.....?

    My Sifu once said something like - We all have our path through life. Sometimes those paths touch and you travel together, sometimes those paths separate and go in different directions. I enjoyed the time that our paths were together - the separate paths ... not so much enjoyment but it's still just a part of the journey.