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Everything posted by Mal

  1. TTB Song project

    edited Ramjet - India
  2. Is all this stuff really needed

    Not really, everything living already KNOWS. But we are taught and learn and tend to lose trust in what we KNOW so there are many methods to help us remember whats already there.
  3. TTB Song project

    Ramjet - India
  4. Just a little test as one of our new members is having some issues getting their account set up correctly. It happens every now and then
  5. The Cool Picture Thread

    ^ I feel sad for the turtle
  6. Life's a Dream

    "And dreams themselves are merely the dreams of dreams" Segismundo - Life is a Dream
  7. The Cool Picture Thread

    ^thanks found from that link
  8. Lesson 5 - Solo


  9. TTB Song project

    A new recording of Wonderful World with my Dad
  10. TTB Song project

    As a beginning improviser I wanted to gain more understanding and familiarity with how one scale interacts with one chord. So I wrote The Sea Miner a modal song over only one chord .... C minor
  11. Might be catching up with playstation (i.e. PSP-GO) and only have download content I can't recall which publisher but one of the big companies recently phased out printed manuals as it was just too expensive for the "value" theyt add (but reading the manual is the only thing you can do while waiting for the playstaion to install and then update your new game )
  12. Gintama

    I don't always watch cartoons for little girls I also watch and read
  13. Sleep

    Sometimes I've also slept 12 hours+. I try not to think of the numbers like a "goal" to be "achieved" It's more like "When you're tired, go and lie down" However my partner currently needs a lot of sleep, and she finds it annoying that she often feels so tired. She was a shift worker for several years and I feel it will take her a while to recover from that. But it's often worthwhile getting the opinion of your healer/TCM/health professional in case there is an underlying health issue.
  14. The Cool Picture Thread

    Self portrait
  15. The Cool Picture Thread

    Tsuneaki Hiramatsu Long-Exposure Firefly Photos Go Viral link
  16. TTB Song project

    Sweet, this week I had a guitarist drop in for our regular drums and sax jam. That was good fun, might end up with something nice after a bit more practice. Drop some of those fruity loops on us B-D
  17. Tapatalk

    Got a message from Sean that he will have a look at tapatalk
  18. Got Any Fiction Recommendations?

    I recently read Everything Matters! by Ron Currie, Jr. The end of this story can't be changed - the earth will be destroyed by a comet. But what Junior chooses to do at one point is incredibly beautiful - Excellent book, highly recommend. I absolutely loved it.