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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Palindromes

  2. Exotic musical instruments

    This sounds like fun, I've only played a standard single jaw harp
  3. TTB Song project

    Ancestral Horns (aka me and my Dad ) What a Wonderful World
  4. Musician's Tao

    the FEELing is what's important IMO.
  5. Musician's Tao

    Lifelong Ambition - Achieved Ever since I started learning music as a child I've wanted to be able to just get up on stage and play without music like a "proper musician". I've performed in orchestras and bands but I had never been able to just "do it" without rehearsals or written music. So last night I did my 1st open mic on the sax. Played a 12 bar blues improv with keyboard backing and it went down very well. Lots of applause, but I had told the audience beforehand it was my 1st attempt Then played some harp backing on a few songs. I knew I would be able to do that once I worked out the right harp to use for the key of the song, just never had the chance to try it live before, so that was pretty cool. I remembered not to play over the top of the singers and got a nice little call response going in one song. The keyboard player asked for requests and someone shouted for more sax so I played backing on a Leonard Cohen song I'd never even heard before, managed a few fills and a nice simple instrumental over the break. That was a great experience as my Dad tells stories of my Granddad playing along with him without knowing the song or even hearing it before. When Dad asked him how he knew what to play my Granddad would only say "you can just tell" and yes it really is like that. When it's happening it's effortless, when you're trying to make it happen it's really hard work. Also played hallelujah, which is a song I love trying to sing with on the radio but I've never tried to play it before. Not that previous practice would have helped, I was a bit confused at the time as to why the keyboard player sounded apologetic when he called the key but when I went and looked up the music the next day turns out we were playing in a different key for our singer. While I couldn't quite make the changes on this one, the singer covered for me when the solo started to go south While there is still LOTS of practice needed, I feel I've been focusing a bit too much on being able to play triad chords in all 12 keys. For now I think it will be more helpful to become much more familiar with just a few keys on the sax, and really get into how the various chords are built from those scales. I'm just really happy to have managed my "holy grail" of music... just getting up there and playing. To be honest I just didn't think I was ever going to be good enough, just goes to show everything's possible if you never stop trying.
  6. Tapatalk

    For mobile use the ttb facebook page via the facebook app is MUCH easier to use and stay up to date, but much less traffic than this discussion group. Wrote this via my mobile, pain in the bum
  7. My Little Pony

    ^ that is so cute Tonight I watched the Iron Pony competition
  8. The Spirit of Ma'at - magazine archive original link from TTB facebook Ancient Egyptian Sexual Ankhing by Drunvalo
  9. Be well guys

    I often had to read threads in attempt to work out WTF was going on, many were totally pointless.. but I'll agree that I rarely saw you writing in them Sinfest is on the right path, singing access a wider creative pallet that allows further communication of feelings and emotions that the typed word. (p.s. I'd like to hear you sing )
  10. Be well guys

    I'd say less time on TTB = a more productive and enjoyable time living and breathing (at least IME) plus off topic is a good way to keep in touch with the "bums" while avoiding the pointless debates It was great to see you back Cam, your a great example of a modern practitioner searching for, finding, and changing their life for the better. Keep powering on!
  11. What are you listening to?

    ^ well I like it. This is what inspired my little 20% cool attempt. <3 Candy
  12. My Little Pony

    haha yes it is a bit loud. I had finished practicing but still had the sax together so I just put the phone on record and played.
  13. My Little Pony

    Now 20% cooler turn down the volume
  14. TTB Song project

    then back to sax and drums Ramjet - Lullaby da Funk
  15. My Little Pony

    roflmao - Fluttershy isn't a looser
  16. TTB Song project

    Got myself a kaossilator and it's actually as easy to play as it looks! 1st song attempt more info on kaossilator
  17. Do Ya'll guys drink?

    Of course you can do what you want it's not like people become so different that they can't go to certain cities because of the overhead powerlines But as you learn to "hear" your body better you start to not want to abuse it more than you have too, so you may chose to do or avoid things that "normal people" just do mindlessly hence making you seem Like all good Aussies I drank a LOT over Christmas and New Year. I discovered Vodka O a prise winning aussie vodka that is particularly easy to drink, and yes I could feel it effecting my practice (mostly needing much more sleep to recover) I'd had enough so currently I'm not drinking at all, but that will change too
  18. Plato's sex pills

    So now it's now it's 1200 mg, what happened to the lovin' spoonful and 10 cc
  19. My Little Pony

    Fun I got Twilight
  20. Human Flight

    They say a picture tells 1000 words And moving pictures tell a story