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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Keeping one's practices secret

    My Sigung once said- "Train like that for another 10 years and you will still make no progress" Meanwhile my brothers and I thought we were doing it correctly It's more fun to travel the journey together, sharing the experiences and discoveries. But, for help and guidance, someone who had already traveled to the destination is more likely to give correct direction
  2. Nerf Dentistry

    Nerf guns just make everything more fun (they seem popular for tooth extraction!)
  3. Why is my thread being moved?

    Perhaps even more so considering that Sean also has to make a living outside of this site and moderating TTB is extremely time consuming. I've had no contact with Sean, outside a handful of emails, for months. It's only thanks to the efforts of the mods that Sean is able to basically maintain a hands off approach while keeping TTB the great place that it is. I don't know ..... I would be surprised (and somewhat saddened) if TTB didn't generate revenue.
  4. Keeping one's practices secret

    re: the hiding you light under a bushel example from the bible. To me that relates more to showing your light in terms of radiating your love for God (or perhaps "Te") rather than a "showing off" of "personal power" "Hide your Light" was from one of my teachers, this is from another. "Don't scare the sheep so that you can eat the wolves!"
  5. Keeping one's practices secret

    To expand slightly re personal practice as I use to keep a large practice journal and I did find it quite useful. At 1st when I was searching for a path it was a very detailed journal, I don't think this is an issue when beginning as it's useful to look back at what you tried over the years. Also it was more about "me" and how I felt than a practice prescription. However over time my journal needed to be less detailed, mostly because what I was doing wasn't something I could "teach". I couldn't put in the level of detail required to explain the practices, plus some of them need to be learnt properly from a teacher and not from some student's confused journal Then it just became obvious that process of "writing about it" really wasn't useful to me any more.
  6. Keeping one's practices secret

    "hide your light"

    Well then, I have 3 letters for you NLP for learning the art of persuasion is immensely useful
  8. TTB Song project

    Good idea, I'm happy to help out with other ideas but for me I think I'd like to finish my 12 bar blues in E "The Dao can not be Spoken" (from post #6) as improvised blues if what I like doing. Has a rhythm section backing track - needs at least additional drums and if we have a bass player I'd really like to replace my keyboard with a real bass line. I'd like to leave my into and the harp solo on the first 2 chorus. then keep that pattern going with another singer followed by instrumental chorus (we can adjust the number of choruses to fit everyone in and you can take 2 or 3 if you have something to say) Then finish off as a group sing/play that we can be overdub together to make the final chorus. ?
  9. Merry Christmas Everyone.

    Peace, Joy and Love to the World. Jesus Was Way Cool <3

    Yes, but it's very upsetting to see someone you love suffer. Unfortunately no helpful suggestions from me, as I too believe change only happens once they want to change. Seem to be a passage of time thing, as you mentioned "because I used to do the same" Just remember to do your best to show that you love them, even if you don't like their current lifestyle choices. Best wishes.
  11. TTB Song project

    This one is an original from my sax and drums 2 piece - RamJet "Living on the Island" I've been having too many "ideas" in my solo's, they get a bit cluttered, so this one was an attempt to do more with less, trying for a simple "A" "B" and changing when the drums change.
  12. TTB Song project

    AЯAB I'd enjoy hearing you throw down. All you need is an interest to be "in the club" and I'd definitely love some added lyricism Honestly I'm not really sure how to "get this all in motion" myself, and most people who do already have a pile of projects backed up and waiting for some free time. What I'd really like to do is something original.... but that's a big blank slate to start with. Perhaps as a start something with a well know structure like a standard. So........ what about Misty? Everyone knows it usually played in Eb.... a nice key for horns but also suitable for singing / rap and various instruments. I have a backing track we could listen to on headphones to play along with, then mix our recordings together and see what we get. (Not 100% sure about "Misty" open to suggestions, just though of it since I played it this morning + have backing track with sheet music for C Bb and Eb instruments.)
  13. How do I erase my account

    perhaps more like stop talking and you will be forgotten soon enough too "disappear" further you can always edit posts your own posts to empty. For even when you are gone, little traces remain. (and technically the mods don't have enough access to "Delete" so it's something that Sean has to do and IMHO deleting members is more time consuming that it's worth, I've only done it when being on TTB was causing people "real world" issues)
  14. TTB Song project

    Thanks my friend but I just found this little place called Soundcloud thanks to Santi. So here is my take on "St James Infirmary"
  15. unlimited search function

    While I think I recall seeing a result limit somewhere in the ACP it's doubtful that will be changing anytime soon. I usually advance search thread titles by author (otherwise I use google like Desert Eagle suggested) But if author is all you have using date ranges might be your only option if you want to stay with the onsite search engine Unfortunately as internet forums evolved from bulletin board software they are really poor databases you might have more luck asking the author if they remember the post
  16. Do Ya'll guys drink?

    I think I'm doing that with my music projects! Tried some Zubrowka (Polish vodka flavored with bison grass) that was quite nice.
  17. TTB Song project

    ^ (hope she 'ant playing that harp, 'cause it's the wrong way round ) Sweet bro, I haven't asked as I don't really seem to have anyone else to mix in yet Got a drum track that you wouldn't mind me laying some sax on? (groovy bass lines, an entire rhythm section, etc.... ) edit: Anyone know of an easier way to host files, I just noticed my version of St James Infirmary didn't attach to the previous post as the mp3 was too big
  18. Do Ya'll guys drink?

    You don't feel like a god when you have a drink?... or like a dog if you have too many I feel it's all about balance.
  19. People Will Talk

    Why Is It So Important to Be Right? Accepting being incorrect without any loss or embarrassment. Published on March 7, 2011 by Mel Schwartz, L.C.S.W. Mphil in A Shift of Mind
  20. TTB Song project

    Here's a re-interpretation REALLY old one, originally called The Unfortunate Rake ~ 1790 " A song about dying in St. James Hospital could be a descendant of one of the oldest songs in the English Language"
  21. TTB Song project

    I'm using the android apps Hi-Q MP3 REC FourTracks The quality and easy of recording has really come a long way, I can remember playing at my tape recorder
  22. TTB Song project

    That might sound nice, why don't you do that? I have a guitar player that I'm trying to bring along in this setting. A 3 person improvisation steps up the level of communication required (who's leading, am I following, where are we going etc) Currently attempting that AND producing anything remotely listenable is too big a challenge, I'm under strict instructions not to post them I think it's become harder these days because everyone is exposed to world class talent via recordings and there is much less "live" music created by local bands. To even get a foundation on something like sax the great players practiced 8 hour plus a day for 3 or more years! Get people doing that sort of work over that sort of time and the ones with talent will start to shine. They join up with the other shining stars of their generation. Learn from and inspire each other until one or two go on to become the "names" that people remember worldwide. Thousands of others are left trying to eke out a living as another unknown musician, and tens of thousands just move on to something else (as I did) IMO generally most people just don't have that sort of time or talent. So what's more interesting (to me) is not the creation of a "product" (professional artists dedicate their entire lives to perfecting that) but the process of creation. Often there are only slight glimpses of synchronization and connection. But once you have the building blocks the process of learning to connect them is incredibly enjoyable. My Dad recently said - "Why does everyone keep suggesting that we go and play here or there? I don't want to sweat away playing for someone's Christmas party, I play for me." Have you sung today?
  23. Walking...Step By Step

    How should a human walk? Without shoes
  24. TTB Song project

    As well as additional instruments adding to and filling out the spectrum of sound produced. I think the communication, interaction, the involvement of being together in the instant of creation is a great experience of playing music with others. Livin' on the island, oh yeah.mp3