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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Got Any Fiction Recommendations?

    ^ well with tags like romance, 1960s, hippies, tao, kansas, peace movement I've grabed a copy
  2. Lovely banner

    Oh cool, Well you can see inside them now. Any TTB can get their own forum to post stuff in, mostly it's practice journals or things people are working on. At the moment they are taking some time to set up but if you want one just post your request here You can also just start a thread there and we can move it into it's own section later.
  3. Hey There!

    Well welcome to the 'bums kris2pe, Hope you have fun.
  4. Lovely banner

    Welcome to the 'bums Ho Pei. There were previous banners on the old board software, but very similar to the one we have now. You should be able to change your avatar now (access is via your control panel) Have a play with the dropdown menu in the top right of the screen where your name is. Not sure exactly what you mean by #2. Anyhow, hope you have fun @ TTB.
  5. Rooting

    That's well rooted Speaking of Tong Long we practice Jongs (2 person practice) to develop the sensitivity and timing that allows us to chain together techniques. Sifu would say that our forms are put together to help us remember the techniques. Tong Long has < 10 Forms (I have been taught 8 empty hand, 2 Stick forms, a Walking Stick and Sai) they are short and not in a fighting sequence. For Tai Chi I have a personal preference for just one form, the yang long form. I do know a fan form that I never practice, and I reluctantly ended up learning the Beijing 24 as that is what Sigung teaches and Sifu taught that form for his last year in town (because it's easier for most people to learn) I picked it up just by helping with the lessons but I don't practice it
  6. Got Any Fiction Recommendations?

    I knew I knew that name (thanks Google) Good author. You must read the original edition of "I Am Legend" while it was a great movie it's a BETTER book
  7. tummo

    In KAP we learn tumo or gTumo as it's refered to (IIRC) Since I don't live anywhere cold I can't really help there... except to say I do use it if I get cold riding the motorbike and yes it does warm me up. Generally an "energizing" practice. "The reason is becouse I am trying to figure out how to keep warm at low temperatures without fire or five sleeping bags." since I'm watching Dual Survival at the moment ever seen Cody Lundin getting about in shorts and bare feet in the snow. He said he taught his mitochondria to make more heat 1st episode 3:30 in.
  8. Breathing & Head-Rush

    Darn good question, possibly a name my great grandfather created as nobody seems to be able to track it back further than that (While are almost as common as "Smith's" out west ) That learning to breathe thread, BKF's smooth inhalation smooth exhalation stuff is really good. You could try lengthening the breath cycle while walking untill its really smooth and slow There just isn't much out there for breath holding IIRC. We do use breath holding a lot in kap (it's a bit more energizing) natural too as there are some things that you want to inhale, hold and then exhale. Even so I personally prefer a wisdom breath (inhale time "1" exhale time "2x longer") as my usual breathing pattern.
  9. Depression Kills, Qigong Saves

    Beyond Blue Have a good support network and friend to talk with. "Most importantly, we must give hope. And there is abundant hope."
  10. I actually emailed the above to myself April 14th so that I could post it here Never enough time to fit everything in, not helped by enjoying standing around doing nothing several times a day! I am back doing Tai Chi at lunchtime, but now sneaking in 15 min of standing in the morning and afternoon. It's still very enjoyable.
  11. Six pointed star meditation

    Yes. The only "cleansing and defense" aspect that I've practiced myself involving a 6 pointed star is like the one I posted. ( The LBRP is quite usefull )
  12. Journal thingy

    No worries. My apologies for the delay.
  13. DMT: The Spirit Molecule

    The elves say, "Gu'day"
  14. Six pointed star meditation

    Oh, you're refering to this one (your thread )
  15. The third sequence or The Third Pakua

    looks dicey but reminded me of this
  16. Six pointed star meditation

    I though I remembered it from the golden dawn but I had no luck searching "Israel Regardie six pointed star meditation" Here we are;wap2 as above, so below etc
  17. Your Favorite Martial Art

    Lawrence Galant did some research with ECG's and I've done Tai Chi with my Polar HRM. I can get into aerobic HR zones with a low stance.
  18. Dave and Cody

    Anyong seen this? I'm loving it. Survival Shows: What’s the big draw? Dave is an awesome hunter, watching him stalk prey is unreal. Totally "native" Cody is like a great ape, walking the earth (barefoot for 20+ years) tracking down "slow moving protein" in shorts, even in extreme weather. awesome interview. Carry crazy glue, tweezers (and duct tape) "It's like a 5th sense. I'm profoundly aware of where I put my feer, most of the time. But if you do anything for 10~20 years, you are going to get good at it." In one of the episodes, after crossing a river, Dave and Cody run barefoot for the trees to make fire. Really easy to see the different in Dave's heel strike gate and Cody's forefoot strike. Also in the 1st episode when Cody was "taking a few moments to acclimatize to the cold" ... looked like he was doing tumo
  19. How To Go Unnoticed By Negative People

    but is it "ninja" or "fear"
  20. Your Favorite Martial Art

    Anything that you actually practice and preferable enjoy practicing so you practice it lots I like Tong Long, especially how it's presented :- Respect your: Elders, Parents, Teachers and their Teachings Train to be: Kind, Honest, Generous, Kung Fu (notice how the skill cultivated through long and hard work is the least important bit) {and I know quite a few "Tai Chi Grannies", they kick ass :B}

    good luck Scotty. I'm just glad "Malcolm in the middle" is not on tv anymore
  22. Breathing & Head-Rush

    I do 2 types (sort of) of breath holding Chi Gung 1st one is gTumo and usually a head "rush" is from compressing the breath too hard or not being able to circulate the energy down out of the head. Breath holding can really raise your blood pressure and that can be dangerous. Check it out on a machine (or do some while waiting at the doctors and see how the nursing staff react when its really high, but then it's normal 5 min later when the doctor sees you (lucky I know my doctor, and I went a bit hard as I was also wondering just what the blood pressure might look like ) 2nd type chi gungs for kung fu. With them the head rush is usually from not putting the energy into the fingers. i.e we gather, compress, release. If your concentration is scattered and you don't intend the energy to your fingers/point of contact usually it's a head rush, can also look red in the face. The breath holding I do is supervised, in person for kung fu and I only do "60% effort" for Kap.