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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Rooting

    Smart phone not as easy to use aapc I need more practice
  2. Rooting

    no the opponents weight does not matter Iknoa the classic sayings Touch a student and I can feel exactly what they do touch my sifu and I have NO idea It is like that with your teacher too, yes?
  3. Rooting

    Yes. And when there is a huge difference in skill level (e.g. myself and sifu) you can't "hear" anything. Either nothing to listen to or it's just so quite my "ears" have not learnt how to to "hear" it yet but yea usually it's "one touch and all is known"
  4. Rooting

    Oh yes, aussie link and just look at those medieval shoes not to mention that my partner would LOVE these Russian Steppe boots and they have "These shoes are made from solid cowhide with felt insoles and thin rubber wear soles for grip & durability. Leather soles are available as an option." Also like the look of these the top stitching is not my favorite style (compared to the medieval shoes)but it's a big, seamless, piece of leather
  5. Rooting

    Interesting.... I walk barefoot as much as possible. Usually this is while doing kung fu but not for Tai Chi as I practice on cement and need to spin without ripping open cracks on my heals. If my feel are not cracked I will practice on grass barefoot really enjoyable. But usually vibrams, rubber, walking in them is only slightly disconnected. So in a nice park, barefoot is better, but walking footpaths when the terrain changes rapidly, depending on what sort of garden people have, vibrams are a better feel, unless you can go REALLY slowly and carefully. My vollies are rubber and I've started taking them off at work when practicing standing. Anyone know of a cheap plain looking leather "Moccasin"
  6. Journal thingy

    I'll see what I can do. Have passed on your request.
  8. International day of Peace

    Hexagonal Western Red Cedar Peace Pole $625.00 I want one, but can really only afford the T shirt.
  9. International day of Peace

    peace pole project
  10. Usnisa Vijaya Dharani

    Excellent to see you again Mat _/|\_
  11. Kunlun:4 Years later

    4 years later!! (feeling older every day ) always good to hear from you Cam, Your posts feel solid and strong.
  12. Avast me harties, be yea scurvy land lubbers or will ye join making them walk the plank Australian site And because we all seem to speak German here Zu den Haien schicken
  13. Avast, tis be talk like a pirate day. De sun be creating da waves ma lad. Arrr.
  14. Hi Guys. I'm Mal Stainkey. you know me as the tech support of TTB You might notice my title is not there at the moment, I have not been a mod, but I helped Ambrose fix his thread and tried to give buddha bums a good start. Hope you like the forum guys. I got stood down for 2 things. I threatened Sean - if he did not support his moderators I would do something and I said No. You will not permanently ban Scotty. I've always done my best. Everyone as a personal favor to me. Let Scotty back in. Forgive each other. Do NOT post me emails and pm's and facebooks etc. please post in here. It's an empty gesture, but I resign as moderator. Love Mal
  15. ScottyZYX is spamming the forum with posts. Since this morning we are treating them just like spam. report ip ban and delete the post. until we hear otherwise from Sean as this is an extraordinary situation. Updated: Scotty and Stigweard are currently suspended for 7 days Any new post/ids by them during this time will be unapproved. Updated: Stig is unsuspended
  16. BTT one of my friends daughters has been struggling with depression for some time.She is getting help, but (from experiencce) it's hard receive "help" when you are in that sort of place. So I've passed Jane's book on to her. (I just asked her dad to make sure she doesn't stop in the middles ) Thanks for writing this Jane.
  17. OK Seriously Where To Get KUNLUN BOOK?

    I stillhave my 1st edition did give the 2nd one away.i just thought Max had very striking eyes Myself I would not be showing people RP but kunlun from the book was goodYoda thought he wanted that sort of path but found skmething else more suited to him Cam seems to have benifited
  18. G'day

    Guday & welcome to the 'bums There r a few of us down under:-) Hope you have fun
  19. I think so too. Sometimes we can get assistance from the help desk with this sort of stuff "I" probably won't be splitting it, but I think it would work.
  20. Cool so it's locked in, the one I remembered was just a long thread that stoped printing. We could split the thread at 300. Edit post 301 to have a link to the 1st part of the thread and continue. The thread is definitly worthy of archiving. (ouch- over 900 replies = 3 parts and you have to select each post to move them.... would only take a few hours but there might be a better way.)