
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I know. It's more like this Humans vs Zombies nobody should get hurt.... but always carry socks
  2. Hua Hu Ching I love the Hua Hu Ching very much. I sometime quote chapter 2 at people But it seem to have had a turbulent history with claims of Buddhist influence....(so what? the book access great wisdom) But I aways wondered what the Buddhist perspective on it was?
  3. Hua Hu Ching

    well it's really a bit more inflamatory that even that - apparently the barbarian changing book was created to show Taoism was superior to Buddhism. What sort of value judgement is that? The book looks to have sound practices. Before I even heard of I was learning to do that with loving kindness meditation. because I joined a local Buddhist group to learn how to meditate. Nobody else local had a spiritual feel. and a Buddhist monk came and taught loving kindness meditation (beautiful feeling being in the room with that group)
  4. A Sincere Apology

    I'll let you reply to the above post stig
  5. Buddhism in America

    Edit : Ingredients: 2 slices rye bread (dark, light or pumpernickel) Prepared brown mustard Limburger cheese, sliced Thick slices of sweet onion Yep definitely not for everyone, But I'm sure some will love it... I'll start with a taste.
  6. Scotty and Stigweard

    Well it's 2 am here is Aus where Stig and I live so he probably is resting.
  7. After discussion between myself and Stig. He has been unsuspended. Moderation only becomes necessary when things go too far. Having a discussion is the focus of TTB. the policy is Help improve TTB by working WITHIN that framework.
  8. Scotty and Stigweard

    Btt: Stig is unsuspended.
  9. Can I get a practice log?

    it's ready to go
  10. and finally I turn off the report indicator for the mods
  11. Hello again So for me in this account I can see An example of what unapproving a post does one An example of what unapproving a post does two An example of what unapproving a post does three Nobody else can, but I can switch it back so it reappears later. just a demo FWIW it's just nice to be out in a discussion about moderation without the attacks
  12. A question. As mods we get an icon indicating as soon as a post has been reported and an indication against the thread. Depending on frankly quite a lot of things a mod response can be too late especially on fast paced threads I have not even looked into if we can do this with the software but I wonder if a reported post looking like it does to us for every TTB would Help people see that its been reported and settle things down self moderate and hep us have nothing to "do" Or Draw people in to watch the potential fight. like when we make an "announcement" as a mod and It was really hard for us mods to try and not enflam the situation further by informing of yet another 1st time decision yet keep people informed as to what is going on.
  13. Alwayson has been suspended already. I'm sorry for his posts but your advise seems sound
  14. Would people Like a Buddha Bum sub forum?

    BTT Buddha bums is (well pretty much) i.e. yes we are really keen on the new forum idea to balance and give us Taoist Discussion <-> Tao Bums <-> Buddhist Discussion to Seth
  15. Nice to meet you

    Welcome to the 'bums Rainy. Hope you have fun.
  16. Tai Chi
  17. He was originally the TTB ron jeremy find those posts, a distinctive style, funny and informative. LETS GET SERIOUS .
  18. Alwayson's case

    p.s my post was So if you are not just here to troll, welcome back. But if you want to troll it's just going to be another long holiday, I'm afraid link
  19. Alwayson's case

    I never threatened to kill someone. Or harrass people online for several years. P.S. I got banned for calling out this forum's bullshit. I stand by it. This is apparently what Alwayson is getting suspended for. Just saying that to Mal. And Mal chooses not to take time, consult other moderators on this decision. Immedately jumps to a 180 day suspension, again...instead of a simple 3 day, or 7, or 30, etc. WTF. Alwayson did not deserve this. There was moderator discussion, warnings posted in the thread, PM's to people involved and you quote just my post I do not want to stop discussion so I'm posting this here, since we decide to do this and it cause a bit of a lull, but we missed some scotty posts and really don't like to delete posts in thread. ScottyZYX is spamming the forum with posts. Since this morning we are treating them just like spam. report ip ban and delete the post. until we hear otherwise from Sean as this is an extraordinary situation. What's next a different userID?
  20. Re the recent moderation discussions. There are a lot of issues and opinions, sounds like TTB Some issues are more important than others. EXAMPLE at the moment among all this "debate" seemingly unnoticed except for one member another member has been posting copyrighted material. (thank you for the report notifying me of this) So sometimes mod attention is needed elsewhere but PLEASE do not MISTAKE no response as no action. The moderation team also has a plan, we have been working towards it with Sean... ever since TTB became moderated. I expect to post some "clarifications" in the next few days and "examples" of how the insult policy works. Decisions take time and this sort of decision will not be a rushed decision. Have discussions. Definitely try to sort it out rather than fanning the flames. As moderators we are listening, it's said you have 2 ears and one mouth for a reason. The correct time to reply will come.
  21. It's not you mate. It's like you said I just mis-read it. Thanks for the post but I think I do obviously need a break to re focus if I'm missing humor. _/\_