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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Currently 3 Hrs sleep Wednesday. 1.5 hrs sleep Thursday and it's 2pm Saturday right now. Might be time for a nap.
  2. Give the way certain members here chose to address us I'm surprised we have any moderators left, let alone a sense of humor. Yes I failed to see the joke "in make in a PM public, have a laugh about it, and think everything is ok." So I'm going back to not posting. Actually time for a break, I would normal find that funny dawei I just did not at all. Sorry.
  3. and how long has in that wording been in place here on TTB? I know you think the moderation is broken but honestly except for Scotty and Stig where is our "shitstorm" as you put it?
  4. as mods we have no issue with go and work it out, then is no issue left to mod. "but quickly remove that post so you can not be banned" is a totally different tatic and not what Stig did at all! He apologized. But it's posted on a WWW forum, Stig and Dawei are happy and discussing but how does Steve feel about it? It's "his" private message he might report it. If he feels upset and want ,oderation to edit the message to empty that "an action". If he expects that sort of behavior he might not want moderation and be totally happy with "no action" So here we have a non decision that got people back to talking about what was important and not fighting Yet that "decision" gets used later as an example to drag moderators over the coals with- "Look you took no action here but the was action here for the same "rule break" make some conclusion about what you think caused this. and call inconsistent mods. and the only "rules" are general form terms and conditions stuff. Nothing about PM's in there. When I was asked can you post a pm all I did was think would it be treating the other person with respect to post a private message? and I posted whatever it was exactly that I said.
  5. @ Stig and you wonder why I won't engage you in a discussion?
  6. a 2009 quote and a thread title like this ^ then that post Sorry but it's back on a 180 day posting suspension for you
  7. Always on lets keep it TTB specific thanks, as you brough up moderation- please recall. So if you are not just here to troll, welcome back. But if you want to troll it's just going to be another long holiday, I'm afraid
  8. You tube is cool, it will look after its own copyright (that is why not all vids play internationally) Copyright is strict i.e we are not an educational facility. The forum terms and rules are While nobody minds minds a quote or 2 as a reference. Not entire posts of only quoted material directly from a book. That's all sorted after a discussion with the member and the quoted texts removed with help from the reporter.
  9. oh yes just none of that stuff... best wishes in this discussion.
  10. Those sort of discussions can be quite emotional and you have a provocative posting style its not like you need permission... You posted some of this in forum and tech but I'm going to tidy it up a bit and move this into general. Please try to avoid another piting
  11. We have a little in joke with those poster titles They start as a "master" and devolves down to a bum as your post count goes up (I think Tao wizard is my favorite)
  12. So you won't even give us time to make a post, but you can tell me what you already think about it?
  13. [Moderation] -- tulku

    I agree and I think we are. Our "timings" never "synchronise" we have issues ongoing - but you will understand when I say Go Tigers as I'll never forgive Bennett for leaving my Broncos I'll be drinking this what can I get ya?
  14. The Light

  15. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    and is our moderation response going to receive another
  16. [Moderation] -- tulku

    Stig re your reoprt You know full well our decisions are not arbitrary. Everyone's input is taken into consideration.
  17. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    The bolded addition is mine, is it an unfair summation? and feel free to take your time replying (7 days would be nice) as I'll be away for several hours at least.
  18. something's up? Recalculating the dates or founding a religion seem like choices that have worked in the past
  19. I think you can be normal and get the tao, i.e. anyone can "do it" But those that have the Tao IME are kinda out there compared to what the "normal" people do and what the normal people talk about. e.g. it's normal to go outside and have a smoke during work. Go outside for the same amount of time and do standing post
  20. New Member

    Hi Skymind, Welcome to the 'bums. Hope you have fun here.
  21. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    Just to quickly address this because on it's own it is such a simple quick decision. Yet we were still trying to work out what action, if any was needed over this post that Seth reported. Sometimes when we don't know what to do so we leave people alone. Sometimes they self moderate and Treat other members with respect. No personal attacks. Sometimes they don't. Thanks for taking time for the feedback dawei
  22. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    Yes, just like the last time Scotty was suspended, he seems to prefer to come back straight away. Sorry for the confusion, it's 7 Days.