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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    I can see that.... which is why we think some time away from TTB will be helpful.
  2. Tulk Stop posting quotes without a reference or a the very least a quote box. You are also posting quite a lot of copyrighted material. Don't.
  3. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    Moderation Seth, the insults are not ok ... it's basic, respect the other members here. Report problem posts. Regardless of what you think of the moderators and our views. We are here to sort out disputes as best we can. We don't want members attacking each other. As well as blatantly hurting Scotty, you have also exhibited this sort of "I just can't help myself" behavior before. It's really not helpful. You are suspended from posting for 7 days. Scotty. I'm really sorry you were attacked on TTB. I'm sure these following days have been even more bewildering as to what the delay was. I've probably burnt all my bridges with you but people here really are trying to help. You know what I generally hear? I've known Scotty on TTB for a long time, and I'm concerned for his welfare now. Because we also hear members saying "we are being bullied" and a common denominator in those reports is "we are being bullied by Scotty." Your behavior has been deliberately provocative. For some reason you can't see it, or you don't want to see it. But it's happening again and again. You are suspended from posting for 7 days. We are handing out short posting suspensions here, not death penalties. While there is ongoing discussion between moderators and the possibility of further action/changes etc. Right now we hope this will be enough to help people move forward, as always I encourage feedback.
  4. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    ^ that would be nice but prolonging this is becoming needlessly cruel.
  5. Tai Chi

    Thanks for the link. Previously most of my "support" for Tai Chi postures opening meridians and working on certain organs came from Erle Montaigue That might also explain why my Sifu wouldn't talk about it. "Do the form at least 2x a day" is probable more than I "need" to know to progress. eg. As a beginner I use to spend hours with my friends discussing how to use Tong Long against MMA. Now, 9 years later our Sigung is teaching us how to do that (we are playing best technique alowed by the rules )... but we had to get past 1+1=2 (i.e. ½ way through the system) before we could even hope to have useful input into such a discussion. So perhaps (at the risk of killing my own discussion) Tai Chi is a big old tree that everyone gets shade from, or firewood, or nuts, or hugs rather than a constructed awning that only shades you from the sun.
  6. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    Just because there isn't a decision RIGHT NOW doesnt mean nothing is/might/will happen.
  7. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    Please DO NOT post Private Messages, usually refered to as PM's o.k. because I do care about someone getting genuinely hurt by an attack on them, trying to help sort it all out, and helping everyone move forward.
  8. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    ^ I'd refrain from that if at all possible as it will only make things worse IMO. Listening involves me not talking, but I've a questions. what IS this issue REALLY all about here? "breaking the rules" or "Someone getting genuinely hurt by an attack on them, where they would like some help to sort it out, so that everyone can move on" Because this entire pattern has occured before...
  9. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    actually the "insult policy" is
  10. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    I recall a blind justice avatar Why do we make our jobs harder than they need to be. Why is this even a difficult decision? My current summation of the situation This isn’t just some “attack our of the blue” Seth, infuriated by Scotty’s attack on John C (Scotty quoted his post) and Buddhists in general reported Scotty, citing his previous attacks on Buddhist belief in the thread and in general. Scotty said in the reported post that he was having a bad day (probably would have been a better idea not to post at all) With no action from the mods Seth then attacks Scotty AND reports his own post for multiple breaches of the insult police AND asks to be suspended for them. 30 min later Scotty reads and report Seth's post. After no moderator action there are some encouraging posts attempting reconciliation in thread and some disappointing posts inflaming the situation. Old injustices and slights get dragged out of the closet as examples of good and bad behaviour to justify points of view. Now we have this thread due to moderator inaction. So yes, lets just suspend Seth. Everyone gets what they have requested. Good outcome?
  11. Seth Ananda needing to be banned

    "Is posting direct insults against another forum member here EVER justified????" Well that's really the question, isn't it? Feel free to discuss because the moderators are and I'd be intrested in the feedback. Thanks
  12. Morning all, basically still not sure what to do regarding the moderation issue so if you think you can salvage this thread [please have a go Otherwise go to the follow up here forum and tech support
  13. Would people Like a Buddha Bum sub forum?

    The suggestion was ALWAYS taken seriously. But this sort of issue the number of people that are hostile towards insert belief xyz in here. Is a much more pressing concern to me personally than subdividing TTB into our own little boxes where we all agree with each other..... quite removed from the ideal of different and diverse practitioners discussing issues with each other.
  14. Back from a nice invigorating session of Tai Chi and Kung Fu. and going away again to try to gain some perspective...
  15. It is a ridiculous situation. But Im not going to make any snap or unilateral decisions myself. Im basically just out here talking while I wait for opinions. Didn't want it to look like we were ignoring the issue and though perhaps more dialogue might help? Hopefully
  16. Yet I wonder why he felt compelled to post like that? Well I know why as he told me so it's a bit rhetorical
  17. death

    I got a lot out of reading the book Dao and De recently It examines death quite closely. I found it comforting as some people I knew have recently passed away. It also helped me “explain/understand” a bit more of what may have happened when my grandfather was ill and … well basically lost his mind. (which I can understand from my psychology/physiology) yet when he recovered his mind/intelligence returned for a bit before he passed away. It’s also quite “Buddhist” so it should feel slightly familiar
  18. note how my pic is totally cute and not naughty at all
  19. Big balls are very popular down under
  20. a bit like living life really, if you can put up with it just go with the flow. Larger obsticals may cause greater turbulence and require.... warning signs and/or assistance
  21. Immortals (Xian Shi)

    I tend to believe an extremely long spiritual persistence (almost immortality) is possible with enough "power" But I'm not so sure about actual physical "immortality". Outside of someone looking after their health,living to their potential and therefor appearing "immortal" to those who typically live much shorter lives.