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Everything posted by Mal

  1. ^ really depends on how everyone feels about it (i.e reports and such) but I do appreciate others not descending to the same level
  2. Why not practice your own google fu, if you can't find it, it's not meant for you! (or you are to lazy too? ) I've got PAGES of bookmarks, poorly organised, that take ages to scroll through. Then 1/2 the time even if you can find it the old sites have gone and you have to get out the way back machine. Or it's bookmarked on the laptop, or the work PC, or perhaps it was in Firefox when I liked that more than chrome. Or did I even bookmark it, was it just a link in a thread I read.... etc. (sorry dogpile)
  3. Hi

    Welcome to the 'bums imonous Have fun.
  4. Sealing the dantien!

  5. Sealing the dantien!

    moved into discussion
  6. death

  7. Probably something like this movie but crossed with Hellraiser
  8. Breaking Down Peoples Practice

    While I'm unlikely to belong in Taoist discussion I agree with the above. What I do is I set my zen alarm clock to wake me up and then I hit the timer for 20 min 20 sec and meditate. Currently I'll meditate lying on my side or standing (very simple wu wei standing, hands down by my side like a gunslinger) Really just depends on what feels "right" to do. If standing currently I do a breathe in - hold - breathe out pattern, if lying I just pay attention to the sensation of air moving in and out of my nostrils. So that's before I get up, cleaning and washing I'll focus on what I'm doing or let my mind have a bit of fun and daydream. If it gets a bit cold or I'm not concentrating on the way to work I'll do some tumo on the bike. Interacting with people I try my best to be compassionate. At morning tea I'll get by myself and do some more tumo breathing while standing ~10 min as that fits into work easy. Lunchtime I do Tai Chi, again at the moment I do my breathing set before I start the form. Afternoon tea, another 10 min of standing. Afternoon back at home. Tai Chi form, then kung fu stuff. This is my basic daily practice that I can (almost) squeeze down to 35 min, usually 45min to 1h30m depending on how challenging kung fu is (if teaching class then it's just kung fu although sometimes I'll go earlier to warm up with Tai Chi. Night time then becomes playtime I have a PILE of different practices I could feel inspired to do. Usually some form of standing with something else plugged in. Hair Breathing is popular and I like shaking. But then last night I had a great seated meditation session while waiting for my partner to get dressed up Perhaps the biggest change in my practice in the last year is I'm in the process of listening to myself and going with my feelings rather than 'today the practice I've scheduled is ZYX for ABC time' p.s working days "work" better than weekends for me as I tend to get up, have a quick surf on TTB that usually ends up much longer than I intended i.e. 1 h 30 min today and eventually wander off and do some Tai Chi.
  9. I thought this might have been about Quorn, which has recently appeared in Aus. This is a Quorn burger ok I haven't actually tried a burger, but their "chicken nuggets" did actually taste like chicken
  10. Been playing with my partners blood pressure machine, which in a round about way lead to this finding this article. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (1998) 31: 1247-1255 ISSN 0100-879X Post-exercise changes in blood pressure, heart rate and rate pressure product at different exercise intensities in normotensive human Tai Chi form traditionally best practiced 4x a day? or at least two times (that's ~40 min)? Water methods "70% rule" ?
  11. Puzzling Question

    How does the Tao stay in balance? Is it a static fixed position? or does it move, varying between one and the other, achieving balance through movement.
  12. Difficult People

    You saved me typing "My Sifu often said" Yes. Sometimes we try too much to "fix and help" rather than just "hear and empathise" While there is nothing wrong with relating a similar situation of your own and how you got through it. It wasn't the same situation, only similar, and if that's an indication he may well be looking more for understanding and empathy than solutions/suggestions.
  13. There are so many good versions, they all have merit, the best one is just whatever you like to practice IMO I found some easier than others, mostly I've practiced the one that was taught to me.
  14. Setting up a new avatar.

    I need to give you a tech support badge Desert Eagle Thanks for helping _/\_
  15. Israel from Mexico

    Welcome the 'bums israel. Hope you have fun here.
  16. I'm keen to try yet I'm already feeling stumped.
  17. I hear you. The cage drivers can't understand how a ride home in the poring rain could possible be fun for me. I feel ALIVE! I got caught in a monsoon at night once that actually got cold. Was shivering so much I could not hold onto the handlebars and had to stop. I realized "This is what cold feels like" "This is how people can die from the cold." I've never felt cold like that, it was great. Yes even while shivering watching the cars drive past Rain on the way to work is only less fun because I could be left siting in air-conditioning with wet clothes Usually here it's really hot, yet at 110 kph only in the depths of summer will it still feel like a furnace. I'm so much more connected to the world riding a bike. It's cooler riding over a river. There is a hotter wind here. Even my pathetic sense of smell notices different scents... and I do love lane splitting.
  18. While not the oldest loving kindness thread here, this one has the "science info" in it Loving is kindness is bluntly, a really difficult practice. It can seem quite pointless and it's very difficult to start as it asks you to "develop loving-kindness towards a hostile person - someone you are currently having difficulty with" Which sounds like so much fun can't I just learn to burn holes in paper with my chi instead, at least that would impress girls Or I feel so depressed, everyone hates me, it can't be worth the effort. Yet- Practices like the 4 noble guests and loving kindness meditation have helped me to not only to welcome love, but to radiate it.
  19. Yes, KAP does this for me. I tended to be on the + side of needing at least 8 hours sleep. When practicing I'm happy with 6. (I'm a student of KAP not a teacher of it) Another that I seem to like is if I've only got 3~4 hours to sleep I'll set my alarm 20 min before I have to get up, then just lie on my right hand side (Buddha's lion pose) and meditate on the feeling of the air entering and leaving my nostrils. 20 min of meditation seems equivalent to my 90min sleep cycle and I'll feel much more awake than if I just had a 20 min nap. Many meditations/chi gungs seem to work like that for me. I'll usually do something for 20 min 1st thing in the morning. (chi gungs, gTumo, Damo's cave, standing, siting, lying whatever feel right) but this one is so easy, I don't even need to get out of bed! All I have to do is switch on my timer, and I get a 20min nap if I fall asleep win win
  20. Stoner shadow wolf is undead - i mean reborn!

    Glad to see you
  21. I think- Have a job where you earn decent money (responsible) and have your own car (independence) or a career you are passionate about (devotion) ie being responsible and having independence or total devotion is enough to overcome all the other obstetrical. All I had was a job and a car when I moved out from home to live together, we met at Uni. while that often ends up happening the intent is to help so since you have been away did you try talking to a girl? My partner got approached by a guy practicing his pick up's at Uni (She is back doing yet another degree) All he said was "I'm looking for a friend" He was at the refectory, so there were a lot of girls he could ask during lunchtime. They just sat down and talked. She wouldn't give her number but did give him an email. He was a PHD student so he talked about his course and what she was studying. While I can't say how he felt after, she was really happy that someone approached her, concerned that he had no friends she wanted to help him. i.e. she enjoyed the conversation too. Real World Example.
  22. Personally I feel that investigating things like fortune telling and astrology yourself is the best approach. When getting help from another person, obviously the quality of the assistance will vary I was taught white lighting at a psychic expo yet I'm sure there were also "psychics" there doing this.