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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Thoughts, like blowing leaves

    I've access to views like this locally definitely no snow (I've never seen that stuff in "real life") but obviously not meditating so I'll use a holiday pic from the beach at Agnes waters I seem to enjoy pointing my nose to the wind and just listening
  2. An insect may appear insignificant, but it's actually a vital part of the ecosystem And so as not to poke tulku too much and to stay a bit on topic So it seems I’m a disciple of praying diviner kung fu
  3. I hope so to as tulku's posts @ Michael were IMO quite insulting Perhaps.... but those masters don’t seem to phrase it like that. Before KAP I was particularly pleased with loving kindness meditation, once I was convinced to try it. It’s a practice that I still enjoy and find beneficial. Anyhow re: fortune telling , I read this yesterday in Dao and De “Some fortune tellers have some intuitive abilities, but some are just cheating” and I think Stig got it with As I use to dismiss astrology as “just that rubbish in the paper” which was a mistake..
  4. Thoughts, like blowing leaves

    No But I've recently been doing short standing practices at work where I can see the horizon and some hills, there is a nice breeze so you hear the wind whistling past you. Also have 2 little peregrine falcons that fly about, stooping on things, which is invigorating to observe. Practicing there makes me feel like "the king of the world" so I was goggling a picture that would sum up that sort of feeling.
  5. Would people Like a Buddha Bum sub forum?

    For the moment
  6. Thoughts, like blowing leaves

    Not a picture of me
  7. Thanks mate, We might take you up on that offer if we need to. (Both the programing and the Fu )
  8. the tao bums map

    almost, we eventually had to ban him, so he started calling me evil. Just don't tell my Mum about the Latin meaning as she gave me my name
  9. we don't reply but we do read them. Also realised that people might not even be able to see the front page if their IP is banned. We usually resort to face book when TTB is down for maintenance so I guess I'd better log on and put a message there.
  10. the tao bums map

    Was just checking out Aus and I'm slightly out of place, should have zoomed more. And an ex member once "campaigned" that I'm evil because that what's "Mal" means. So it was amusing to see that his campaign extended to the TTB map
  11. Dao and De: Life and Afterlife

    Yes that explanation of how a grass seed is created and the dimensional intelligence form the yin world causing manifestations in the yang world was super interesting. I've never read anything like this either, superficially it seems really weird, but it makes a lot of sense too.
  12. Good idea. I also enjoy the ammusing messages in the spam reports. Makes the task of deleting them a bit more fun
  13. link between General and Taoist Discussion

    Ok I understand, but the intent was for them to be separated, like the Chinese language section, contributed articles off topic. rather than sub forums like book club, healing circle etc. The easiest way to "link" them is to jump around from the main page For now they are both different sections that any TTB can participate in. But we want a more "Taoist" focus for Taoist discussion so I would expect different people would gravitate to different forums, depending on what they wanted to discuss.
  14. BTT (I want this to show up on the front page for a bit)
  15. link between General and Taoist Discussion

    Well that divide developed quickly considering how "new" Taoist discussion. also not sure what you mean by a link, do you have an example?
  16. I like Ricardo Semlars ideas, I think it was GIH who exposed me to them and I have even tried to bring some of them into my work environment. Google is another corporate model that I really like. Growing in that sort of direction is something I want TTB to do. I like the lateral moderation "ideal" If people did that, without being insulting, and while respecting each others views, it wouldn't really be a "dispute" it would be a discussion. If it still became a “dispute” and people self moderated, the dispute would just tail off and stop. (I.e. trolls would be forced to another bridge as they have nothing to eat under this one) All I would have to do is create personal practice sections and delete spam. That would be nice
  17. Hyperthyroidism is what I though too, I'd pay to get the tests just to ease my mind. "I'm typically the only one dripping sweat" me too, but I've always been like that. "Did you know your mental and emotional well-being can overheat too" good point, stress makes me sweaty, qi gongs can too. BTW - Nice to see you around again Mantis