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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Dao and De: Life and Afterlife

    I was reading the preface last night, it REALLY interests me as its seems unlike other books Ive read (except perhaps 9 nights with a taoist master, which again is a bit controversial) It is a shame when people attack views that are not their own. Many of the things that have inspired me are not Taoist. Works of fiction, TV shows (I practise daily because of a TV show ) the Hua Hu Ching (controversial) So I really dont want to go in that dissing teachings direction. But I did want to try and see if this was just some person on the net with an ebook that couldnt get a publisher I found Now that sounds REALLY interesting too and there is almost nothing out there about female practices. more about Yanling
  2. Yes. eg TTB's don't log on to delete spam when getting up to pee in the middle of the night sorry about that
  3. Disinformation campaign

    Hey Scotty, we don't always disagree
  4. Self Moderation

    I didn't know the board was actually able to give a post a star, thanks mjjbecker I feel this summarises quite well the reasons for moderation. Sure we have generic forum rules and stuff but basically it's - "Treat other members with respect, No personal insults." I would love it if I never had to do any moderation action, ever!
  5. Dao and De: Life and Afterlife

    Yes, but it seems like it's only one page long I ride a motorbike, hence my interest in practices for Accidental, Confusion or Fearful Death. At my age they are much more likly than "natural"
  6. Disinformation campaign

    No worries, we are always trying to improve things, so it's important that we get feedback on our decisions. I appreciate it. I don't like to post a lot in discussions about moderator actions; don't want to stifle feedback. But, yes, things have happened differently in the past. I can't change that. No doubt things can/could/will happen differently in the future as we maintain the right to deal with unexpected situations as they arise to the best of our (admittedly human) abilities. But just to address the "why is Vmarco being singled out?" We had reports from a lot of TTB's dating as far back as 24 July. So it's not really the same situation as Vajra, although it's similar. About the closest I can recall was Mark Tin Sin's religious Taoism flooding, but it's not like that either. And I apologise if “annoy” is imprecise, it’s just the best summation I could come up with of the various issues reported over time.
  7. Dao and De: Life and Afterlife

    Thanks oat1239 I have not encountered much "taoism" relating to what happens after death, so I'm keen to check this out.
  8. Thank you for the Taoist discussion forum!

    While we shouldn't forget that the Buddhists are our friends, there is a long history of cross pollination between Taoism and Buddhism a refreshing breeze is still ... refreshing
  9. Greetings

    Then welcome to the 'bums Hope you have fun here
  10. Magick forum

    I still get the very cool pic (which I see posts here rather large. I had assumed the little silver bit in the centre was a chinese character ) but after a few seconds it seems the web ring link "takes over" the page.... sometimes
  11. Disinformation campaign

    please feel free to discuss actions here
  12. How do we lose our desire?

    moved into discussion
  13. Is ken cohen legit? I am studying his work.

    He is probably the least controversial teacher that gets recommendations here I also like his book/CD/DVD set and the practices there in, so I think you have chosen well.
  14. Disinformation campaign

    Todays (15/8) desk calander saying - (no mention of what translation )
  15. Articles Section

    We are currently invigorating the forum and tidying up a few areas. The contributed articles section is basically envisaged as a low traffic space where people can find information (ie an article) The main forum has so many threads that a post where the author puts a lot of time, effort, and research into creating ... can quickly flow down the pages and just get lost... such a waste So please try keeping the number of separate threads in contributed articles to a minimum so as not to re-create the main forums high "thread count" But if you do have a lovingly crafted piece of work that you feel could be helpful to others on their path. Share it here as a contributed article.
  16. We are currently invigorating the forum and tidying up a few areas. The contributed articles section is basically envisaged as a low traffic space where people can find information (ie an article) The main forum has so much traffic that an article like post where the author puts a lot of effort and research into creating it... quickly flow down the pages and just get lost. So a string of threads from one or two users is not what we really what we had in mind for the contributed articles area. It’s already expanded from just articles. IMO poetry and music are just as creative, moving, thought provoking and take just as much time and effort to create. So they also deserve a space where they can be found. So we have options - Post into general discussion. where your idea will get a lot of exposure / traffic. (BTW we have no issues with promoting products somewhat related to spiritual practices. Hence the banner advertising on site if people want even more exposure ) Create a personal practice section of your very own. Post a contributed article. But I feel that keeping the number of separate threads in contributed articles to a minimum is the best way for it to fulfill its purpose. Deci belle, there are about 20 threads on the first few pages. I can merge them all together, like I did with Bliss music, or I can move them all to a personal practice section. any preference?
  17. Thank you for the Taoist discussion forum!

    We will probably be moving a few threads back and forth in time. Nothing is "set in stone" yet, will just see how the place grows
  19. Change, return, success...

    I fouud 1 with pictures, but it's quite alternative
  20. Thank you for the Taoist discussion forum!

    errrr not sure if that's happening. post count shouldn't be reducing either, that unusual. (but thanks for "gracious mods" comment )
  21. ^ My bolds __ Moderating __ Please do not do that. Our policy is Please treat other members here with respect, if you feel that respect is not being returned. Then please report the post.