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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I finally got around to obtaining that book, seems its Kundalini (basically/generally) A Good read.
  2. Stretching and Mobility

    Thank you for this suggestion...... it's perhaps really the only one that I actually implemented, as opposed to just reading/researching (although I did talk with Santi and slightly changed a pull up and a chi gong) Since things have been painful I have probably reduced my form too much (at the start of the year I could not put much more than 50% weight on my left leg for quite a few weeks which was a real handicap) My range of motion continues to improve, most noticeable with (or via) the kicks (eg Separate right leg, Separate left leg) and squating single whips, so Tai Chi is definitely helpful / healing.
  3. The secret chakra thread!

    Correct (or at least according to what I've been taught)
  4. Lean Just Beyond Your Edge

    Don't forget the "slightly" part Just that tiny bit more... is enough
  5. I was 1st taught in school, somewhere back in the 80's I tried to keep practicing by myself, with books and what teachers I could find through school and university. But no great improvement till I met my Sifu in 2002.
  6. (edit wrong thread)
  7. Dragged out the CD p.s. I would recommend not telling a partner you are using the "Finger Plier Method" until after you have used it Dr Lin makes up the worst possible names for this stuff
  8. Energy Awareness Training

    Yes, I'm back to KAPing, taking lessons again after recently "zeroing" myself. Weird isn't it. Mal
  9. Generally good advise, however if you are going to specifically look for enhanced sexual performance (i.e not just semen retention or moving energy) IME Lin's method is very effective and safe. Those links from Trunks website (a member here) are probably your best bet, as you said "unfortunately Dr. Lin's webpage is total chaos with over 1000 links and subpages, duh." All the info is "hidden" (or just really hard to find) on his site. I did buy Dr. Lin's CD quite a few years back. It's cheap and MUCH better organised that his website. I like his method and it was effective for me, I have not tried his herbs / supplements. (note - he is an engineering PHD not a medical doctor) Looks like it's now called Resonant Excitation of Sexual Orgasms(Book - CD_ROM version for Windows XP), here (it isn't a book but a collection of HTML documents in a logical order with progressive practice instructions) I found that once I could have sex for a long as I wanted, and was able to really please my partner, everything else just became a whole lot easier.
  10. A Taoist Themed Forum

  11. although I'm pretty sure that only moderators get to see our nice little reported post icons The spam is a huge automated onslaught. Like the battle to keep it out of you own inbox when it's emails, or to stop people cold calling your mobile phone trying to sell you something, its just another (fun) part of hosting a web page. About all that can be done is to report any that you see, and don't click on any links they provide. (meanwhile we will keep deleting it, banning the IP's that it comes from, and talking to the software provider about updated protection options)
  12. Dr. Lin's Anal Breathing seeker says hello

    Hi Bigbook, Welcome to the 'bums Those links from Trunks website (a member here) are probably your best bet, as you said "unfortunately Dr. Lin's webpage is total chaos with over 1000 links and subpages, duh." All the info is "hidden" (or just really hard to find) on his site. I did buy Dr. Lin's CD quite a few years back. It's cheap and MUCH better organised that his website. I like his method and it was effective for me, I have not tried his herbs / supplements. Post another question in the main forum and you should hear from others who have used this method. Looks like it's now called Resonant Excitation of Sexual Orgasms(Book - CD_ROM version for Windows XP), here
  13. What are you listening to?

    Ben Folds performing Not The Same and conducting the crowd It's always about a tree They never are
  14. I don't think it's just from being timid or from lacking conviction. I feel it could have more to do with the lack of return on time invested in some philosophical arguments. As you said -
  15. Energy Awareness Training

    Hi Harry, It's great to hear from you again. It seems are going well.
  16. It's currently on loan to a kung fu friend but I'll check. The 6 out of 10 for a 3 year practice (and I think it was needing several hours practice a day) was ...... scary. IIRC he did outline another practice (or 2) that were more effective, but they needed even more hours of daily practice. (caution- it's been a few years since I've read this book IIRC may not be too correct )
  17. Qigong Sweating (what about it?)

    No worries jaysahnztao If it helps, I sweat buckets (usually hot in Nth Queensland too) Sifu sometimes tells people QiGong will make them sweat. They often look at me so I point out I always sweat a lot, even before I started practicing qigong. But yes, do it right and it can make you sweat, sometimes in different ways.
  18. A Taoist Themed Forum

    True, although contents may differ due to continuous product improvement And thats what we are looking for, improvements along the lines of the recent Tao Teh Ching and Nei-yeh subforums
  19. I loved Jenny's post on the levels of Readiness reminded me of this yes they do feel rather different don't they, Jenny's obviously isn't from an advertorial.... but I do feel they are pointing to the same "issue" and I liked the 1st post so much, and as Jenny is coming to Australia I though I'd go with something other than BTT and then today I though I'd try for a discussion.