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Everything posted by Mal

  1. How Shopping Malls Make You Buy (HUNGRY BEAST)

    Hungry beast is an excellent (Australian) TV show. They have done some really interesting investigations into the current trends in journalism and main stream media If you like it then I also highly recommend The Gruen Transfer another Australian show which examines advertising techniques.
  2. As my Sifu likes to say - The moment you say, "I know", you have stopped learning.
  3. fair question her - concerned about "what to do next year" him - concerned about "why my intent didn't manifest as usual"
  4. Any Bums in Beijing?

    Nice to see YOU _/\_ hope everything is going great
  5. So we have had a few issues recently. And as moderators frankly we have not been able to deal with them as well as we should have. It's a repeat of the usual, it starts with little jabs, slight insults, nothing really that objectionable. We really do try to moderate through non-action. And usually that works well, the general participants smooth it over, difference are settled, people move on. But sometimes things get a bit heated and escalate. Again it's not unexpected, someone said something so someone else takes it further. People start to get angry and follow up. But it gets to a stage where people are only arguing, not discussing, and any attempts to smooth it out are just ignored. Once big arguments are entrenched I do believe that we have stopped respecting our "opponent" As moderators we have discussed and examined a wide range of behaviors and it seems that mostly they boil down to not respecting each others views, hence we feel that this could be helpful Thoughts?
  6. Moderation Policy

    any more comments on - ?
  7. Yi Gong Seminar in Australia

    Interested in meeting up with other Aussie bums but at ~$800 for return flights it might be a bit out of my price range.
  8. BTT because, after 4 years of study, my partner just found out she didn't get the job she really wanted and is, frankly, devastated. Although I think I've already shown her this talk, she is generally resistant to any "help" from me. So... since she only just got the "you were unsuccessful" letter had being up all day trying to finish an assignment is now almost home from her 16 hr double night shift. I'm going to utilize her altered state and see if I can get her to watch this Wish me luck.
  9. Readiness

    (edit: thought of a better way)
  10. I can't italicize words anymore!

    Weird how the "I" button isn't working.... I get a lot of errors at work as we use IE V4 (yes version four ) or something just as ancient Chrome and Firefox usually perform better than IE
  11. I can't italicize words anymore!

    yes we took your privileges away I highlighted that sentence and then pressed the I button the code is {i}sentence I want slanted to one side{/i} with {} replaced with square brackets
  12. Heartmind

    Seems like an error (perhaps from eating too much spam) fixed
  13. Readiness

    (edit : thought of a better way)
  14. Stretching and Mobility

    It seems I'm being pushed towards xing shen zhuang I tried several of my favourite online suppliers to find Resistance Stretching with Dara Torres, no luck so I eventually decided Id have to go with Amazon. Fortunately at the last moment I saw region 1 DVD (which explains why I couldnt find it elsewhere) While I use to use a region free DVD player I no longer have it connected, so Id have to stuff around for a bit to stream it to the TV. While searching Id also noticed it was an App on iTunes. My phone is about 10 years old, but I though Id give that a go on the computer. But I rarely use iTunes so I had to update the software, by the time I got that done, turns out I needed my partners password (as I dont have an account) and she was asleep. So no Resistance Stretching with Dara Torres for me, Ill probably eventually try out the itunes one as its cheap. Then I though Id try out Gift of Tao movement, but that DVD decided to hide itself somewhere So it seems the way to go might be xing shen zhuang Out of interest, my range of movement is increasing while my back pain is subsiding, so Tai Chi is helping. Along with that one massage session, Tai Chi is how I got relief from back pain earlier this year. It seems that Tai Chi isnt enough for maintenance for me, otherwise I wouldnt be running into these issues, but it is able to help heal me. It's not like I require an unusual range of motion for my kung fu so I've never had a lot of motivation to stretch and I'd always prefered to spend any "free" time doing Tai Chi rather than floor exercises. I should probably look into finding a good massage too.
  15. I agree although I feel that the self changes all the time and isn't as "solid/unchanging" as it tries to convince itself i.e. Did you chose to jump over the stick? Or did you naturally and instantaneously avoid the obstacle and then internally talk yourself into believing that "yourself" chose to jump?
  16. basically yes - mediation is what allows you to "Be" and, as I recently read in a book, there are ALWAYS higher levels.
  17. Laozi underlines

    Thanks lienshan I always enjoy reading about your research.
  18. Paradise lost

    I'm afraid Breivik's actions will realize his dream. More Fear, more distrust, more people afraid of "others". "there was no other way. He had tried all possible alternatives.He felt that his actions were gruesome, but necessary," from nobody would take any notice of me, to worldwide news Martin Bryant allegedly told a next door neighbour "I'll do something that will make everyone remember me." (Hopefully non Australians have already forgotten him ) But with a news media that just thrives on bad news and disaster, the "recognition" these people get is disgusting. What can a single person do? Solitary, isolated, and afraid. Except hide? But together... we can love, together... we can shine. Just as darkness is banished by light, hate is transformed through love.
  19. Xing Shen Zhuang Levels 1-3

    Which bits did you practice? Just level 2? I'm still trying to grasp the system levels and suplemental exercises from (although the wall squats DUN QIANG FA are good fun )
  20. Perhaps something is telling you to get an ebook reader MythShrike they are well worth the money, eInk makes a big difference over a computer screen, although I'll plug beBook (super reliable and reads everything) over Kindel's as Kindels use to (or perhaps still only) work in the US I too prefer real books, but it's annoying being able to buy them immediately but still have ot wait 2 weeks for them to arrive. I've had Michaels book for a while, having brought it with the DVD (which I like) but I had never read past the prologue. This is not unusual for me. It's always easy to just skim read a book, but if you pay attention, I feel that some things seem to have a "time" to be read. I noticed this with my favorite MA books. Beyond the Known and Towards the Unknown. The 1st time I got Towards the Unknown it was really just words to me, I was still "getting" through Beyond the Known. Years later Beyond the Known feels familiar (but not fully implemented in my practice) Towards the Unknown still "breaks" from understanding into words when I read it, almost always that the same place in the book but I'm progressing Anyhow your post prompted me to pick up Michaels book, which "coincidently" had made it to the top of my pile. Had never noticed the "if you are bowsing" section before, so I contemplated them, then read the 1st section, the "big" story coincided with it being after midnight (I had intended to go to bed an hour before ) and I now have a slight understanding of why Michaels recommends people don't waste their Qi on moving physical objects. Engrossing story, well told, containing very useful tips. p.s. any movement on the other book Ya Mu ?