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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Xing Shen Zhuang Levels 1-3

    bit of "interference" in part 2 and finally one that has nice natural surroundings
  2. Xing Shen Zhuang Levels 1-3

    BTT So much easier to find when you actually spell it properly any hints on getting started?
  3. Stretching and Mobility

    I have not heard of Yeung Ma Lee, will have to investigate That's the one I remember you and Trunk recommending, my inability to spell made it too hard to find
  4. This board doesn't seem to gray them out, it seems happy to let you try and then to then give an error very helpfull We use a feature called multi topic moderation, but it's global and can't be switched on for just the personal practice forums (which don't usually have a lot of threads)
  5. For the owners of personal practice sections the following options are enabled Can delete others posts Can delete others topics/polls Can open locked topics Can close open topics Can pin topics Can unpin topics Can set topics as visible and invisible Can set posts as visible and invisible Basically only moderators have access to the move and edit functions.
  6. New John Chang Video Surfaces

    Nobody knows if you don't report it, so this is the 1st I've read of your frustration. MPG did reported it, so it's being looked at + MPG has taken his own actions
  7. Moderation Policy

    True, not everyone needs to be friends, or even agree with each other. (Many of the things I strongly believe in are not shared views here on TTB) But as you point out that doesn't mean Exactly besides when we all agree the threads are just boring a-I've found this new method, it's awesome b-Yes, I love it too c-I've been doing it for years, its great. ....silence... a-Yay us?
  8. I've just merged 60 of Kip's threads into The collected works of Blissmusic 10 pages - that's quite an article deci belle, I didn't merge yours yet I'm not sure which threads you want in your Yin Convergence, Alchemy, Chan, etc. catagories
  9. Moderation Policy

    Got a PM with great points so I'll put that into the discussion
  10. Moderation Policy

    Yes as Sean stated in the original insult policy So if you must "attack" do it with respect.
  11. 4 year old blackbelts

    Moved to discussion (might get some more views)
  12. Moderators Stay Out of The Pit !

    Please see forum rules pin and moderation policy thread. The Pit status is causing confusion, that being worked on (got any ideas?) It's current roll of "I don't know how to moderate this without suspending a lot of people so I'll put the entire conversation there" helps us moderate. But I never thought I'd be asked to intervene in something in there. So yes it's really confusing.
  13. Moderators Stay Out of The Pit !

    o.k Scotty, Thanks for your patience. These have really been unprecedented events in regards to moderation and as such they do take quite a bit of discussion. Thank you. Please chose what account and name you would like to use and I will merge them together. Why? Technically it's easier on resources to merge them but that's not really that important (well except for the guy hosting us sorry boss) Multiple accounts (sock puppets) are generally not cool on discussion boards (but as I pointed out Scotty had NEVER used both his accounts at the same time and is NOT a sock puppet) HOWEVER We have had, THIS year, people on this web site posting from multiple accounts to give the impression that there is more support for their argument - That's not on. Changing a username for whatever reason - cool vs I'll just re-join and continue as I want - totally not cool So I'm glad we cleared that up. People may think this is all a song and dance over nothing so I'd just like to finish with this. We have had members who are mentally unstable. We have had members who have threatened to hurt themselves and/or others Sometimes this is just anger, but unfortunately some people really do mean it. Moderators have had to go to the police to report threats of violence. Threatening others makes it impossible to have a meaningful discussion. And to have meaningful discussions and learn from each other IS why we are Tao Bums.
  14. Please change my username

    Yes, I can do the PP section (and I often forget when changing names ) I changed your login (as that sends an email) but as Apech said we can change that to whatever you like. btw you can also log in using you email address in that field.
  15. Introduction

    Hi Path, Nice to see you here Welcome to the 'bums. I hope you have fun here.
  16. Moderators Stay Out of The Pit !

    I can't do that by myself. Ok well I can also do whatever I feel like so I really am saying I won't do that because I've promised not to act by myself anymore. It isn't all about Mal's opinion or Scotty's opinion. The last response I've heard from other moderators was yesterday afternoon. So you will have to wait.
  17. Moderators Stay Out of The Pit !

    Incorrect. I passed your PM onto the other moderators for their opinion. I'm sory that I did not immediatly tell you that and caused your confusion. Why do you think I'm trying to clear this up? It takes 5 seconds to delete your account. Frankly I have more than enough support and reasons to do that right now. Understand that, don't think that I am your enemy. I want to help you. Good, thank you.
  18. Moderators Stay Out of The Pit !

    Scotty, Mate I'm seriously confused. "No harm in that" What the fuck is going on with you? You are the REASON I'm a moderator. Years ago you TOLD me how much you love this place. Do you truly think you have behaved well recently? (off to sleep on it)
  19. Moderators Stay Out of The Pit !

    Well that's really disappointing, especially as we are still deciding what to do.
  20. Is it going to help if I select Serious debilitating problems? I sleep on a futon mattress on slats that raise it off the floor like this Have never "owned" one of those "real beds" and I find them very uncomfortable when staying in motels etc. But sometimes I wonder if the slats cause issues they can spread apart to leave a larger gap, usually right under me ass Fortunately as a child my parents had an old door under the foam mattress of my single bed, so it was always firm.
  21. Moderators Stay Out of The Pit !

    I understand but let me say this. Threats towards other members WILL NOT be tolerated here It's just that simple. but I will expand. Given my own history of moderation decisions consider how strongly I must feel about this to go into an "unmoderated" area and find a ToS rule to enforce. So why are you still posting now? After you were suspended you PM'ed a clarification of your posts, many people may have misunderstood your intention. You also used this account to post an apology to that effect in thread. So why are you not unsuspended now. I want to wait for feedback from the other moderators. As Stig knows that is not immediate and may take some time. I no longer act independently as I did in the past. I am willing to take your word that p.s. it's been obvious for a while to us that Scotty = Center. While we don't like multiple accounts it's not like he was trying to post conversations as different people.
  22. What does "In General" mean to you?

    "In general women act in a certain way", what does this mean to you To me it means "In general women act in a certain way" and I'm NOT trying to be 1/2 smart but I just don't go for the dictionary meaning Latin roots approach to language, preferring instead to derive my meaning from the context of the conversation. So to me the statement could fulfil both options on the poll depending on the conversation.