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Everything posted by Mal

  1. The Nature of Self

    Well spotted Otis Simple Jack it may have been easier to do that if you have posted the comment above, which is much more reasonable than the insulting value judgment of "you didn't get very far huh" Still I'm VERY happy that everyone tried to stay civil, just remember As for try not to fan the flames, thanks.
  2. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    Big bang theory is just full of social manipulations and sterotypes used for comic effect. It's very clever and very well done. I only recently started watching it, catching up the 4 seasons in a few months. Dude, you have 'net access! That's already more than many in the world have. As long as you are breathing everything else can (and will) change.
  3. and it's always a pleasure to hear from you Susan Thanks for sharing.
  4. taoist lovemaking and karezza

    ^ ROTFLMAO loved that "Dan the Man" video
  5. I should also plug How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe: A Novel by Charles Yu it's basically a father-son relationship story, but from the perspective of time travel machine repair technician, also named Charles Yu I REALLY enjoyed it. I'm quite the fan of Charles Yu, his short story collection "Third class super hero" contains some excellent stories. Along with some that did come together quite as well, but you can see him establishing his (unconventional) writing style.
  6. Cloud Atlas sound excellent, I've ordered a copy. Interestingly it was Sales rank: 427 p.s. and thanks Mark Saltveti I do want to read Ursula's works espicially Left Hand of Darkness
  7. Hi Rainbow Basically no. Hence my use of the Tai Chi Wu Ji posture as I've had my Sifu correcting my Tai Chi form for 8 years. While he is no longer in town I will see him a few times a year for corrections. Yep and I'm more than guilty of fucking myself by slouching from office computer to home computer. It's little wonder I have back issues When I woke up today I thought "You know I'll just find a weird poster to hang up at work, have a look at TTB then I'm just going to go and stand for an hour and see what it feels like. Standing time = nothing Net surfin (aka desk slouch) = 3 hours at least its almost time for my lunchtime Tai Chi
  8. G-Day fellow Taobums

    welcome to the 'bums
  9. Perhaps not that helpful as I'm nowhere near that low but since 2008 I only eat one meal a day in the evening, sometimes I'll have fruit during the day if I feel like it. It did take a few months to get use to that eating style but now I have no issues eating nothing all day and then training Tai Chi and Kung fu full on for 2 hours before dinner. (Although currently my back condition has reduct that to 45 min of easy training) anecdotal: My Dai Siging recently tried a really low call diet (same range you are speaking of) to loose weight. He found it very hard to function in his job (driving instructor) or exercise. He went back to a more normal diet within a month. personal: I no longer feel calories is a correct measure of the "energy value" of food (greatly influenced by American science writer Gary Taubes) and I have a hunch that CR is a longevity practice.
  10. I feel that you are trying to help, in your own way, which is why you were not suspended from posting. But your current communication style is rubbing quite a few people the wrong way, which is causing the moderation team to examine your behavior. My Sifu said "You can't help people if they don't want your help" A rough "slap of reality" communication style can be very helpful especially with someone where you have a strong relationship with them. But I don't feel it's a good approach to use on someone who has made... 8 posts. Thanks.
  11. can I get a training log thingy?

    they are. Although the tech support guy can be a bit slack The request previous to your took about a week
  12. Oh no not this thread again It continually causes me to contemplate these bizar fantasies where I have sex for the purpose.... of creating a child! Sometimes I even enjoy these fantasies !!! I must be getting older Since this thread started nowadays I sometimes find myself thinking it would be nice to have a son to teach and guide through life. And to have someone to remember me when I'm gone. But I hear you BeckoningThePneuma. It took us (together 20 years) years to decide to get our cats, and we have only been discussing the possibility of a dog for several years, that might happen soon. But the prospect of my fantasy turning into reality is fortunately a distant.... nightmare Now the fantasy where I find a live in housekeeper who loves - making love, cleaning and looking after children. So that my partner and I can keep our established selfish routines (which we dearly love) without having to sacrifice those freedoms to care for and protect another........ Well you never know
  13. bodyoflight, It seems that you might have missed So to make it clearer / moderating Your post above is NOT the way to interact with your fellow taobums. Compassion is part of most spiritual paths "up the mountain" for a reason, please show some for your fellow travelers
  14. ^ Currently the Tai Chi Wu Ji posture, as my Sifu taught me that. I have played with some sequences (eg Stand Still be Fit) but I don't feel drawn to practicing them yet. I just seem to be wanting a very ... deep stillness ? No doubt I'll get addicted to that one day too I "play" with shaking a few times a week or so but it's not a practice for me yet. My workmates already think I'm a nutcase with the Sun Salutations, Tai Chi, Kung Fu etc but just standing there doing nothing looks even stranger than the above, perhaps I should try some Arabic mantras or shaking too While I have some experience of different seated meditation time frames, ranging from 5 to 80 min. I don't have enough experience with standing to make a judgment there so thanks for the input
  15. you were doing so well. Don't cling to that "p.s" like a bit of floatsum, let the jetsam go Just this
  16. Just Got My TaoBums Subscription

  17. Breathing Practice?

    I'm finding that a bit too, the 3 second breaths are a bit fast for me and feels too, well not exactly like hyperventilation but it's definitely an energizing "up" feeling. Perhaps that's the point? But how I feel when breathing that fast doesn't feels like "70%" or "effortless", slower feels more natural (well now that I've spent years extending my breathing ) But the real reason I resurrected this is does anyone have any ideas of how to get a working 2nd CD of Taoist Breathing for Qigongi and Meditation? My second copy just turned up from Bookdepository and it doesn't play either Fortunately I didn't have to pay postage or send the 1st one back, but I'm not sure what to do now. Not that I'm going to be needing the 2nd CD anytime soon, I expect it will take a few years of practice to start to "get" this one. But I do enjoy popping "Taoist Breathing for Qigong and Meditation" in with my music CD's and just listening to Bruce talk while doing some 1/2 arsed lazy practice So anyone else hear of non playing 2nd CD problems before I email back to customer service?
  18. Just Got My TaoBums Subscription

    Thank You for subscribing _/\_ I see the cool subscriber icon is back too, nice. I've still got till 2012 on my old 2 year subscription ($32)
  19. Hello

    Welcome to the 'bums
  20. Well Australia IS a remote island And I do manage to spend some time away from the computer these days, due in no small part to the hard work that Apech and the other moderators are putting in to keep this place running. I really appreciate it _/\_ (and dare I even say that it is the sign of doing a good job to have threads like this started about you ) And now that I've spent my 45 min of after practice freetime answering tec-support questions, having a quick glance at some ongoing moderation issues, and even managing to reply to one thread! I just need to decide if I'm playing Crysis2, Shift2 or my old favorite inFamous after dinner. But for now it's time to practice breathing ..... island life is fun
  21. Good to hear things are improving S. Just be patient with yourself. I'm still waiting to be able to do Kung Fu properly again (I can't even imagine doing jujitsu ) and at least Tai Chi is starting to feel {mostly} painless. I keep reminding myself it's not about where I was, or where I want to be. It's about just feeling where I am right now and enjoying that (although it would be really nice to hit my friends again )
  22. Yes, Tai Chi can be used to control blood pressure. Lot's of info on the web i.e 4 pages if you google "pressure site:"
  23. Fatigue

    I think finding what works for you, and the process of doing that and going through the options to learn what that feels like for your body, is the best way to go. For me it seems that 20 min of "something" 1st thing in the morning is what benefits me. I've had noticeable effects with Chi Gongs, Tai Chi, standing; but currently as soon as I wake up lying on my side and mediating by observing the breath is working well for me. I don't think there is anything special about the technique, it's just easy to do (as long as I set my alarm 25 min before I need to do anything) and easy and enjoyable is important to me so that I actually practice it