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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Synchronicity:) I read the quoted passage in The Power of Internal Martial Arts and Chi this week. Personally I agree and prefer to be happy
  2. fun killer 1991 @ 17 yrs old via university mainfraims (IIRC) I.e. back when it was Usenet and alt.religion.taoism (who am I kidding, it was alt.magick and ) No way my Amstrad PC1640 was going online even is it was the flash one with the HDD and flopy disk. Can't recall when I eventually got a modem for a PC, but I do know I had a motorola star tac and got a landline put on just so I could run the modem Post more 1st time stories
  3. Overtone singing

    I love the sound and vibration from listening to people who can do this. I always wanted to have a go but have had no luck trying to work out how to do it. Can you recall the website?
  4. El Cheapo tea challenge

    Madura Green Tea bags. Supermarket available, <$5 , quite drinkable. I've started taking these along as a portable option (individually sealed teabag) as most places/restraunts have tea facilities. I also left some at my Mum's so I can have a cup of tea, she worries the loose leaf stuff "looks like something bad" On the other side of El Cheapo pricing I just ordered 2x 2011 King grade Dragon Well from Amazing Green Tea. I have one sealed 2010 left that I can soon compare back to back with the 2011. I thought the 2010 was good enough for the price + I just can't access 1 day of the season tea from anywhere else. Although Postcard Teas Master Luo's Long Jing 2010 is (probably) a better tea, as you would expected from one of the sixteen Grand Firing Masters but it's not 1st day of harvest.
  5. "Unforgiven" Also agree with the suggestion of "American Beauty" alway enjoyable to re-watch Movies that make me physically feel intense emotion "The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover" was so revolted I had to take a break (normally if feels 'just like a movie') also Wolf Creek, very difficult to watch due to the unfeeling cruelty wrt others life. I'm currently emotionally invested in watching all 7 seasons of "The Shield" I can feel my heart rate, breathing and emotions changing with the tension of the story.
  6. Thank you, I've purchased a copy. Will give me something to practice after reading The Power of Internal Martial Arts Given the look of the track listing I feel it will reinforce what I have learnt and practice from KAP. I think I'll encode the cd as an mp3 and stick them on my PSP with my damo's cave meditations
  7. "Rare tibetan yoga practice"

    "The filming of this demanding practice was permitted with great reluctance" - Cue loud crack of real life thunder and we don't get thunderstorms that often here
  8. 254. 250cc is a REALLY BIG motorcycle. (You think moving from a 125cc to a 150cc makes you more macho. here is a superbike for you Honda RVF400
  9. Video Gaming

    Spoilers Well it is repetitive and boring so making you give up is it's goal (I guess) so perhaps you won RyanO I didn't get the homeless person I'm probably too condition into expecting left to right gameplay. But I went to work in my undies also jumped. Got the leaf (not as good as playing flower) But touching the cow was really moving and emotional, especially compared to interacting with my in game wife I was only trying to walk to work Speaking of flower, since I also loved flOw I'm really looking forward to Journy from thatgamecompany "our goal is to make video games communicating deeper and different emotional experiences the current video game market is not ..." Yes, they are also creating expectations and a desire for new product to spend your money on, but I don't really have an issue with commercial models. Actually, while I don't enjoy the saturation hype advertising, I like how games have become more like mainstream entertainment with trailers, upcoming releases, etc. Now we just need an R18+ rating in Australia, unfortunately our government thinks gamers are all 12yo's As if I could have afford high end consoles and flat screen TV's as a kid, let alone a high end PC as an adult
  10. Video Gaming

    and unfortunately for most people the "real world" is this Every day the same dream a browser game that is really quite depressing, but see what you can do I love art that manipulates emotions, makes you consider life
  11. Video Gaming

    I manage to avoid COD since I sux at 1st person shooters, I use to name myself CannonFodder when I played Quake on the PC The good COD players have so much experience on the maps that it's hard for casual players to get past the frustration of playing against them online. But I did enjoy the PS3 online demo of Crysis2 (I think I may be one of the few who didn't have connection issues) since I was playing people who didn't know the map any better than me. I also pick good players and just wingman them, helps keep me alive, and if you get a squad that works together a bit you just own the people who only play as individuals. But the quick replay format is totally addictive and just consumes time. Short matches and that I'll just have another try factor = what it's 2 am already The teamwork of games (online and local co-op) is what's really appealing to me, I play boarderlands a lot currently with my partner. Great fun. One of the xbox guys at work plays COD with his brother and a few old friends that are no longer in town, he said it's cheaper than a phone call to stay in touch and they get to discuss stuff while chatting as they play. As to wasting time in the real world after a day of - meditation, work, taichi, work, kung fu, (then teaching 2x a week) finally dinner; I just enjoy entertainment - TVshows/movies, games, TTB (this one often creeps in earlier in the day ), books, music, whatever. Then it's time to sleep with perhaps a bit of damo's cave before bed I think strict traditionalists would have issues with many if not all of the above forms of entertainment, I recall reading once that listening to music was bad as it distracts the mind (sic) PSN artmgs73
  12. Since Breathing gets mentioned a lot, what would be a good "Bruce Frantzis" resource for breathing (also recalling Pietro's learning to breathe thread from when he went to the seminar - IIRC)
  13. The Taoist / Buddhist Debate

    Yes, it's the people who make different "isms" confrontational, and it's people who make different "isms" complementary. - freedom of choice at it's best (or worst )
  14. A Message from Sifu Jenny Lamb

    _/\_ Japan and Pacific Disaster Appeal 2011 - Red Cross
  15. I liked how he broke up the focus on question "If I could only do one practice exercise what would it be and why?" into General, Martial Arts, Meditation. Really helped me understand why there are so many different areas that get recommended as "essential" Currently for me it seem like more standing practice would be of benefit to my expectations/areas of interest. Also his perspective on "Why become eclectic?" yet also keeping dedicated to a single path to get to the depth of knowledge that comes from experiencing, as opposed to a seminar here and there surface information.
  16. if you want to strike water don't dig 20 wells ten feet deep, dig one well 200 feet deep. This interview is a deep well, Thank you _/\_
  17. Is there a preferred white rice?

    (Preference based only my subjective experience of taste ) Brown long grain with some wild rice, cooked together in a rice cooker, by far my favorite. When the texture/taste of brown clashes with the dish I'm making, Basmati or Jasmin rice I do have a bag of Calrose, but I don't often need sticky rice (my sushi creation skills sux) and I prefer that loose feel of long grains. There is also a medium grain brown rice but I don't like the taste as much as the long grain brown. I do like normal steamed white rice. But since I prefer to cook the above types I tend to only have that at restaurants and I'll usually get a vegetarian dish instead of rice if I going to be eating a bit of food. We have a nice local all you can eat smorgisboard that my parents like to take us to So can I enjoy rice guilt free? Because I often think of that taoist "no grain diet" stuff.
  18. Me to, but it seem like I'm getting riped off on my Tramadol.I need a prescription to get it and I can't get more than 20 capsules at a time so I'm at the doctors every week and a bit. + no cool side effects Congratulations on the upcoming arrival and current situation re medication
  19. Sweet, I never knew that. I would love to hear more about your experiences. My apologies about the poor beginning to this thread. I hope that we can build it into something positive and helpful.
  20. Plus there is a visual manifestation of these powers that can be seen by others "Forum Led By manitou " Learn by playing. Like I sometimes tell people when creating personal practice forums, it's a bit like life, no instructions included p.s. I got a really awesome gimp mask, it came with the job, honest!